Apparation Lesson Two

Irene Finch

Head of the Dept of Magical Transportation
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Knotted 14 Inch Rigid Spruce Wand with Doxy Wing Core
Irene stood at the front of the hall, her hands clasped in front of her ministry robes on her growing belly, waiting for the sixth years to enter for their next lesson. Today, she planned to have the students begin practicing right away since there really wasn't much time at all before they would be taking their exam. She didn't really expect anything too much from them as this would be the first time that any of them made an attempt to apparate, but she had the feeling that one or two of them might surprise her. The group that she had taught last year had proven to be quite talented in apparating, and she wondered whether this group would be just as good.

"Welcome back. I won't waste too much of your time as I know you are all eager to begin" Irene began with a tight smile and her blue eyes attempting to appear friendly. She wasn't in a particularly good mood as the constant movement in her stomach had kept her up most of the night. Pulling out her wand from her robe, Irene stifled a yawn before she gave it a small flourish and a wooden hoop appeared in front of each student. "Ok. Space yourselves out." There certainly was plenty of room since the Great Hall was meant to accommodate the entire school and she had only a small portion of the student body in front of her.

She looked around at the students' faces, some of which looked alarmed while others look excited. "Alright. Don't forget the three D's that we discussed last week. Destination. Determination. Deliberation" she sang. "And, if you feel as if you’re suddenly being pulled through a tube, don't worry. It means you're doing something right." She looked around the room, wondering if any of them were familiar with the sensation from side-along apparition. It was definitely something to get used to and any of the students who had never done it were in for a huge surprise. "I'll be walking around in case any of you get splinched" Irene began, wondering how many of the students knew the term. She hoped that there wouldn't be a live example for the class to see because with this pregnancy she had found herself becoming queasy over things she'd never gotten nauseous over before. It was rather annoying actually. And Irene knew that there was always one person who rushed and ended up leaving a portion of themselves behind. "Not that I expect any of you to" she added hastily as she noticed a few horrified looks from the group, "but just in case. You'll have nothing to worry about if you concentrate."

Irene nodded her head and waited a moment to see if anyone would realize that it was time for them to begin. "Whenever you're ready" she added a beat later. She didn't expect them to do anything much for at least the first little while. Wanting nothing more than to sit in a nice comfy chair, Irene crossed her arms and stood at the front of the room, the baby in her belly moving around as if she too were excited to see whether the students would be successful. Her hand moved to her belly and rubbed gently as she watched over the students.

Rp the lesson. Have fun with it :)
Jessica couldn't help the butterflies that fluttered around in her stomach as she walked into the Great Hall and nodded in acknowledgement to the woman. She was the first one to enter the hall, and stood near the woman, her arms hanging loosely by her side, and gazing straight forward to make it seem that she was confident about attempting to apparate for the first time when in reality she was terrified out of her wits. It wouldn't do good for people to see that she, a Slytherin was nervous, especially ever since first year she had created the facade that she was one of the typical Slytherins that didn't have any weaknesses and believed in pure-blood supremacy. So she stood there silently when everyone else entered the hall.

Once everyone else had entered the hall, the woman, Irene her name was, began speaking, reminding them of the three D's. Jessica had already memorised them, but she still listened to the woman speak. She didn't want to make a fool of herself by accidentally splinching in front of everyone. That wouldn't be good for her reputation. In fact, she wanted to see someone else splinch, preferably someone not from her house, but perhaps Gryffindor so she could tease them later about it.

When the lady continued going on about what apparating was going to be like, and how if they felt like they were being pulled through a tube, Jessica couldn't help but smirk slightly. She had side-apparated before with her friends parents when she stayed at their house before instead of being at home by herself. That was why she always loved it when one of her 'friends', more acquaintances invited her to stay at their house during the holidays. When Irene continued going on, Jessica rolled her eyes when she heard the term 'splinched' and the horrified gasps and looks that came as a result of it. Honestly, they were all wimps if they were afraid of splinching, they would be repaired instantly, and they only were splinched if they made a mistake. Besides, she heard that it didn't hurt that much, physically. It would just hurt their social reputation if they splinched in front of everyone.

When Irene said that they were allowed to begin, Jessica moved backwards toward the back of the hall, her cruel brown eyes gazing around the hall to see who would jump head-first into it. Most likely Gryffindors. A smirk appeared on her face as someone did jump straight into it, but unfortunately he wasn't splinched, nothing happened to him. She shook her head in disappointment, and focused on her own attempt to apparate. There was a reason that she moved to the back, and that was so no one could see if she failed at first.

'Okay.' She thought to herself. It was time for her to remember and put the three D's into practice. 'Destination. Determination. Deliberation.' She took a deep breath, and focused on the destination where she wanted to be, slightly to the left of where she was now. She wanted to make it an easy goal to reach before making it harder and harder. She took another deep breath and felt determined about making it, and then she deliberated about being there over and over again. With another deep breath, she spun on the spot and waited expectantly and breathlessly. Nothing. She was still standing in the exact same spot after spinning a full circle.

She quickly squashed the disappointed feeling, she was sure no one else had gotten it on their first go, but she had hoped that she could. So then she tried again. Nothing. Again. Still nothing. After half a dozen goes, she took another deep breath and tried again, spinning once more on the spot, imagining her standing in the spot where she was going to be, and with a loud crack she found herself there. 'I did it.' She whispered to herself proud. She glanced up to see if anyone else had noticed her do it, but she didn't see anyone staring at her, they were all too busy focusing on their own apparations.

There was still a long time left until the end of the lesson, so Jessica was going to use every single minute of it, until she had apparation down pat so she would pass her test on her first go. She wasn't going to be like her father who failed on his first go. After she passed the test, she could visit him in Azkaban whenever she wanted, and really make him proud of her like she had always dreamed.
Riley arrived in the Great Hall just in time by some kind of miracle it seemed as that morning she had overslept, and had to quickly grab her belongings and wand and run straight down to the Ground floor. Puffing as she arrived, the seventeen year old patted down her hair, which she hadn't had time to brush, and dumped her bag down on the floor. It was the same woman teaching them again for her second apparation lesson, so the Hufflepuff managed to tune in to what she was saying and follow her instructions and space out from the other sixth years. It was quite an exciting thought for Riley that she would be apparating for the first time today, though also quite a scary one. Biting down on her lip, the blonde smiled towards Irene and listened carefully. The woman was heavily pregnant and seemed relieved to take a seat. Riley closed her eyes and concentrated all of her attention on the task at hand. Destination. Deliberation, no, Determination. Deliberation. She recited to herself, she was getting a little flustered and had to take a deep breath and concentrate again. Her eyes were squeezed tightly, but nothing happened. It took at least three tries for the frustrated girl to finally get it. But when she did it was the most accomplished feeling she had ever felt. With a loud crack she had arrived in the place she had imagined so hard in her head. With a stupid grin on her face, Riley knew she had done it, and she wanted to do it again and again.

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