Are you brave enough?

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Lola Caracola

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Guess who? Ana!
[Lignum Vitae Wand 16 Essence of Dragons Whisker
Ok Lola has gotten a bit bored of playing muggle sports with some of the others and doing lessons and things like that so she wants to start of club. No just any club though, one that will test the very nature of what it means to be brave.

The Midnight Society is a group of students who at night go out into the woods and build a fire, one who is chosen tells a story, then the group disbands until the following week when someone else tells their stories. They will be going into a clearing that Lola found in the Forbidden Forest. Creatures are welcome to listen because Lola will be making an offering to creatures so they can use the clearing and the teachers can try and stop them once whispers start floating around but right now I need members of the Midnight Society if anyone is interested in joining.
I have Arielle, she's French and really likes telling and listening to stories but she can be quite rude when she first meets somebody. Does that sound okay to you?
I have Siddalee Simon, who's a Gryffindor fifth year. She's brave, not averse to breaking rules (as long as it doesn't hurt anyone), is relatively comfortable in the dark and the forest, and loves storytelling, etc. Can she join?
PS Will we have to get approval for this, given that
a) It's a new club/group
b) They'd be setting fires in the forest.

Just a thought - do you know if this is okay or should it be approved?
Yes to both. We wait for a like three more and then come up with a backstory of how they all met if that's cool with you.

I don't think it would need to get approved simply because it would be an unofficial club, kinda like the DA but not with the level of danger that they where and for fun. Two since they are camp fires and since Siddalee is fifth year I am sure she knows how to make a safe potrtible fire.
A bluebell flame would be suffice to start an extingusihable fire. Even if we just through it in jars. Anyways, I'm in. Been hoping for something fun like this. It reminds me alot of are you afraid of the dark.

Also agree that we should be able to do it without any real approval. It will just look like any other thread.
Zazuka Bones said:
Yes to both. We wait for a like three more and then come up with a backstory of how they all met if that's cool with you.

I don't think it would need to get approved simply because it would be an unofficial club, kinda like the DA but not with the level of danger that they where and for fun. Two since they are camp fires and since Siddalee is fifth year I am sure she knows how to make a safe potrtible fire.
True true. :correct:
Are you able to PM me the first meeting when it's posted please? Also, at the first meeting she would be pretty quiet so her big mouth doesn't offend anybody. I can't wait untill The Midnight Society is up and running! :D
So to deal with the whole... why do we know each other thing. I was thinking why don't we just explain the sort of random group of kids, with a chance invitition. So Lola sent out the Owls with no intended target, they were just released and we are the group of kids who decided to join?

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