Arabella Lebeau

Arabella Lebeau

Active Member
12 1/2 in., Holly wood, Dragon Heartstring core, flexible


Full Name: Arabella Nagendra Lebeau
Nickname: Bell or Beau (Only used by her parents)
Reason or meaning of name: Arabella is of Latin origin meaning "answered prayer." Nagendra is of Hindi origin meaning "snake." Lebeau is of French origin meaning "handsome or beautiful."
Current Age: 12
Gender: Female
Wand appearance: 12 1/2 in., holly wood, Dragon Heartstring core, flexible.
Birthplace: Franche-Comté, France
Birthdate: October 23, 2025


Height: 4' 12" (Currently)
Hair: Frizzy Brown hair
Eyes: Pale Green eyes
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Thoughts on Blood Status: She could care less.


Sinister: She's that kind of person that can pull off a sly smile. A smile that looks like she's up to something. The same one her father had.
Confident: Arabella will always act confident whether she actually is or isn't. You never know.
Tease: She will tease all of those she likes, mostly girls though.

Merlin; Python Regius



Favourite Colour: Turquoise
Least favourite colour: Neon pink
Literature: Mostly fantasy like Lord of the Rings.
Most Prized Possession: Her father's ring

Optimist or pessimist?: Realist
Introvert or extrovert?: Introvert
Daredevil or cautious?: Daredevil
Stubborn or flexible?: Stubborn
Logical or emotional?: Emotional mostly
Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat?: Disorderly and messy
Prefers working or relaxing?: Relaxing
Confident or unsure?: Confident.
Animal lover?: She will only love Merlin.

Plays a musical instrument?: A little bit of piano
Plays a sport?: Quidditch
How would Arabella spend a rainy day: Snuggling with Merlin and listening to the soft pattering of rain mixed with her music.
Quirks: twirls her hair when she's thinking
Likes: Dancing, reading, music, poetry, Merlin, singing
Dislikes: stupidity, people who dislike her music,
Fears: Becoming her father

School: She went to HNZ for a year, but moved back to France to attend Beaxbatons
Best Class: Transfiguration
Worst Class: Defence Against The Dark Arts
Bogart: Aurors
Your Patronus:A Fox- Clever, discreet and sneaky when necessary, a fox uses his cunning and wit to his advantage. Like a fox, you are very intelligent and are particularly street smart. You tend to keep your guard up, but you do let your guard down when you are around those you trust.
Patronus Memory: Adopting Merlin

Amortentia: The smell of a new wand, her mothers perfume.
Favourite weather and season: The rains in Autumn
Favourite food and drink: Coffee is her favourite drink and her favourite food is crab. (not together though)

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