Are the Swings Magical too?

Vader Hume

class of 2053; nervous; professional photographer
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curved 14" Flexible Spruce Wand with Vampire Blood Core
10/2034 (27)
Vader was still reeling from the letter he had received on his 11th birthday. Him, a wizard. What sort of weird twist was that! Even more so was the fact he'd just spent the morning in a magical town getting the first supplies he would need for the coming year. It was just insane! He was a wizard. The little boy pulled the hood of his jumper over his fluff blonde hair as he escaped his magical escort and headed to the park. He was looking forward to the prospect of a new magical school, of a new place so far from all he'd known. All the stupid kids in his old, or well technically still current school. Would he ever see those people again come September? Truly Vader wished not. The boy had spotted the park on the way in, an empty but interesting park it seemed. He stepped in tentatively, believing that perhaps everything here too would be magical. he didn't know what would be and what wouldn't be. It just seemed a little insane all of the magical things he had seen so far, brooms, potions, it was straight out of an ancient 90s film about magic. He was half expecting to see witches with warts and black cats. Maybe the magical world wasn't all that he'd learned from spouting of non-magical people in movies and comics. Vader with his lack of knowledge about this new world was tentative as he made his way around the park. Everything seemed normal...but he'd learned that didn't mean anything. Eventually he just found some courage and sat himself on a swing, which didn't do anything so maybe that wasn't magical? He pushed it back and forth with his feet, dragging the worn soles on the ground. He didn't want to linger too long in case he couldn't figure his way back, but he was enjoying the seemingly normal, non-magical park. It was surprising though that even in the middle of the day there were just so few kids in it, did magical kids also have primary school?
Were the lectures from her father ever going to end? Of course Pho knew better than to put bubutober pus on the door handles. It was harmless though. Just a joke. Yet here her father was constantly reminding her that she'd done wrong, and that he needed to contact her teacher. H had thought about disallowing her time at brightstone, but in the end he promised she could go, so Pho was there, among the students, bored expression on her pale features. Her freckles cheeks looked like they had never seen sun, and her sapphire orbs were squinted as she made her way to the park. She knew there would be at least one shady tree for her to sit beneath and relax. Pho wondered if Dittany would also join her here, but she hadn't particularly talked to the blonde about it. The ginger girl slowed as she neared the non crowded park. Her eyes had been on the swings for a second, but she was tentative when a boy took one of the two options. She didn't recognize him but did that mean anything? She could just sit on the swing next to him. "Oi... is this swing taken?" She asked upon approach, looking at the swing rather than the boy.
Vader glanced up from where he was lightly swinging, a girl was approaching him and asking about the swing next to him. It was a silly question, of course it wasn't taken, there was no one else really in their age range apart from them. But the girl looked familiar to him, familiar in a way that he couldn't think was possible, this was a new world, no one here knew who he was, or what his school friends thought of him and his name. The girl was a little older than him, he could guess, but maybe not, since she was out and about in the middle of the day like he was. "Yeah," he replied sarcastically, looking between the empty swing and the girl. His tone was heavily laced with sarcasm, a roll of his eyes accompanying what he was saying, as he had watched other adults do both on tv, video games and in real life. After all, he was still achieving in his mind the perfect tone where others would always understand that he was being sarcastic. He was trying it out, people in school with him, didn't particularly like the new sarcasm which Vader was developing, but they didn't like anything about him, so they were always a bad audience for it. He didn't make any further motion either towards the girl or the swing, though looked expectantly between the two, waiting to see if she would sit or not.
Asphodel looked at the face of the boy bye looked like someone she knew - maybe it was her cousin Dakota? No Dakota was much older and chubbier than this boy. Pho listened to the boy's answer, and furrowed her ginger brows. So he had an attitude. Well if she saw him at Hogwarts she'd have to cover him in bubotober puss. The ginger took a seat on the swing anyways, next to the boy whom looked to familiar, and dug the ties of her shoes into the ground slightly. "Don't have to be so sarcastic. Maybe you had a friend coming back." The British woman explained before turnin her die eyes on him again. "Do I know you from somewhere?" The student asked. If she was wrong then she was wrong - but she had met a lot of children and never forgotten a face. Asphodel was inclined to believe for these reasons she knew this sarcastic, swinging boy.
Vader glanced about the place, he hadn't even considered that he could hold a swing for a friend, but it wasn't like Vader had had any friends before to hold the swing for, and he certainly wouldn't have done it for his siblings. But, they would've just been the type to wait patiently or take Vader's swing if they asked nice enough. He just shook his head at this girl, "Well, I haven't got any friends, so by all means just sit then," he replied repeating the sarcastic tone, though he wouldn't mind if she did sit down, if she did take the swing, and nothing about what he was saying wasn't true. he wouldn't mind if this oddly familiar person took a seat next to him. Perhaps the girl could sense that too since she asked as much. Vader looked at the girl, really looked at her, glancing from the hair, to the eyes, to the clothes, "I don't know how you could, I found out about magic like three days ago," he replied, for once not opting for a sarcastic tone, but just a incredulously one, that someone in this new magical world could possibly know who he was. "Plus, I go to school in New Zealand, and you obviously don't," He then added, since her accent wasn't from around these parts, possibly an english accent, and she therefore couldn't go to school in New Zealand, or had never been to school in New Zealand. There had only been one foreign girl in his primary school, and she'd gone off to secondary school the year before, and this girl couldn't be that girl.
Asphodel looked strangely at the boy. Did he want her to sit with him or not. The ginger looked around to see if he had any friends or family in the area. "Did you just learn sarcasm or are you always like this?" She asked, but it didn't deter her from swinging her feet slightly. She wondered if he really didn't have any friends, it would explain his social inelegance. Pho looked to the side as he spoke again. "Ah, muggle born then? I'mma mixed so I knew I'd have it but I spent most of my time around muggles." She spoke, trying to remember if her mother was muggle or mixed. It pained the blue eyed child to not truly remember her mother's status. She'd never met her though so could she be blamed? Stopping her swing she looked at the younger boy, he wasn't a student yet, judging by his words. I go to Hogwarts New Zealand right now. But my second primary school was in New Zealand. And my dad taught at orphanages in the area." She offered information. She wasn't shy about talking about her previous expulsion, she didn't view what happened as her fault. "what school did you go to?" She asked on the off chance she knew the school. She doubted it really though.
The boy shrugged at her, "Why would you care?" he replied, not wanting to get into where he had picked up sarcasm or how he hadn't quite figured out if he'd mastered it properly. Certainly it wasn't like this girl would care much, or at all. He also didn't understand what she meant by muggle born, he was born yes, but what on earth was a muggle? Why hadn't anyone taken the time to explain any of the odd terms to him yet. Surely that was day one, here are all the new terms you need to know to hold a conversation with another wizard. "What does it matter what I am or what you are? Mixed or muggleborn," he could figure from context that likely muggleborn had something to do with his entrance into the magical world, but he didn't see why it mattered how a person ended up in the magical world, either by family or not. This girl mentioned the school he would be attending come September, and he realised then that she was a year older than him, and that she'd been involved in the muggle world, he assumed that meant the world without magic, the one he had only known until a few days before. "I go to King Edward Primary School or I guess I did, I don't think I need to stay if I'm going to a magical school in September," he said, tentatively saying the name of the school, since he didn't want to remember that place and though he doubted that this girl would know it, maybe she was that girl that had been in the year above him, with the british accent. Vader would much rather leave such a place behind, forever, forget entirely about it and all the people within it. It really only occurred to him then that he didn't need to go back, his parents would surely make him go back but at the very least he now had limited time to deal with those people at the school.
What was this kids trauma? The ginger had half a mind to leave but instead she pushed on. She was used to children with bad attitudes. As it turned out not all orphans sang songs about having a hard knock life. "Because I'm trying to make a friend." She answered sinply, looking back ahead at two older students that passed by, bags full of things in their hands. Pho wondered how lon she actually had freedom from her father and when he would come and ground her for dashing away from him and that dumb, potions professor. "It doesn't always matter." Asphodel explained. "But there are some people who care, they'll pick on you just because of it. Doesn't make you any less good at magic though, and doesn't make them any better." She said, explaining away prejudice and wondering if it would be easier if he'd just found out on his own. Might have rid him of his obnoxious attitude. At his next words Asphodel finally turned to him. "Small f***in' world." She remarked. "I did too. I don't really recognize you though... probably because you're younger than me." She remarked. "Are you excited to leave the school?" She inquired, not thinking back hard enough to know she should have remembered the boy. "Oh! Might help if you know my name right? I'm Asphodel. Everyone calls me Pho though."
Vader frowned at her, he wasn't really used to people trying to be his friend. It was a little odd, why would she want to be his friend, of all people, but he was the only person around so maybe that was it. The boy looked at her even more so as she explained that apparently the status did bother some, maybe it was better for him to learn about that now rather than when he was at the school and had given someone else some reason to bully him. Now he could just try to pretend he wasn't. Or try his best to rise above it. Vader's expression changed to one of complete surprise. They had gone to the same school. She had been the girl in the year above him, a popular girl if he remembered rightly. His gaze fixed on her, and grew into understanding when she said her name, there was no forgetting a name like hers. But she had been a part of it. it was no surprise that she didn't recognise him, all her cronies and so-called friends hadn't be great to him. Vader hadn't ever managed to make a friend, and hadn't had an occasion where others in his year or the year above him had picked on him. "Okay Pho," there was a sarcastic emphasis on the name as he said it, "I'm Vader Hume, and I'd like you to go away now," he told her firmly, figuring that maybe she would know his name, but he didn't hang out with her. He didn't want any part of his old life bleeding into this new life that he would be able to make.
Asphodel watched the face turn to a frown. Did she look like she was a bad friend? Perhaps it was because of the rips in her jeans and the graphic band tee. She wondered if he didn't like gingers. She'd heard enough of those jokes to last her a lifetime. The way he said her name made her wrinkle her nose and his next remark dropped her jaw. At first she had no reaction. At first she couldn't quite understand why Vader told her to go away. "Wait. Aren't you the kid everyone followed behind singing that old movie song. The death march or something?" She asked, trying to remember. She had never done so herself, but many of the girls she'd made nice with had done so. "Why should I go away? I was trying to be nice to you?" She asked, no malice in her voice. Instead her overly large blue eyes were confused, and her tone held an emotion that was much the same. How was she supposed to know he thought poorly of her for what he'd been through. After all she wasn't directly responsible.
Vader didn't want to be this girl's friend, not before and not now. The boy didn't care if she was trying to be nice now. She hadn't been kind to him before, and certainly this wouldn't last now. Someone else deciding to be mean to him, would one again bring her to let it happen again. The boy shook his head at what she said, not because she was wrong, in fact he hated that this girl knew that aspect of him, knew about that part of his life, he was new to the magical world, but they hopefully won't know what his name meant, what jokes could be made of it. He shook his head at her, "Because I asked you to," he said to her with a sarcastic tone, knowing that she wouldn't actually listen to him. He didn't care that she was being nice now. She had let her friends be horrible to him, she had never once said anything about it, tried to stop it. But NOW she wanted to be his friend. "Thanks for being so nice to me at school too, I really appreciate everything you didn't do then when you weren't interested in being nice to me," the boy's tone was as sarcastic as he could make it. He was avoiding her gaze, hoping that his continued tone with her would encourage her to leave him alone like he had asked her too. He really just had the worst luck to have ended up here, and going to a magical school with someone who knew who he was.
Asphodel tried hard to think of her time in the second primary school she had gone to. It was the least memorable, other than the blonde girl whom had taken her under her wing. Given her temporary tattoos that had nearly made her father flip his lid because she'd lied and said it was real. The pre-teen eyed Vader, still confused and taken aback by the way he was acting toward her. Her swing was no longer moving, and was planted in the ground with her face turned completely toward him. Her eyes bored into the side of his head as he wouldn't look up at her. "I don't get it..." the British girl said with confusion and almost hurt in her tone. "I never said a word to you in school? Why are you mad at me for what other people did?" Not once did she raise her voice, her semi-flat tone with no inflection except what her British accent lent to her. The girl looked at the ground. Trying hard to wrack her brain for why he would be so mad at her for something she didn't participate in.
Vader frowned at the girl, clearly she didn't understand why he could be annoyed at the fact she did nothing. After all, it would seem almost wrong to be annoyed at someone when it wasn't them who'd actually done something, but the people who had had been her friends. He shook his head, getting up off the swing. He wasn't going to deal with this right now. Nope. He wasn't. He didn't have to deal with this. This was supposed to be a good day for him. He wasn't supposed to run into anyone from his school. He wasn't supposed to end up having to deal with this. This was supposed to be a happy day for him. The boy ran a hand through the messy, unruly blonde hair, "They were your friends right?" he said, "You never once tried to stop your friends from making fun of me. So yeah, I'm mad at you," Vader dropped the sarcastic tone, he met the girl's gaze. He held it for a moment, but it was clear he wanted to leave. He didn't want to stick around, "Bye Pho, I hope to not see you around," his sarcastic tone had returned as he spoke. Giving a little half hearted wave as he walked away from her heading out of the park. He had to hope he didn't run into her again at hogwarts. He didn't want anyone to know about his old life, and he didn't want his old life creeping in on the new one he was planning to carve out for himself.

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