šŸŒ¹ Rose Giving are you amory raven? and so on...

Theodore Nightray

daredevil ā€¢ just can't resist ā€¢ cocky
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Interested in Somebody
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Curved 14 Inch Flexible Maple Wand with Manticore Venom Core
Being a delivery boy for roses was perhaps the best idea Theodore has ever had this year. This was literally the school, the world, the universe telling him that this was very much his day. Of course, he'd expected to get a basket-full of flowers - which he did! He just didn't expect there to be a boy somewhere on his list. And he couldn't help but wrinkle his nose at the last name too. Raven. Did he just miss a relative in here somewhere? He'd thought all of the Ravens had moved on Hogwarts New Zealand since there was one tragedy after the other? When he asked little Eury, she didn't seem to know anything but she did point him in the direction of Slytherins. He snorted. Of course it was a Slytherin. What little Eury seemed to forget though, was to actually point out which one was Amory Raven. Or at least described him before she gallivanted to who-knows-where. And so he had to resort to asking every. single. Slytherin on the table. "Are you Amory Raven? No? Lovely," or "Are you Amory Raven? Of course not, here have a croissant," or better yet, "Well hello there, you gorgeous are most definitely not Amory Raven but here have a rose anyway," because of course Theodore had a bunch of roses that were not part of whole event. Because again, what better time than today? He'd just have to keep doing this until he found an Amory Raven. Not that he terribly minded.
Amory was enjoying his breakfast in peace when the chaos of a Gryffindor practically danced his way down the floor close to their house table. What he was not expecting was for the boy to be asking or rather what sounded to be chanting his name at every Slytherin he could see and also flirting his way through. Turning towards the boy Amory cast his cool eyes and spoke out. "You are looking for me? I am Amory and considering your tie and flirting with anything walking on two legs," he quoted his favourite Mr. Grumpy of the week. "You should be Theodore Nightray then?" Well this had been easy, he could easily give the stupid returned roses back now, didn't even have to look himself. Win win.
Theodore must have gone through at least three boys and a couple of girls, not counting his dear Aura, of course, who he happily gave a kiss on the cheek, before the kid named Amory Raven spoke up. "Well! How rude to call label these lovely gents and ladies as anything," he said in mock offense. "Here you go loves," he said as he muttered the spell to conjure flowers - white lilies for an apology - and gave them to the nearby crowd, "I apologize for the lack of manners, he doesn't know any better," and then gave them all a wink before turning his attention back to Amory Raven who was now asking if he was Theodore Nightray. "At your service," he said with an exaggerated bow as if he were a butler. And then handed a red rose and a note with flourish.

Violets are red, Roses are blue, Waitā€”hold on, Thatā€™s not quite true.You're weird and chaotic, But thatā€™s why you shine, Iā€™m lucky to have you as a best friend so fine! - Fe
Amory watched the older Gryffindor boy with his eccentric almost comical actions. Well this Theodore sure was a character. When he finally confirmed to be Theodore and gave Amory a rose, a red one at that, who the hell? Before he could open his rose he pulled the three noteless roses. "Tehse are returns courtesy of your dear cousin Mikael." He said before taking his own rose from the boy and as he opened the note he let out a snort. Of course Felix would send a red rose.
Theo happily took the three red roses from Amory. He had no idea why the returns from Mikael contained three roses since he only sent one. Ahhhh. The rascal. Theo should have known they were more alike than his dear Slytherin cousin was willing to admit. "How thoughtful of him," he said as he put the new roses in his basket. More to give away! "Hey, by the way, who's your dad?" he asked because he has absolutely zero tact and what, a relative is so hard to find these days since nobody really liked his dad all that much after his... adventures with the Nightrays. And they wonder where Theo got it from.
Amory was about to return to his breakfast when he was presented with a question he absolutely was not expecting. Stopping in his tracks both of his brows met his hairline. "How does it concern you who did or did not sire me? Not that I would know, never met him nor my mum so you are out of luck." Why was this Gryffindor prying in on his private matters, he didn't hide the fact he had no parents but seriously this guy had only just met him. "Do you have any more uncomfortable, weird and deeply personal questions or am I free?" He asked with a raised brow.
Rose had seen Theo approaching Amory and had started making her way over to him. People needed a buffer when it came to her cousins, and whilst she might not have been a good one, since she was usually the one who needed the buffer, she wasn't about to leave the boy she likes to the wolves like that. She could only imagine what nonsense he was saying. When she got close enough she kicked him in the leg, and then smacked him on the head before moving to stand beside Amory. She could at least handle the people in her extended family, even if they weren't related to her by blood. "Don't make me tell Daddy," she warned him, though she knew it wouldn't do much to threaten him. She wanted Amory to take her hand, but she didn't know how to tell him that and just kind of hoped he understood the vibe.

GM approved​
Theodore was an absolute bulldozer. And honestly, he could go on with the questions. He had lots. Especially for ones with the last name Raven. He couldn't be blamed really. There were a lot of relatives he'd never met and well, he had a lot of brothers and sisters running amok. He probably would have gone on with the questions if little Rose didn't just kick him and then smack his head. What was up with the abuse?! "But what if he's my brother?!" he cried out as he gestured wildly towards Amory. "And it wouldn't even be that weird," he said and then looked at Amory for one beat. "Well, for us. Probably a little weird for you," he said before he turned back to Rose. "Besides, you know Mum would want to know if Dad had a little spawn that managed to escape her radar especially one with dear Amory's age. And you also know Conan hates Dad!" Honestly the weird feud that exists in the family was legendary.
As rose turned up Amory couldn't help but have heart eyes as she kicked and smacked her was it a cousin? Who knows. He threw his arm around her shoulder as she settled next to him and was about to say something when this godforsaken pain cried out an outrageous accusation. "Not possible, first of all I am way prettier than you second of all you have different last name. As far as I am concerned I have no family and I don't care to find out I have any, not after 13 years at least no." Outright lie, he would like to know if he had family somewhere out there, but he wasn't about to admit it to this loudmouth Gryffindor, or else next thing he knew the whole school would be aware. "What makes you think I am of any relation to you anyways?" Amory couldn't help but ask.

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