Apparation Lesson #2

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Irene Finch

Head of the Dept of Magical Transportation
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Knotted 14 Inch Rigid Spruce Wand with Doxy Wing Core
Irene tapped her foot against the floor as she impatiently waited for the sixth years to arrive. She wanted them to get to practicing straight away because she knew that today would be a revelation for her as to how many of them needed help. It was the first day of practice for them though so she didn't have her hopes too high, though she had a feeling there would be a surprise or two. Folding her arms across her ministry robes, Irene began to address the students.

"Welcome back. I won't waste too much of your time as I know you are all eager to begin" Irene began with a tight smile. Pulling out her wand from her robe, Irene gave it a small flourish and a wooden hoop appeared in front of each student. "Ok. Space yourselves out." There certainly was plenty of roomsince the Great Hall was meant to accommodate the entire school and she had only a small portion of the student body in front of her.

As she looked around at the student's faces, Irene's expression remained blank. She gave them no expression of hope or encouragement. It was up to them to work hard and create their own hope. "Alright. Don't forget the three D's that we discussed last week. Destination. Determination. Deliberation" she stated clearly. "And, if you feel as if you?re suddenly being pulled through a tube, don't worry. It means you're doing something right." She looked around the room, wondering if any of them were familiar with the sensation from side-along apparition. It was definitely something to get used to and any of the students who had never done it were in for a huge surprise. "I'll be walking around in case any of you get splinched" Irene began, wondering how many of the students knew the term. She hoped that there wouldn't be a live example for the class to see because she didn't want to have to do any rudimentary healing or deal with any blood today. She didn't have the energy for it. It was also rather annoying. And Irene knew that there was always one person who rushed and ended up leaving a portion of themselves behind. "Not that I expect any of you to" she added hastily as she noticed a few horrified looks from the group, "but just in case. You'll have nothing to worry about if you concentrate."

Irene nodded her head and waited a moment to see if anyone would realize that it was time for them to begin. "Whenever you're ready" she added a beat later. She didn't expect them to do anything much for at least the first little while. Crossing her arms, Irene watched, wondering how long it would take before anything happened.
Rp the lesson. Have fun with it
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