
Liberty Kaelen

history tutor; grandmother; class of 2028
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Holly Wand 11" Essence of Phoenix Feather
8/2010 (52)
Libby simply carried on staring out the window after Larissa had left. It started to steam up and she wiped it with her sleeve. Sighing, she turned round and leaned against the wall, and closed her eyes.
Toni was rather bored as she wondered about the school. She knew that the Halloween feast was nearing and her costume wasn't even close to being planned. After she had made such a big deal about dressing up with Beau it was just plain awful that Toni may not dress up at all. Though as she walked about the school, she noticed a girl staring out the window. Libby Toni thought not caring of this girl so much though Toni could never really remember why.

"Hey" Toni said as she leaned up against the wall wondering why the little hufflepuff was in front of the window with her eyes closed.
Libby opened her eyes slightly to the voice she heard. Sighing, she said "Hi Toni." She tried to start over. "You ok?" she asked her.
Toni was a bit surprised that Libby asked if she was ok. Toni was finally ok for the first time in what seemed like so long. "Well I'm not the one standing in front of the window with my eyes closed" Toni said rolling her eyes. "Of coarse I'm fine" She added if the hufflepuff did not quite understand. Though something told Toni Libby was not quite alright. Why should she care? Really Toni didn't too much.

"What's wrong?" Toni asked her voice not concern at all.
Libby sighed. "Umm, this and that" she said very vaguely. Why should she care? She's never paid any attention to me before. She closed her eyes again, crossing her arms over her chest. "Let's just say i'm on my own" she said.
Toni rolled her eyes at how vague Libby was. Though when she said she was one her own a small smirk crossed Toni's face. "oh I get it" She said realizing or at least thinking she realized what was going on. "Your Slytherin friend finally got sick off hanging out with a hufflepuff like you" Toni said still smirking trying to get a face reaction to see how close she was. "Am I right?" She asked still trying to get one reaction or another.
Libby eyes shot open, "What do you mean, like me?" she said. What did she know about them? Libby had only ever talked to Toni once before. She scowled at her before shoving her hands in her pockets and staring at the floor, and began to walk slowly down the corridor.
Toni couldn't help but enjoy the reaction that Libby gave her. "Oh I just meant that most Slytherins would be actually considered friends with Hufflepuffs " She said a small smile on her face as if she was completely innocent. Though as Libby began to walk away Toni wasn't sure if she really wanted to follow. Not that Toni didn't like making more enemies or at least annoying the ones she did have, but still for some reason Toni didn't know how much she was willing to bug the hufflepuff named Libby.

"Just go talk to her" Toni said "She'll forgive you and you know it" Toni said as she continued to lean against the wall. Why Toni had just attempted to give advice, she wasn't sure but she had and that would be as close to being ncie to libby as she got.
"Yeah well, we're not all hypocrites" she said quietly. She had no idea why Toni was bugging her this much. What did she want?

Libby carried on walking but replied. "It's me who needs to forgive her. She was the one who punched me and set my robes on fire!" She thought about what Ti said earlier. "I don't want a friend like her. When she's older..." Libby paused. "No" she said.
"Hypocrites. Are you calling me a hypocrite?" Toni asked her voice not angered just neutral. Though as she explained a bit more about her own situation, Toni coudln't help but let out a small laugh. Covering her mouth for a moment until the laughter died down. "She set your robes on fire" Toni repeated holding back a bit more laughter. Though she was actually sort of surprised at all this. "What did you do to deserve that?" Toni asked thinking that she wouldn't even set someone's robes on fire. Well maybe Jenna but beside that.
"your guess is a good as mine" she said. "fun probably.".

"So what if i am?" she glared at her when she laughed. Toni thought she was so special didn't she. "What makes you so different from me?" she asked her seriously.
Toni shook her head a smile clearly imprinted on her face. She set her robes on fire what good friends Toni thought realizing that maybe she would like this one Slytherin girl. Though Toni knew better. Larrissa or whatever her name was was friends with Hoshi. Already went to the dark side Toni thought though she was brought back into the conversation when Libby begna glaring at her.

"Well you have no right to call me a hypocrite" Toni said, in her mind there was no reason that made her one. Yet the question proposed by Libby made Toni's smile turn into a smirk. "What makes me so different than you? Seriously? Do you want a list?" Toni said her voice not hinting on coldness but still it wasn't the nicest tone.
"And you have no right to make me feel worse than i already am!" her voice was getting louder. She knew Toni was only trying to get at her, and she tried desperatly not to let her. Libby just shook her head, and muttered, "Immature". Not wanting to retaliate she carried on walking.
Hadan silently walked throughout the corridor. She hadn't traveled upon this one much, and decided why not. Halloween was tomorrow, and it would be her fourteenth birthday. She had something to be happy about. Hadan's flashing red eyes went to two first years. Hadan smirked, seeing one as Toni, the one in front of Hadan. Hadan's gaze then went to a hufflepuff first year, just by the looks of her age. Hadan stopped walking to stand behind Toni, at least three feet from her.

Hadan's cold voice rang through the air, although her voice was low. " good to see you." Hadan was dressed in a black cloak, naturally a spooky look. Her hood wasn't on, but she was already dressed for Halloween. However, this wasn't her costume. Hadan nodded at the Hufflepuff girl who seemed upset by something. Hadan cocked her head slightly to the side.
Libbys eyes found the girl who spoke to Toni. She waited to hesr Toni's reply and see if they were friends before carring on. She noticed the girl was looking at her, and nodded back, wondering what it meant.
Toni could only smile as Libby seemed to be getting worked up about all this. Toni's boredom was disappearing slowly though when she heard a voice from behind her, Toni turned about to see Hadan, a girl that Toni had only met once. Though she had the feeling that Hadan didn't care for her too much.

"Oh hey" she said simply not knowing what Hadan would even want. "It's great to see you again as well" Toni said holding back an eye roll that she wanted badly to perform.
Hoshi came from the other direction out of nowhere it seemed. She had taken a passage way. She seemed to be getting to know the school's secrets rather well. She saw Libby and Hadan with Toni? "What are you doing with Libby-chan? Finally decide to take the stick out of your ass?" She asked Toni as a form of a greeting. She was so above saying hello to her. To Hoshi Toni was as meaning less as the girls back home where. She smiled at Haden with her usual goofy cartoon grin.
Libby heard yet another person joining them, and turned to see Hoshi. When she asked what she was doing with her, also very much wanted to know the answer to that. "Yes Toni, what are you trying to do??" she asked, pretending to be very understanding.
Hadan folded her arms across her chest. Hadan's face remained blank, but stern. Hadan stated, "I see you messing with a Hufflepuff. I suggest you leave her alone. If someone is already upset, then it is pretty low to make them even worse." Hadan sounded more like a prefect than anything. She didn't like the fact that someone in her house, the proud house of Slytherin, doing such a low thing. Hadan smiled back at Hoshi, for such a humorous greeting. Hadan smirked, seeing that there was three against one.
Toni was surprised enough to see Hadan show up but now that Hoshi also joined what was before just Libby and Toni, Toni wasn't too fond of the crowd. Though as Hoshi came with her normal way of entering a situation, Toni just rolled her eyes. "This corridor just became way too crowded for my liking" She said flashing Hoshi a very fake smile.

Standing up straight so that she was not was leaning against the wall anymore, Toni was tempted to leave. "Well I was just having a nice conversation but I guess I may not be welcomed anymore" She added wondering if she should just walk away now.

"It was so nice talking to all of you girls. We should totally do this again some time" Toni said as she gave a small wave before walking off down the corridor.
Hoshi smirked and looked at Libby. "Watch this." She whispered. "How's the itch Toni?" She asked as Toni left. She knew that Toni must have washed the powder that was delivered on her skin but the itching powder she used had a tendency to attach it's self to clothes so that it was hard to get out. The only thing that would have made it better was if she had gotten to see blue Beau today. The picture that she had in her head was enough to make her laugh whenever she called it up.
Toni turned her head slightly to look at Hoshi. "You know you are not going to get away with it" She added though her tone only had a hint of coldness to it. She would not show how much that dumb itching powder really had bothered her. She had to watch her uniform at least ten times. It was just an overall pain.

Turning her head once more she began to walk down the corridor not wanting to get in the middle of Hoshi and Hadan. That was just one stupid move that Toni wasn't willing to try right now.
She nodded sarcasticaly, "Yes, and what a pleasant convosation that was as well". She had began to feel slightly better after Hoshi and the girl named Haden had backed her up.

Libby began to smile. She had heard of the tricks she'd played on them. She deserved it. She wondered if Toni knew it had been Hoshi and what trick had been played on Henric.
Hadan approached the Hufflepuff girl, her red eyes a bit more friendly. Hadan informed, "Girls like Toni is what gives us Slytherins a bad name." Hadan smiled a bit more friendly at the girl. Hadan smirked at Hoshi, and then had her gaze on Toni as she walked. A pleasant prank, which was more like a blessing. It brought happiness to those who hated Toni.

Hadan said, "Sounds like Hoshi has already gotten away with it." Hadan glanced at Toni, before the first years in front of her. She nodded, "You'll be fine now. I nodded at you before, to let you know that I, or we, have your back." Hadan laughed softly.

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