Apparition Lesson One

Irene Finch

Head of the Dept of Magical Transportation
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Knotted 14 Inch Rigid Spruce Wand with Doxy Wing Core
Irene stood at the front of the room, wearing her ministry robes. She smiled as the students filed into the Great Hall. She was pleased to see that the house tables had already been pushed off to the side, leving plenty of room for the students to gather for their lesson. The school had been extremely accommodating in providing her with space to prepare their students for the exam they would have to take in order to earn a wizarding license.

As the last sixth year entered, Irene patted down her robe and began. “Hello everyone. My name is Irene Finch and I’m her e on behalf of the Department of Magical Transportation to prepare you for your apparition exam.” Irene took a few steps and continued. “Your headmaster has been kind enough to lift the enchantment placed on this room so that you will be able to practice apparating within these walls for the duration of our lessons.”

Smiling at a girl who looked rather nervous, Irene continued to lecture. “In order to apparate successfully, you must focus on the three Ds: Destination. Determination. Deliberation.” She pronounced each word slowly and loudly so that even the students standing in the back could hear her. “First, you must choose your destination. Next, you will focus your determination and once you feel you are ready…” With a small step, Irene apparated to the back of the Great Hall and continued speaking, “you must move with deliberation like so.”

Apparating back to the front, Irene considered allowing the students to make an attempt today, but realized that there wasn’t enough time. “I think that will be all for today. Don’t forget the 3 Ds and I will see you all next week.” She smiled briefly, but then her face turned serious again as she remembered something she had nearly forgotten to tell the students. In a warning tone, she told them “And, just as a reminder... the moment you step out of this room, the enchantment will be put back in place until next week. It would be very unwise to consider apparating anywhere on the school grounds until then.”

Please rp the lesson. Nothing fancy is necessary, but remember that these lessons are so that your student can earn a license. This is just the first of only three lessons before the exam takes place during the Brightstone weekend.
It hadn't occurred to Ruki that he would shortly be learning to Apparate. He knew he was now of age, and that opened him up completely to the world of magic; which was something he was excited about. Apparating would be something that required determination, and a lot of focus. With his difficulty in learning new things, Ruki began to feel rather useless as he made his way into the Great Hall. The house tables had been moved to the sides in order to accommodate the handful of sixth years. His stomach was performing a variety of somersaults; his head was focused upon failure; and his heart wasn't even in the hall. Picking a spot on the floor, Ruki made his way to it; and took in the woman at the front. She looked rather young, and fairly attractive. Trying to focus on swallowing his nerves, the young wizard took his gaze away from the ministry official. He was having enough trouble with the girls at school looking great. The last thing he needed was to swoon over someone he would possibly never see again.

After some time standing idly in the hall, several stragglers arrived; which prompted the woman at the front of the room to begin speaking. Returning his attention to her, Ruki listened to what she was saying. The course was going to be difficult, especially for him, but he had seen his parents Apparate thousands of times. At hearing the enchantments on the hall had been lifted, Ruki quickly took a look around him; feeling a little more nervous. It was likely his father was still out to get him for the promise he had made some time ago, and the thought of him appearing in the hall sent a shiver through the young wizards spine. His thoughts where interrupted as the Ministry worker continued with her lecture. Taking in her words, Ruki began to repeat the necessary steps aloud. "Destination; Determination; Deliberation.". Taking a deep breath, the sixth year committed the words to memory. Or rather, hoped he could. With Miss Finch continuing, Ruki honoured her by listening once more. Choosing his destination was something he would need to work on. He had little idea where he wanted to go. Determination would tie in to his confidence. If he felt he could not perform the task, then he wouldn't succeed. With-out much warning, the woman had apparated from the front of the hall; her voice appearing at the back instead. Turning around, Ruki heard what she was saying; but barely understood what she meant.

As she apparated back to the front, Ruki began to feel hopeless. She could pull off the effect effortlessly. He would most likely dream of the day he could do the same. Apparate elsewhere with little care. Take Patricia, or even Lola, somewhere nice for the day. Ruki's stomach turned slightly. He would have to put the effort in to keep up with the two of them. He could see Patricia taunting him after gaining her own licence; apparating around him in circles. Or possibly Andromeda. Smiling as he shook his head, the young wizard pushed all thoughts out of his head; as the end of the course introduction was called. Determined to perform well the following week, Ruki promised himself he would focus on the three D's over the days ahead. Hearing the slight warning, Ruki chuckled slightly. She wouldn't have to worry about him too much. He was rather happy to not have to perform an Apparation today.
Andromeda Fiorelli had been looking forward to the apparation lesson, it was one of the few things that she was actually looking forward too. Entering the great hall to find others already there before her, she moved over to stand along side Ruki to listen to the woman who had come to teach them. She had heard all the tall tales and the splinching stories from the boys and seriously hoped nothing like that happened to her. Wanting to desperately pay attention she kicked herself moments later when she discovered her thoughts had gone once again to Crispin and she hadn't heard a single word the woman had said.

This was ruddy typical of late and still she put off writing the crucial letter to him. Trying harder to concentrate she picked up on the three D's Destination. Determination. Deliberation, but seriously didn't know what she was suppose to do with them as her train of thought went off on another tangent. It seemed like she stood there intrigued and interested in every word the woman said when truthfully not a single syllable passed her ears. It was only when one of her classmates nudged her did she realize that everyone was actually leaving the hall and that the class was done.

Nodding her head in thanks she gathered her stuff and walked out with the rest of the students. Knowing she'd have to try to find a book in the library regarding apparation or she'd have to hassle Aries or Fenton about it. Whatever she chose to do, she would seriously have to pay closer attention in class the following week.
She entered the apparation class none too pleased with how the year was turning out, the school year at least not the actual year itself. She had just finished sending a letter off to her mother begging her to reconsider Durmstrang, while also sending letters to her friends there berating Hogwarts and letting them know how utterly miserable she was here. As it was she was barely getting any studying done at all she felt so morbid most of the time.

She had never found it so difficult to make friends before and gazing across the hall to where her room mate stood, she wondered if things would turn around for her if she offered some sort of olive branch to the girl. Zura had watched enough to know that the girl seemed to be well liked about the school, though she seriously couldn't figure out why for the life of her. With this thought in mind she turned her gaze to the teacher and concentrated all her efforts on paying attention in class. Befriending the stranger than strange Andromeda Fiorelli would have to wait until a more appropriate time.

Listening to the 3 D's she rattled them off in her head until she was convinced she had them down to a tee but disappointment soon hit when she realized that there would be no apparating today. The class soon over she grabbed up her things again, still repeating the 3 D's to herself and vowed that the following week she'd be one of the very first to apparate.

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