Apparition Lesson #2

Irene Finch

Head of the Dept of Magical Transportation
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Knotted 14 Inch Rigid Spruce Wand with Doxy Wing Core
Irene entered the castle, her navy heels clicking along the floor as she made her way to the Great Hall, glad to see that her request to have the tables moved had been granted. The students would need space for what was planned today since this would be their first attempts at apparating. She wasn't expecting them to do particularly well.

"Come in, Come in" she urged them forward impatiently. "Space yourselves out...there's plenty of room" she stated with a sigh as they remained bunched together. Once they were finished rearranging themselves, Irene gave her wand a small flourish and a large wooden hoop appeared in front of each student.

As she looked around at the student's faces, Irene's expression remained stern as usual. Her blue eyes stared at each student for the briefest of moments, making judgments about their ability to succeed at the task before them. She had been doing this long enough that she was rarely wrong."Alright. Can someone remind us of the three Ds?" she pointed to a student and nodded. " Correct. Destination. Determination. Deliberation" she stated clearly. "And, if you feel as if you're suddenly being pulled through a tube, don't worry. It means you're doing something right." She winked before looking around the room, wondering if any of them were familiar with the sensation from side-along apparition. It was definitely something to get used to and any of the students who had never done it were in for a huge surprise.

"I'll be walking around in case any of you get splinched and I've asked one of the nurses to join us as well" Irene began, nodding to the woman who was seated in the back corner of the room reading a magazine. Irene knew that there was always that one kid that couldn't be bothered to concentrate. She looked around wondering who that person would be today.

"Whenever you're ready" she added. She didn't expect them to do anything much for at least the first little while. Irene allowed the students a few moments before she began pacing around the group,stopping to offer a suggestion here and there and demonstrating when she needed to.
Rp the lesson. Have fun with it! It is ok to not succeed today. You'll still get full credit so long as you RP!

If you plan on splinching yourself, please PM me first.
Aaren entered the Great Hall for her second apparition class. She was looking forward to finally be able to apparate, but she was extremely nervous too. She wasn't a quick learner, and more often than not, she had to practice really hard before she's able to perfect a spell. Lately, she was beginning to understand her lessons more quickly, but even with the newly found confidence in herself, she didn't trust herself to perform this new task at hand well. Apparition was already hard enough even for those who are extremely talented. She wasn't extremely talented, this would be really hard. She wouldn't be that nervous if they had been allowed to practice even outside of the class, but they weren't, and thus, though excited to finally learn how to apparate by herself, a part of her still feared that she would mess everything up.

To distract herself from her worries, the Gryffindor tried to engage some of her classmates in a conversation. But even that didn't help much. After all, she wasn't the only one nervous about this thing. Soon, the woman from ministry addressed them. This was it. She had to do really well. She couldn't botch this up, that would be disastrous. She took a few steps to the right like the woman instructed and looked down at the large wooden hoop in front of her. Are they supposed to apprate inside the hoop? Looking at it, it didn't look that hard considering the distance, but she knew better than to hope that she would get this right on the first try. Apparition was a tricky thing. She shook her head in an attempt to get rid of the negative thoughts. Thinking that she would fail would not do. By worrying too much, she would increase the likelihood of her failing to concentrate and thus failing to do the task at hand. She raised her hand when their professor raised a question. "Destination, determination, and deliberation." She answered primly. She nodded as their professor continued speaking. She had experienced side-along apparition before, and thus she was pretty familiar with the feeling.

Hearing about the possibility of being splinched only increased the Prefect's nervousness. She glanced at the nurse sitting at the back corner of the room, well at least there's someone to help her should she injure herself while apparating. But hopefully, she wouldn't need to use the nurse' help.

The Gryffindor took a deep breath a she stared at the wooden hoop in front of her. "Determination, destination, wait that isn't right," She muttered. Her thoughts were a mess. Just earlier, she was able to recite the 3D's perfectly, yet why was it that she couldn't even remember their right order when she needed to? "Concentrate Aaren, concentrate." She reminded herself. She probably looked crazy talking to herself like that, but she didn't really care. She was trying really hard to concentrate and thus even small distractions like thinking about other's opinions of her wasn't welcomed. "What's the order again? I'm about to go insane here." She knew that she shouldn't complain, but as she looked around the room and saw several of her classmates inside their hoops already, she couldn't help but feel a little frustrated. What will Liam say at a time like this? He'll call me stupid that's for sure. She thought. How did Killua pass this class? Perhaps she should ask for an advice or two the next time they meet. She shook her head upon realizing that she was merely wasting time by worrying too much. She couldn't think clearly because she was too afraid of splinching herself and failing. Now where was the girl who use to face any challenge that was thrown her way? She couldn't be like this. Her mother would laugh at her for being such a coward. What am I so afraid of? I need to stop worrying. It's not like I'm new with the concept of failing. Stop stressing too much Aaren She mentally told herself, her wand tightly clutched in her hand. "Stop thinking too much" She closed her eyes, willing herself to concentrate. Thinking wasn't really her strong point, the thing that made her go this far was her determination. Destination. She pictured the wooden hoop in her mind, trying to come up with a clear picture of her destination. Determination. Deliberation. She opened her eyes to see that she hadn't even move an inch from her previous position. That didn't come as a surprise. No wonder she didn't feel that familiar feeling of being pulled through a tube. Contrary to what she had expected though, she didn't feel as frustrated earlier. Perhaps it was because she had finally let herself enjoy the class rather than stress about it. She glanced at her classmates, she was among the minority who was yet to move from their spot. "Now focus. I'll be fine." She tried to repeat the same process, going over the 3d's in her mind. This time around, she felt herself being pushed through a rather tight tube but it came too much as a surprise that she lost concentration halfway. She panicked for a bit as she help up her hands, making sure that she still had all her fingers. It was great that she didn't splinch herself. "Well that was close," A hint of a smile began forming on her face as she realize that she as finally making some progress. "Let's try this again." She closed her eyes again and soon, she once again felt the feeling of being pulled through a tube, this time around though, she was ready. It wasn't a pleasant feeling but that was soon forgotten as soon as she opened her eyes and saw that she was standing inside the wooden hoop. Unable to contain her happiness, she cheered louder that she had intended, but she didn't care. The huge smile was still on her face even as their professor had dismissed their class.​
'Could you stop repeating that stupid chant?' a voice yelled through the bathroom at Mandalyn as she was brushing her teeth. She was preparing for her second lesson in apparation. That morning she woke up saying the three d's of the class. It was sort of theraputic to her, but she was sure if any of the other girls in the dorm had to hear it again, they may go nuts. She was respectful and stopped saying it out loud, but that didn't mean she was going to stop saying it forever. In her head it came out over and over again. The blonde finished with her morning routine, and brought nothing else down with her as the professor had suggested to her. She wouldn't want any extra burdens. She didn't wear her robe down the stairs either, as she worried it would only get in the way. As soon as she exited the common room, forgetting to wait for Dexter, she once again began saying the three words to live by in this class, under her breath.

As soon as she entered the room she was on the opposite side from anyone else. Mandalyn had never felt such aniety. She needed to calm down. She knew that if Dexter were there that he would find some way to make her calm down. She took deep breaths and kept reminding herself that she would do this, and that it wasn't going to be the end of the world if she failed. After all, they had a nurse there if she had a minor splinch. What was the worst that could happen. Mandalyn focused on silencing a little voice in the back of her mind that said death, and instead focused on the task at hand. Her hands shook and she closed her eyes. "destination, determination, deliberation." It was her one two three count. She repeated it in her mind a few more times before feeling read. "Okay." She pushed herself to think hard on where she wanted to be. No where near another student, there - that pillar. She concentrated on it. "I will make it there." She spoke as confidently as she could manage. For a few minutes she couldn't get to it, she couldn't move. Nothing pushed her. Some students were already successful around her, but she refused to lose hope in this. She was determined to come out on top. "C'mon magic, do your thing." She said eagerly, now wanting mroe than anything to be able to complete this. If she did better than the worst in this instance, it might be enough to be proud of. For a moment she felt odd, tingling, so she concentrated harder. There is was, the feeling of being shoved forward, the exhilaration. Mandalyn made it to the pillar she had stared at, but this wasn't over. "Okay body, now just ten more times, and we can go."
Sage had really been more excited for this than she had been for just about everything else this semester, or really this year. She was so happy to finally be able to learn and be able to apparate. It would be just be amazing. She knew that it would be useful and good. Now, she was getting ready to go. Having put on the uniform and then gotten her wand. She was sure that she'd be fine. Of course the Slytherin prefect was pretty nervous about things. She didn't know what she would do if she couldn't apparate, or didn't manage it in the lesson, and really the Slytherin did not want to think about what would happen if she splinched herself. She didn't think that would happen, because Sage believed that she was a good witch but perhaps this would be pretty difficult. She shook her head and then walked to the Great Hall, where most people were already standing. Sage was growing increasingly nervous as the minutes passed, she just wanted this lesson over with so that she could do it. And so that she could leave having at least partially learned it. The slytherin smiled slightly and then focused. She looked in front of her at where the professor stood. Hopefully that woman wouldn't talk for long and they'd be able to get started.

Sage glanced happily at the woman as she began speaking, not bothering to raise her hand to answer the question knowing that someone else would. Then once that was done, the lesson was essentially handed over to them. Which made Sage smile. She was more than ready to do this. "Destination, determination, deliberation" she thought to herself. Focusing her mind on those three things and then what she wanted to do. The girl had her own little space and was focusing her mind on what she wanted. Which was just to move. She imagined it in her head. Focusing and focusing. It felt pointless. Like no matter how hard she tried she just wasn't feeling the pull or whatever that would get her to where she wanted to be. It felt like nothing was happening, like she was standing pointlessly in the hall. Then there was a tug, a pulling, a strange feeling. She focused harder and then she felt like she was being pulled through a tube and suddenly it stopped. She opened her eyes and inspected her body. Nothing seemed missing, aside from perhaps her lunch which now felt like it was quickly rising. She didn't feel too good at all. But after a few moments that feeling passed and she felt better. With all the strangeness passed she tried again. Going back to her original spot. Which took much less time and after which she felt far less nauseous. Sage was able to practice a couple more times before being able to do it with ease, and despite always feeling a little sick it always passed. The class was brought to a close and Sage left with a bright smile on her face.

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