Apparation Lesson #3

Irene Finch

Head of the Dept of Magical Transportation
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Knotted 14 Inch Rigid Spruce Wand with Doxy Wing Core
Irene Finch stood in the front of the room, her ministry robes neatly pressed and hair hanging perfectly, waiting for the students to arrive. Today, she was in a fairly good mood and wore a natural smile on her face. The last lesson had gone about how she expected it would. Sure, some of the students were having a bit of trouble with their aim, but she was just grateful that some had succeeded in apparating. Usually, by this point, she would have more students still unable to apparate. The students weren't without hope though and that was what mattered most. She hoped that before the end of today all of the students would succeed in apparating directly to their target, especially since this would be the last practice they would have before the exam took place at the end of the semester.

As the last student arrived, Irene waited a moment for them to gather closer and then spoke. "Hello. Today, we will resume practicing" she began, her face growing more serious. "I am hopeful that those of you who weren't able to apparate last week will do so this week. The next time we meet will be your exam and you will only get one shot to succeed or fail. Your test will require you to be accurate when you apparate, so today, I'd like everyone to line up beside me." Irene gestured for the students to begin lining up next to her.

By now, she knew that the students must know the three D's, so she didn't feel it was worth repeating. If they didn't, that was their problem. "Alright...I'd like you all to attempt apparating from this end of the Great Hall to that end" she said, pointing towards the doors of the Great Hall.

"The X marks the spot" she added, knowing that if they really looked over to the other end, they would notice an X etched onto the floor with magic. Glancing at all the students beside her, she only hoped there would be few splinchings today. "You can begin whenever you're ready" she said to the student who was first in line.
You can practice attempting to apparate one by one.
Ostensia walked into the Great Hall again. This week she was a little bit more nervous to practice than she had been for last week. Simply because she knew they were probably going to be doing more Apparating. Last week Ostensia had been able to do it, but for some reason she never wound up in the right place. So she was halfway there. 'I need to get this right today!' Ostensia thought to herself worriedly. She told Damian that she would be okay doing this and that she was going to Apparate to his house at the first chance she got. But in order to do that she had to learn to get this right. Others stood in the hall just as quiet at ever. It was funny how much the group of them had grown apart over the long years they had all been at Hogwarts. Ostensia could barely remember some people. Which was sad in her eyes. Ostensia waited patiently for her sister to arrive as well. The Hufflepuff Prefect felt a hundred times better about her sister being around. Not only did it spark her competitive side, it also brought out her desire to do better and show her sister that magic wasn't just her thing. The sister's easily were able to distinguish despite being twins. They did look different but by personality too. Isabella was the one that was always really good at school. Ostensia on the other hand was the one that was good at things like making friends and stuff. But it wasn't like Osa lacked good abilities in school. Isabella was just better. Ostensia listened to the woman say that they were going to be Apparating across the Great Hall today. Oh boy. Ostensia nearly gulped. There was a large X etched onto the floor with magic. That was where she needed to get to.

Each one had a chance to go and Apparate. So far a lot of them were actually doing pretty well at it. But Ostensia hoped she wouldn't be the first to mess up. Over and over again she repeated the three D's in her head. Hoping that somehow they would help her do something. When it cam time for her turn Ostensia released a breath. Well here went nothing. Destination. Determination. Deliberation. Destination, Ostensia wanted to get to where that red X was on the other side of the room. Determination. Ostensia mentally told herself that scared or not that's where she needed to be. Some way or another she was going to Apparate herself onto that spot. She had to. No wait, she was going to! Finally there was the last and final D. Ostensia closed her eyes and felt the familiar feeling of being pulled through a tube. When she opened them again her blue eyes glanced down to see she had made it over to the X! "Yay!" Ostensia cheered. For some reason today she did so much better. Perhaps that was because she stopped beating herself up over it and started thinking that she had the power to do this? Ostensia wasn't sure what it was. But when she practiced it a second time she was able to do the same thing. Ostensia felt like maybe she would be ready for the Exam soon. Ostensia practiced a few more times after getting in line to make sure the first two times weren't a fluke. So far so good. Now she just needed to ace the exam! When the lesson was over Osa sighed to herself and started to head out of the Great Hall. She couldn't wait to tell Damian about this. He would be proud.​
Even to this day, Isabella Romanes was not confident at all in her apparating abilities. Last time, she barely even made it to the damn circle. Why would she accomplish it today? There was just no telling with her anymore. Isabella walked into the Great Hall once more, and her magenta eyes looked at the other students, before she located her slightly older twin sister, Ostensia. The Slytherin Prefect quickly found herself to be standing next to the Hufflepuff Prefect. It was really cool that they both managed to gain that title, and while Ostensia was better at making friends, Isabella was better in academics. She sacrificed most of her friends for her academics. It was just a good trade. Of course, she did have Bella White as a good friend, and then she had another Isabella that she had taken under her wing, but that was about it. Isabella did not care for most people, and she would never do so. Isabella looked ahead at Irene Finch, in hope of seeing that they were going to do something that would not be as stressful. Better yet, they could always get a helping hand to see what was going on. Perhaps she would be able to focus this time around, and not get frightened by the feel of Apparating. It was just, the feeling was gross. The last time she tried it in the previous lesson, she felt like she was going to throw up. It was the nastiest feeling in the world. Perhaps she should not have eaten before hand. She skipped breakfast because of this too.

Perhaps she would actually accomplish it this time. Isabella was praying and hoping that she would anyway. This was the last practice before the exam, and if she did not get it right this time, she was f*cked for life. Once all of the sixth years were in, they were told that they were going to be practicing. Isabella started to line up beside Irene Finch, still next to her sister all of the same. By this point, Isabella knew the three D's, which she could remember from the top of her head. However they were all going to attempt to apparate from one end of the Great Hall, to the other. There was a magical X on the floor, and she could see the distance from here to there. Seeing her sister make it over to the X gave Isabella the confidence that she needed. Perhaps she would be able to get it done as well. There was no point in letting others down. Isabella closed her eyes, and she thought of the first D. Destination. That X was where she wanted to go. Determination. She never wanted anything more than to do this. And the final one. Deliberation. Smirking slightly, she felt the unfamiliar pull like she was going through her stomach, and when it ended, she opened her magenta eyes, and looked down. She was on the X, just not in the middle. 'Close enough,' thought Isabella. Isabella got back in line, and she did it a few more times, having succeeded on getting right in the middle on her last try, before they were dismissed. Now she had to go to the kitchens and eat. She was starving.

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