Apparition Lesson Three

Irene Finch

Head of the Dept of Magical Transportation
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Knotted 14 Inch Rigid Spruce Wand with Doxy Wing Core
Irene sat in a chair in the front of the room, waiting for the students to arrive. Last week’s lesson had gone about as expected, which is to say that it was just short of disaster. The splinching of that one student had been one of the more bloody splinchings she could recall in recent memory and she feared that it had done little for the other students’ morale. Overall, there was still a lot of work for the students to do, but they weren’t without hope. She hoped that before the end of today, at least one of the students would succeed in apparating, especially since this would be the last practice they would have before the exam took place.

As the last student arrived, Irene smiled brightly and stood up. She figured that they had seen enough of the hoops in the last lesson and had come up with a different and more difficult task for them to accomplish. “Hello. Today, we will resume practicing” she began with a smile. “I am hopeful that those of you who weren’t able to apparate last week will do so this week. Next week will be your exam and it will take place in Brightstone Village. Your test will require you to be accurate when you apparate, so today I’d like everyone to line up beside me.” Irene gestured for the students to begin lining up next to her.

By now, she knew that the students must know the three D’s, so she didn’t feel it was worth repeating. “Alright…I’d like you all to attempt apparating from this end of the Great Hall to that end” she said, pointing to the doors of the Great Hall. Glancing at all the students beside her, she only hoped there would be fewer splinchings today. “You can begin whenever you’re ready. Good luck” she said to the student who was first in line.


You can practice attempting to apparate one by one. As indicated, the exam will be taking place in Brightstone and should be up by Friday... or Saturday :erm: , which will give you about a week to post in that. Feel free to have your student practice in this lesson as many times as they want. I’ll be posting as often as I am able.
Entering the Great Hall Andy didn't feel quite so bad this week about the class, she had managed the week before to apparate but had felt extremely weak for quite some time afterwards, extremely dizzy and somewhat nauseous. She hoped that this week would be different that after succeeding at it once, she would be able to do it again.

Greeting Ms. Finch she settled herself on one of the benches to listen to what they'd be doing today. There were no hoops which was great but what did that mean instead? Soon it was explained to them all and Andy turned and walked to the end of the hall with everyone else. Once there she sighed, the 3 D's were becoming the bane of her life. Afraid that the distance would be too great now, she sighed. This was crazy, she had already done this so could definitely do it again. Part of her worried that she would go too far and end up apparating outside the hall and splinch herself entirely. Concentrate, just concentrate she told herself.

It took some time for her to relax and focus her mind and then repeating the exact motions of the week before Andromeda with serious determination etched on her pale face took a step forward, turned around on that spot and suddenly she was gone. Appearing a yard away from the other wall at the far end of the hall, she did a quick check of her person to make sure she was all there. Then she stood completely still waiting for the bout of nausea to assail her as it had the week before but there was nothing. The shock and joy seemed to mingle together and she stood panting for a moment to regain some equilibrium.
Irene was glancing around the room wondering who would go first. She crossed her arms to watch the redheaded girl, who had actually succeeded in apparating at the end of last week's lesson. It had been quite a good attempt last week and she was interested to see if the girl would be able to apparate right away or if she would need some time to do so. She watched as the girl seemed to be concentrating deeply and then spun and was no longer in the spot.

Looking towards the entranceway, Irene saw the girl standing there, looking shaken. She began to clap for her, happy that at least one student seemed to have gotten the hang of it. "Excellent job!" she called out across the hall so that the girl could hear her. "Take a few deep breaths and try again" she urged as she turned her attention back to the other students to see who would try next.
Andy could not help but smile as Ms. Finch congratulated her. She still waited incase the bout of nausea would overwhelm her or the dizziness would but when neither did, she smiled again and exhaled deeply. Ready to try again. Andromeda was nothing if not an adrenaline junkie and this had so far been the most fun she had in ages.

Deciding a different approach was needed now considering she knew she could do it, Andy wondered if she could run into an apparation. She had seen others doing it of course but they were all at it for years, maybe running was being a bit too eager. So she settled for walking at a swift pace instead. On the third step her body turned just a fraction but with that fraction she disappeared once again from view and reapparated right between two of the other students at the far end of the hall.
"Boo" she smirked standing with her hands held out for just a moment to see if there were any head rushes, fainting spells or anything else. Her confidence in her ability allowed her no fear of splinching either. She felt great and seriously couldn't wait to try it again.
Having spent several hours of the week in the Library, Ruki felt he understood the level of concentration required to Apparate correctly. He knew he wouldn't be capable of covering large distances, but to start small always allowed a person to head in the right direction. Dropping his bag at the dormitory, the sixth year made his way back through the castle; and down to the Great Hall. This was the final week of Apparation lessons before the examination would take place. Arriving at the hall, Ruki made his way inside; spotting a small handful of students already there. Making his way towards the group, the young wizard noticed a lack of hoops; as he also caught sight of Miss Finch sat at the front of the hall, seemingly awaiting everyone's arrival. After a few minutes past, the Ministry official rose to her feet; and began addressing the students. Ruki was ready to resume practising, and felt himself that he would likely be much more successful than the previous week. Continuing to listen to the woman, the sixth year looked towards her, slightly puzzled, when she requestion everyone to line up. Still not seeing any hoops, Ruki began to feel something different was in order. Slowly moving forwards, the Gryffindor joined everyone else as they attempted to form a simple line. At Miss Finch's words, Ruki felt his stomach drop. Apparating to the opposite end of the hall was certainly going to be a challenge.

Standing with the other sixth years, Ruki allowed his gaze to fall upon the large set of doors at the opposite end of the hall. Running the three D's through his mind, the young wizard began to picture himself stood beside them. His mind was focused on the task ahead of him, and no longer on splinching himself. As he awaited a turn, Ruki continued to tell himself he could Apparate. With his self-confidence building taking place, Ruki kept half of his attention on the students who where taking their turns to vanish from one spot; and arrive at another. Hearing Miss Finch speak, the young wizard looked about momentarily; spotting Andromeda at the other end of the Great Hall. Well, if she was capable of completing the task, surely he could be too. Watching his friend disappear, Ruki felt he would have to perform just as well; otherwise she would be rubbing it in that she could Apparate and he couldn't.

With the line of students decreasing in length, as more and more where either completing the task; or moving to the side, Ruki realised his turn was up. Fixing his eyes onto the area beside the doors once more, the sixth year took a step forward with determination. He wanted to arrive at those doors. His want, and what happened, however, where two separate items. Ruki was still on the original side of the hall. Shaking his right hand, and clenching his fingers into a fist, the young wizard turned around to have another attempt; when he was suddenly faced with a set of large wooden doors. Shocked at the sight of them, the Gryffindor stumbled forwards slightly; placing his hands out in front of him to avoid hitting his head. Touching the wood, Ruki froze for a second; before casting a look behind him. A slow grin began to creep across his face. He had managed to Apparate. How, he didn't know. But he had. Looking down at himself, the young wizard checked for any signs of dangling body pieces; and grinned even more so when he saw there was non. He had successfully managed to complete the task, and simply felt like cheering. Turning back to face the group, the young wizard wondered if he should try again.
As students began to apparate here and there, Irene breathed a sigh of relief. Things were finally coming together for the students. Now that they were getting the hang of it, Irene could finally admit to herself that she had been a bit worried for some of them. She still was in fact, and her eyes fell onto one of them. It was the boy who she had been about to assist in the previous lesson before his classmate had gone and gotten herself splinched.

Staying silent, Irene simply observed the boy and watched as something finally clicked and he did it. "Excellent job! she called from across the way as she gave the boy a wink and turned her attention back to the other students who were having another go at apparating.

Couldn't help it... ;)
Before he could focus on Apparating a second time, Ruki heard Miss Finch congratulate him on his success. Looking towards her, a huge grin still up-on his face, the young wizard caught her wink; before she turned to assist the rest of the group again. His stomach jumped slightly, as the sixth year watched the woman for a moment; a minor chill running through his veins.

Now that he had gotten over the initial excitement of completing the task, Ruki felt relieved that he had managed to pull it off. If he could do the same during the examination in the following week, the young wizard knew he would be free to go anywhere. Taking a deep breath, Ruki set to walking back across the hall; picturing himself arriving swiftly at the opposite end. Determined to reach it, the Gryffindor gave a little skip to his step; and once again felt pressure against him. Squeezing through the un-known for a second time, Ruki appeared, rather pleased, at the front of the Great Hall. Everything was going well so far.

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