Apparition Lesson Two

Irene Finch

Head of the Dept of Magical Transportation
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Knotted 14 Inch Rigid Spruce Wand with Doxy Wing Core
Irene stood at the front of the hall, her hands clasped in front of her, waiting for the sixth years to enter for their next lesson. Today, she planned to have the students begin practicing right away since there wasn’t much time before they would be taking their exam. She didn’t really expect anything too much from them as this would be the first time that any of them made an attempt to apparate, but she was hopeful that one or two of them might surprise her.

“Welcome back. I won’t waste too much time this week” Irene began with a smile and her blue eyes twinkling. Pulling out her wand from her robe, Irene gave it a small flourish and a wooden hoop appeared in front of each student. “Ok. Be sure to give yourself plenty of space. ” There certainly was plenty since the great hall was meant to accommodate the entire school and she had only a small portion of the student body in front of her.

She looked around at the students faces, some of which looked alarmed while others look excited. She hoped that by the end of the lesson they would all be excited. “And, don’t forget the three D’s. Destination. Determination. Deliberation.” she sang happily. “I’ll be walking around in case any of you get splinched” Irene began, wondering how many of the students knew the term. She hoped that there wouldn’t be a live example for the class to see, but knew that there was always one person who rushed and ended up leaving a portion of themselves behind. “Not that I expect any of you to” she added hastily, “but just in case. You’ll have nothing to worry about if you concentrate.”

Irene clapped her hands together twice. “Get started” she said excitedly and waited for them to begin.

You know the drill. Rp the lesson. I would like to try and make this more interactive, so I will be posting every so often as well.
Excitement should have been the feeling contained within Rukevra Vanderzuk. But it wasn't. Nerves had once again taken over, as the second Apparation lesson made its way closer and closer. The minutes ticked past quickly, as if laughing at him; taunting him; driving the butterflies further into the pit of his stomach with each click of their hands. His palms where sweating as he moved through the castle. Why. He couldn't work that out, but he knew he wasn't going to have any success today. If they where expected to apparate anywhere, Ruki could only think about Splinching himself. The image of him leaving a limb behind danced across the back of his eyes. Shaking his head violently, the sixth year stepped into the Great Hall. Once again, the tables had been moved to the sides. Wiping his hands against his jeans, the Gryffindor staked his space on the floor; and attempted to calm his head. Breathing deeply, and with his eyes closed, Ruki stood for several minutes; drowning out the hustle of fellow sixth years making their way into the hall.

With little hesitation however, Miss Finch began to introduce the course for the afternoon. Opening his eyes, the young wizard took in her presence; and gave her his attention. Watching as the woman removed her wand, Ruki re-directed his eyes to the floor in front of him as a hoop appeared. Not sure what it was for, the sixth year looked up-wards once again. The woman was still rather attractive to look at, which was causing Ruki a little difficulty in concentrating. but then, so where the butterflies still flying around his stomach. Listening to Miss Finch's words, the Gryffindor re-called the three D's he had been running through his head for most of the previous week. "Destination; Determination; Deliberation.". His feeble concentration was harshly interrupted when Splinching was mentioned. Flicking his gaze back towards the Ministry official, Ruki once again began to picture himself losing vital body parts. The woman's next few words where not really a comfort to him. It was difficult for him to concentrate on the most basic of things. Apparating; this was going to need everything he had. Hearing the claps, and the invitation to begin, Ruki sighed heavily. All he could do was stare at the hoop.

Interactiveness. :woot:
Andy yawned as she entered the great hall not quite so eager this week to begin this class. She had the three D's recited and etched on the back of her brain for good measure but still they meant very little to her. Of course she had read up as much as possible but her heart wasn't in it at all. Again she stopped just short of Ruki, her house mate, team mate and basic school mate and attempted to feign interest in what the woman said this time around.

She seemed to be succeeding a lot better especially when Ms Finch mentioned splinching. Andy had finally got a body that had no garish scars on it, plenty of thin slivery ones that were fading every year but the grotesque ones were healed now. The thought of splinching and causing herself damage anew did not appeal to her.
"The 3 D's huh?" she muttered to no one in particular staring at the hoop before her. Bending down she picked it up and placed it over her until it was down over her hips. Swaying mildly she began to hola hoop but when she thought the woman was looking she let it drop to the ground again.
"Best give this apparation a go then" she didn't sound overly confident but that never usually stopped her.
After a few minutes, Irene realized that most of the students were doing nothing but staring at their hoops. With a small smile that clearly showed her amusement at their lack of movement, Irene rolled up her sleeves a bit. "Some people find it easier to try apparating by doing a little spin as they concentrate on where they'd like to go. It makes it easier to apparate if you're already in motion." She shrugged. By now, she had been apparating so long that she could do it both still and while moving.

She figured that demonstrating what she meant might help them even more. Crossing one foot over the other, Irene allowed herself to twist slightly as she concentrated on the hoop of a redhead girl. In a second, she had apparated. Stepping backward out of the girl's hoop, Irene glanced at the student's to see if they'd been watching. "Ok...your turns now."
Several minutes fused together, as the young wizard remained stationary within the Great Hall. His mind just wouldn't focus on him 'popping' into the hoop. Breathing steadily, Ruki closed his eyes in an attempt to focus; but was interrupted slightly by Miss Finch. Turning his attention towards her, the sixth year listened to what she was saying. Performing a spin before Apparating seemed ridiculous, but it if was easier; then he may as well give it a try. Watching the small demonstration from the woman, Ruki ran her movements through his mind. She was flawless. Turning to spot her stepping out of Andromeda's hoop, the young wizard smiled slightly. He hadn't realised his friend was there.

As Miss Finch once again invited the group to try, Ruki thought for a second; before calling for her assistance. "Miss Finch.", the young wizard gave a polite bow. "Could I seek a moment of your time?". If his house-mate had received a small amount of personal tuition, he wanted some too.

You can Apparate into my hoop any time. xD
Amzurah gazed about her at the students seemingly just staring at their hoops as if they would find the skill to apparate inside them. She huffed silently to herself and watched closely as the woman who was teaching them did a demonstration. The boy Rukevra seemed a little too eager to get the older womans attention which greatly repulsed Zura who visibly and exaggeratedly shivered with contempt at this before turning back to her own hoop.

She concentrated with all her might, after all she was bloody brilliant with a wand surely apparating couldn't be that hard. She turned just as the woman had shown them and focused on her deliberation. Unfortunately when she did apparate she screamed loudly. She had apparated alright, to the side of the hoop while her pinky from her right hand fell to the ground inside the hoop. There was a lot of blood and though she was not the squeamish sort this was even too much for her and she fainted on the spot.
Irene turned her head, her blue eyes seeking the source of the voice who had just called her name. Finding it to be the sixth year boy standing right beside the redhead, a soft smile crossed Irene's face. He had been one of the ones she had seen simply staring at his hoop, which had prompted her advice. Taking a step toward him, Irene nodded her head once. "Of course. What can I he--" Irene began, but the rest of her words were cut off when she heard a scream in the room.

Her head whipped around towards the source of the noise almost as if she had been expecting it to happen to someone. Finding the splinching victim, Irene muttered a curse under her breath as the girl dropped into a faint. As she quickly made her way to the girl, Irene pulled her wand out. "Don't worry...she'll be fine" she said, trying to reassure the student's who she was sure were probably scared. She didn't know how many of them knew about splinchings, but knowing about them and actually witnessing one were two very different things.

Kneeling down beside the girl, Irene scanned the floor around her and finally spotted the part of her body that had been splinched. Using her wand, Irene levitated the pinkie and re-attached it to the girl. Once that was done, Irene pointed her wand at the sixth year. "Rennervate" she mumbled to bring the girl out of unconsciousness. "You were just splinched" she began in a soft voice, "I've already re-attached your pinkie, but if you'd like to go to the nurse..." She trailed off, leaving the decision to the girl. There was still a small pool of blood on the floor, but one quick flick of her wand vanished it away.

Standing up again, Irene held out her hand to help the girl up. She glanced around at the students, wondering how many of them were ready to give apparition another try today. "That was obviously a splinching...though I must admit that her attempt was quite impressive." She smiled at the girl again, not wanting her to be embarassed by the splinching. It happened to some of the best wizards. "Now that that excitement is over...let's get back to practicing everyone."

xD Down boy... :p
Smiling as the woman agreed to spare him a moment, Ruki allowed her to speak before asking for advice. Her words where cut short however, as a scream erupted through-out the Great Hall. Turning his head, Ruki spotted what looked to be the new girl, fall to the floor. Blood was seeping from her hand. "Oh great.", the young wizard felt even worse for his own attempts now. Watching Miss Finch handle the situation never settled the sixth year. Yes, he could have his body parts re-attached; but he was rather partial to not losing them in the first place. The only thing he could think of was an arm flopping around where he once been stood. The Ministry official instructed the group about what they had just witnessed, but Ruki still felt as if he would never even manage half of what that girl had done. With the indication to begin practising again, the sixth year turned back towards his hoop; giving a slight glance towards Andromeda. In any other situation, he would have been laughing.

As today was not a day or laughing at mis-fortunes, but instead a day for concentrating, Ruki attempted to do just that. "Destination; Determination; Deliberation.", he spoke aloud. "Destination; Determination; Deliberation.". Shaking his hands to loosen himself up, the young wizard proceeded to focus on appearing in-side the hoop; as he clumsily spun on his left foot. He wasn't a person full of poise, so it wouldn't have looked like the neatest rotation ever performed. Coming to a stop, Ruki was facing the hoop once more. It hadn't worked. "Destination hoop. Determined. You are determined. Deliberation. What the hell is..", Ruki muttered as he once again spun; coming to rest as before. "Focus Ruki. And stop talking to yourself.", his final word was pushed from his lungs as the young wizard once more moved into a spin. His mind was no longer on Splinching, but instead focused on him entering the hoop. As with most other magic, not much was happening.

xD .. Damn you Linda! =))
Andy rolled her eyes as Ruki called the professor, she expected him to start drooling at any moment but couldn't fault him really. She was as bad sometimes when she was attending Charms class, Professor Lloyd simply was way too much of a distraction it was a wonder any of the girls got their spells right. She was just grateful that he had never taught potions, though some of the professors that had gone through that class had nearly caused her to require a renervate incantation.

About to perform the apparition she fumed at the sound of a scream and turning her head swiftly she almost went dizzy from the sight and smell of the blood. Andy wasn't squeamish at all but she became instantly ravenous. The full moon had passed of course by about two days but still the worst of the effects stayed with her only dulled by the wolfsbane. She wasn't ever likely to change but things like her senses remained piqued considerably. Unable to stop herself she crouched down on her haunches looking at the girl as if she were positively a feast. The blood was driving her crazy, licking her lips she groaned as the teacher went and fixed the girl up and cleaned up the area. Andy made it look as if she were merely moving the hoop a fraction while she tried to calm the pulsating racing through her. Her eyes had dilated ferociously making them appear more wolf like, the amber bright and glinting with danger.

Deep breaths as she tried to desperately now to control the urges that had hit her hard and finally when she did think she could behave normally she stood again to make another attempt at the apparition.
Irene was not discouraged by the fact that none of the students had successfully apparated yet. She knew it would take time. Unfortunately, they did not have much of that left, not for today anyway. "We're just about out of time everyone. You can have more one go if you'd like or else you're free to go." She had a feeling she knew which option this bunch would choose.

Pulling out her wand so she could magic away the hoops once they'd all gone, Irene added, "Oh! Don't forget that the enchantment on this room will be put back into effect in a few minutes. Next week will be the last lesson before the exam so I'd advise coming on time." She looked around to see their reaction to this news and wondered if they'd realized how close their exam was.
After Ms. Finch spoke Andy looked at the hoop once more and sighed. This surely couldn't be as difficult as it looked but it had to be. She had seen Amzurah perform really tricky spells effectively before and knew the girl was a good witch, so really wasn't too surprised that she had gotten as far as she had. Andy just had to do it without getting splinched was all. With the 3 D's firmly placed in her head, she concentrated like never before. Using the spinning technique that the teacher had shown them Andromeda apparated from her position. She felt the rush and spin pulling her through as if into another dimension and then suddenly she stopped and looked about her. Standing inside the hoop she was about to cheer for herself when a sudden overwhelming wave of nausea hit her hard and she slumped to the floor within the hoop. While down there she checked for splinched parts and was relieved to find none at all. It took her a moment more to recover enough to stand up straight again, though she still felt ridiculously shaky.
Another spin resulted in another failed Apparation attempt. The more he spun, the dizzier Ruki became. The longer he spent trying to Apparate, the less he would achieve the desired result. Giving it one more try, before deciding to just sit in the hoop, Ruki pictured himself firmly in the middle of the plastic ring; and spun once more. As he came to a stop, the young wizard looked up-wards at the sound of Miss Finch's voice. Time had run out, and the sixth year was still on the wrong side of his hoop. Feeling slightly hard-done-by, the young wizard agreed to call an end to the lesson. He now understood the motion behind it, but would have to see if a book in the Library held anything on the theory side.

Giving the hoop one final glance, Ruki told himself he would manage it in the following week. He needed this ability. Turning, the young wizard made his way out of the Great Hall. A nice sit down in the Common Room was required.

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