Open Are The Theories True?

Marley Owens-Lee

5th 🦡 puff co-captain 🧹 artistic 🎨 energetic 💫
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Knotted 14 Inch Sturdy Maple Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
15 (05/2048)
Marley had been a bit sceptical about the things she had heard about the lake. She had heard from students about some sort of huge eel that swam low in the lake. She heard from others that the eels were really big, but she wasn't fully convinced about it until she saw it herself, which she doubted she'd ever see. Marley stood on the edge of the lake, keeping an eye to see if she could see anything out of the ordinary, though she didn't want to keep her hopes up about it. Marley decided to skip a few of the stones across the lake. She wasn't the greatest stone skipper, as the stones she had been skipping at the moment only skipped a couple of times before it sunk to the bottom of the lake.
Hope had maybe one too many books with her to just be going outside to read - she had four - but it was just in case she got bored of one. The ravenclaw went down to the lake front and spotted a girl skimming stones. Hope quickly (but safely) put the books on some ground where they wouldn't get wet or damaged and then approached. "Can I have a go?"
Dominic was glad to be back for his second year. There were still so many places he had to explore and so many opportunities he had missed during his first year as well. One thing he regretted last year was not spending most of his time outside. He decided with some free time that he had that he would make his way to the lakefront. As he approached it, he was not surprised at all to see Marley there, attempting to throw some stones. A girl Dominic had never seen before was also there, so Dominic decided to introduce himself. "Hey!" he exclaimed, almost skipping his way over. "Are you throwing some rocks? Who is your friend?" he asked Marley before turning to the girl. "My name is Dominic. What's your name?"
As Marley picked up another stone to skip, she noticed someone approaching her and asking her a question. The Hufflepuff smiled. "Sure! Here, you can have this stone and have a go if you want?" Marley said happily to the girl. She looked like she might be a first year as she hadn't seen the girl around before. Before Marley was about to grab her own stone, she heard a familiar voice joining them, whipping her head around to where the voice was coming from. "Hey Dom! Yeah, we are!" Marley said to Dom cheerfully. Though she frowned a little at his last question, before turning towards the girl. "Oh, um- I don't know- I'm sorry, what was your name?"
Hope took the rock when the girl handed it to her. She didn't get to throw it when a boy joined them. He seemed friendly, and Hope waved excitedly at him. It seemed the two people knew each other. "I'm Hope!" Hope said with a wide smile, excited to meet two people. She angled the rock and threw it, giggling excitedly when it bounced three times before sinking.
Dominic beamed as the girl introduced herself as Hope. "It's nice to meet you!" he exclaimed, watching as she then successfully skimmed the rock across the water. He wondered if he could do that himself as it looked very impressive. "Wow, that's so cool! Let's see if I can." He bent down to pick up a rock, practicing first by flicking his wrist before letting go of it into the water. It just landed in there, without a bounce at all, and Dominic just frowned. "You'll have to teach us how to do it." he said to Hope, wondering how she even learnt to do it herself.
Marley smiled happily. "Nice to meet you Hope!" Marley said with a wave. She watched as Hope skipped the rock, and was able to bounce a few times across the water before it dipped into the water. Marley gasped. "Woah! That's so cool!" Marley says, jaw dropped slightly and was amazed by what the girl had done. Marley then went on to skip her own rock, but again it had only managed to skip across the water a couple of times before it dipped into the water. "Awh man," Marley said disappointingly. Marley nodded her head at Dominic's statement. "Oh yeah! For sure!"

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