Apparation Lesson #3

Irene Finch

Head of the Dept of Magical Transportation
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Knotted 14 Inch Rigid Spruce Wand with Doxy Wing Core
Irene Finch sat in a chair in the front of the room, her ministry robes nearly touching the floor, waiting for the students to arrive. Last week's lesson had gone slightly better than expected. Sure, some of the students were having a bit of trouble with their aim, but she was just grateful that so many of them had succeeded in apparating. Usually, by this point, she would have more students still unable to apparate. Overall, there was still a lot of work for the students to do, but they weren't without hope. She hoped that before the end of today, at least one of the students would succeed in apparating to their target, especially since this would be the last practice they would have before the exam took place.

As the last student arrived, Irene smiled brightly and stood up. "Hello. Today, we will resume practicing" she began with a smile. "I am hopeful that those of you who weren't able to apparate last week will do so this week. Next week will be your exam and it will take place in Brightstone Village. Your test will require you to be accurate when you apparate, so today, I'd like everyone to line up beside me." Irene gestured for the students to begin lining up next to her.

By now, she knew that the students must know the three D's, so she didn't feel it was worth repeating. If they didn't, she had little hope for them. "Alright...I'd like you all to attempt apparating from this end of the Great Hall to that end" she said, pointing towards the doors of the Great Hall. Glancing at all the students beside her, she only hoped there would be few splinchings today. "You can begin whenever you're ready" she said to the student who was first in line.


You can practice attempting to apparate one by one. Feel free to have your student practice in this lesson as many times as they want. As indicated, the exam will be taking place in Brightstone so once the Village opens up to students, I'll post the exam up.
Another day, another Apparating lesson. Hadan Johnson got dressed in a basic jeans and black shirt outfit, and she walked down the dungeons with a few other Slytherins heading off to class. She ascended the stairs and she entered the Great Hall to see the familiar Irene Finch there waiting in her Ministry robes. Hadan glanced at her with her ruby red eyes and she waited for instruction. This was the last lesson before the exam, which made Hadan slightly nervous. But she did not let this bother her at all. She let out a sigh and she waited for the last student to arrive. She repeated the three D's in her mind, and she knew that she was ready to apparate. She was waiting to apparate herself with Raffael to the beaches. That would be just fantastic. She stared ahead, and she was glad that the last student had arrived to get this lesson on the roll. Hadan turned her eyes to Irene Finch once more and she listened to what she had to say, and then knew what to do.

She walked to stand in a line with the other Sixth years, and she stood next to her sister and Alyssa. She gave them each a smile for good luck, before she stared down her destination. That was the first D. Destination. She knew where she needed to go. She closed her eyes to focus on the next D. Determination. Nothing else mattered to Hadan other than getting to her destination. She then turned her mind to the final D. Deliberation. She focused and then the sensation of going through a small tube happened. She hated that feeling, but she would get used to it. She opened her red eyes, and she smiled. She was on the other side of the Great Hall, well, almost there, more than half way. She walked back to the students, her red eyes casting a glare at Aiden, now knowing his name from the grapevines. She hoped he would splinch his manhood right off. She practiced a few more times, finally ending at the other end of the hall. She left the Great hall after that, seeing that she was tired.
Abigail Lurken looked forward to her third lesson in Apparating despite the fact that she ran and threw up her breakfast after apparating. She hoped that it would not happen this time, as that was just unpleasant and not to mention embarrassing. Abbey walked down the dungeons and she soon arrived at the great hall with the rest of the sixth years. It was not long before the lesson began and she turned her amethyst eyes to the instructor, Irene Finch. Abbey lined up with the rest of the students, and she let out a sigh as she stood next to someone that she did not pay any mind to. Her brunette hair brushed her shoulders as she stared ahead. She needed to remember those D's. What were they again? Oh yeah, Destination, Determination, and Deliberation. Those should be easy enough to remember, but Abbey was still having a little bit of trouble.

Abbey stared at the end of the hall, and she waited her turn to apparate. When it came, she thought of the end of the hall. There we go, first D. Then, it was determination. She wanted to get there. She wanted it more than the house cup. She thought that she had that one down. Next, was the real deal. Deliberation. That sensation of going through her own bellybutton occurred and then she opened her eyes once it stopped. She apparated only six feet from her current location. Well, that was better than before! Abbey went back to her spot, and then she practiced again. Half way there! She was excited. She went back, but after the day was over, she did not reach her destination. Somehow she ended up apparating to the opposite end of the wall and not on the other side, but that was better than not getting it at all. Abbey left the great hall in a huff. She needed to be ready for her exam. She could do it, if she weren't so damn distracted by that sensation that always left her stomach in knots. She hated it with a passion.
Lexi was glad to have done pretty well in her last lesson and was walking with confidence to the great hall for her third lesson. She was pretty happy with her progress so far and also thought she was doing better than all of her other classmates. Entering the great hall with a smile on her face, she stood next to the other students as they all waited for Irene Finch to get the class started. She noticed that some of the other students were eager to get started, while some students were still a little nervous. Noticing when Irene had started the class, Lexi listened carefully to Irene's instructions because she didn't want to mess up. Listening to Irene saying that they will be just practicing today, a wide smile grew on her face that she would have another chance to perfect her apparating, which of course would be hard to do at first, but she had to try her best.

Lexi listened to Irene Finch as she said for all the student's to line up beside her. Lexi lined up beside the rest of the students and waited for Irene to give them instructions. Listening to Irene, she said that all student's are going to practice apparating from one end to the other. Lexi looked at what was in front of her and there wasn't much distance, but then again, is was more distance than what she had ever done before. Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes and started to remember the three D's. Keeping the three D's in mind again and again, relaxing her mind and her body, she apparated from one end of the hall to the other. She opened her eyes and looked at how far she had apparated. Now looking at the student's at the other side, she wanted to apparate back and make sure that she did the apparating correctly because she did want to do it again. Closing her eyes, she thought of the three D's again and instantly she apparated to her old spot. 'Oh my, this will be very useful and exciting', thought Lexi having some evil thoughts in her mind. As soon as everyone was done, the student's were dismissed and she walked off happily.
Last week had gone really for well for Alyssa during the previous Apparation Lesson and she expected today to be another good day for her. She had gone over everything she needed a few times to keep it nailed into her head and she could easily remember it later if needed. Walking into the Great Hall with a small smile on her face Alyssa stood next to her friends and focused her eyes on Irene Finch. Alyssa was ready for whatever was going to be done today, hopefully it was nothing too extreme though. This was the last lesson before they would have their exam so Alyssa would prefer it if it was just time for them to brush up on their skills and prefect the ability to Apparate so no one would screw up and be denied their Apparating Licence. "Yess..." She silently cheered to herself when she heard they would only be practicing today like she had hoped they would be, maybe today she could get it down perfect too! A pale hand went up to tuck a strand of her silky blonde hair behind her ear before she bit her lip and heard that today they were expected to try and Apparate to the end of the Great Hall. For a moment that seemed a bit far to Alyssa but she knew that if she willed herself enough it would be a piece of cake for her.

'Destination. Determination. Deliberation' Alyssa told herself softly as she walked to one end of the Great Hall and tried to mind herself so that she didn't bump into anyone when it was her turn. First she had think of her first D which was Destination, immediately the Veela thought of the end of the Hall down to the very point she expected to land when she apparated. Closing her eyes she continue to think of the place she wanted to end up in. Next was determination. And boy was she determined and ready to see the end of that hall when she opened her eyes, she was going to get there one way or another. Finally it was Deliberation and before Alyssa knew it she felt the usual feeling that made her feel like she was being squeezed through a tube. The feeling still made her stomach lurch a little but it was never enough to bother her that badly. When Alyssa opened her crystal blue eyes she grinned happily when she saw that she had indeed made it to the end of the Great Hall. Walking back over to the group of students she nudged Hadan happily knowing that her best friend had gotten it too, she couldn't wait to see how Theodore managed because she knew he often forgot the three D's. As class was let out Alyssa decided to let Hadan hang with her sister for a moment as she tried to catch up with Abigail for a little while, she seemed to be a little bummed out.
Patricia couldn’t believe that this was already the third and final apparation lesson that the Sixth Years had before they took the test. Once again this semester was starting to fly by, all too quickly in Patricia’s opinion. It was becoming almost cliché for her to say the same thing every year but it was true for her and she didn’t care if it was old news. With the appartion exam coming up it meant that in a matter of days she would be turning 17 and would officially become an adult in the Wizarding World; now if that wasn’t scary then Patricia didn’t know what was. While it was scary Patricia had to admit that she was excited about turning 17 and everything that came with that. For now though she knew she had to focus on perfecting her apparation skills before she could think about the exam.

Entering the Great Hall Patricia saw that there were no wooden hoops lying on the ground today. She hoped that they would indeed be practicing today as next week they would be doing their exam and she was nowhere near ready to take it yet. Taking a place near the front of the hall so she could hear Ms. Finch she waited for everyone else to get there so the lesson could start. Not too long after the Hall was filed up with the Sixth Years and Patricia turned her attention to Ms. Finch to see what was happened in today’s lesson. When the older woman said that they would resume practicing Patricia felt relief in this fact; she needed as much practice as possible after not having fully succeeded in apparating last week. A knot of nervousness tangled itself up in Patricia’s stomach at the woman mentioned the exam happening next week. Patricia listened to what they would be doing for practice today, she didn’t feel too confident but she knew that she had apparated before so all she had to do now was just concentrate more on the destination part of the whole thing.

Patricia lined up behind the other sixth years and waited for her turn. She watched the ones in front of her go first, some getting it and some not getting it. As she watched everyone else go she repeated, 'Destination. Determination. Deliberation' over and over in her head so she wouldn’t forget it when it came to her turn like last week. Inching forward every so often it quickly became her turn to apparate from one side of the hall to the other. 'Destination. Determination. Deliberation' She muttered to herself as she focused on each of the elements. Destination was easy, she wanted, no she needed to get to the other end of the hall as if her life depended on it. Determination, how much more determined could you be than as if your life depended on it, it was the most important thing in her life right now to get to the other side of the hall. Then it came to deliberation, it wasn’t the easiest part of the equation but Patricia knew she could handle it. She imagined herself being pulled through her belly button, feeling and everything and landing at the other side of the hall. Opening her eyes she realised that she had done it while she was thinking about it. Jumping up and down on the spot for a few moments she waved goodbye to Ms Finch and left the hall, overjoyed with her achievement and now looking forward to next week.
After the last Apparation lesson, Alexandra felt fantastic. This was honestly the first time she could say she felt confident with herself about something that wasn't football, or structured lessons at Hogwarts. Alexandra always had a low self-confidence, but something about this struck a happy nerve.

She made her way to the Great Hall with the rest of her yearmates that were there to take the last apparation lesson. She listened to what their instructor and examiner, Irene Finch, had to say to them, and she was relieved to be reminded that their exam was only next week. Soon enough it was time for them to line up and apparate to the door, and Alexandra watched her peers go first. As soon as it was her turn, the nerves kicked in like butterflies playing an aggressive game of rugby in her stomach. "Concentrate on the three D's. Three D's." Alexandra calmly whispered to herself, her breathing heavy.

The first D was Destination. "Alright, Alexandra. What is your destination? Your destination is over there, by the Great Hall entrance. Great Hall entrance. Great Hall entrance." She repeated to herself in a low whisper. She kept her eyes transfixed on the floor by the entrance to the Great Hall, and then moved onto the next step. Determination, something she already had. Passing this test was so important to Alex. It not only would help her prove to herself that she can do it, but also was a key skill that she needed to master in order to fulfill her dream of becoming an auror. The final step was Deliberation. The dark haired Slytherin closed her eyes and imagined herself being sucked through the imaginary tube, and suddenly appearing at her destination. No sooner had the imagery ended, she felt the sucking sensation, and she got goosebumps all over her skin. The loud hair raising crack followed shortly, and Alex opened her eyes to see that she was only a few feet away from the Great Hall entrance. She contained her excitement, but did her little victory dance that she did every time she scored a goal in football. No longer able to hold it, she skipped her way back to the dungeons; anybody who had ever seen her before that had seen her at that moment as well, would have thoght she was under some sort of skipping spell.
Aiden was beginning to dislike these apparation lessons more and more and he was glad that this was the last one, he could finally go back to having his day off like he was meant too. After his confusion at the last apparation lesson he asked someone what they had thought of it. When he found out that they had apparated he was initially confused. The other person went on to say how they hadn’t gotten into the hoop but the fact they had apparated they were happy he soon understood what the hoops were for. He feeling kinda silly for not realising that but he didn’t care, he had this lesson to work on some apparating before their exam next week, because that was the most important part of everything after all. He had gotten someone to remind him of what the three D’s were and he wrote them on a small piece of parchment that he stuffed in his pocket after he thought had had memorised them. Destination! Determination! Deliberation! That can’t be too hard to remember. he told himself as he entered the hall.

Aiden made his way to where the rest of the sixth years were fathered as he waited for the Ministry woman to start this lesson. This lesson he was going to be sure that he paid attention and actually made some sort of progress so he wouldn’t fail on his exam. He wasn’t waiting too long before everyone was there and the woman began to talk. There was no wooden hoops today, why wasn’t there any wooden hoops today? Aiden had set himself up for the wooden hoops to be there and now he was going to get screwed over; that didn’t help his mood at all. He was one of the few that hadn’t apparated last week so he needed to do something this week. When the woman told the students that they would be apparating from one end of the hall to the other he had to stop himself from cursing out loud. He hadn’t even apparated three feet into a hoop let alone across the whole Great Hall. Sighing he went to the back of the queue, repeating the three words over and over again in his head.

It soon came to his turn with a number of other people before him apparating successfully or part successfully. Destination! Determination! Deliberation! Destination! Determination! Deliberation! he repeated over and over in his head. As he stood there he started to take each one separately. Destination! Well that was easy, he had to get to the other side of the Hall. Determination! Eh, he didn’t particularily want to get to the other side of the Hall, sure it was important for him as he had to practice but it wasn’t like this was his exam or anything. Then came deliberation! Aiden imagined the familiar sensation of being pulled by his belly button through a tight tube and true enough the sensation soon became really. With a loud pop he felt solid ground under his feet again. Pretty proud of himself he turned around to see that he had apparated alright, not even a foot away from where he was standing. “Screw it!” he said in a pissed off voice as he stormed out of the hall.

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