Apparation Lesson #1

Irene Finch

Head of the Dept of Magical Transportation
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Knotted 14 Inch Rigid Spruce Wand with Doxy Wing Core
Irene was already quite familiar with the space that she was granted use of every summer. The sixth year students of Hogwarts stepped into the room, looking much like students from year's past. Irene was seated on a small chair that she'd magicked for herself. She watched, a serious expression on her face as the students filed into the Great Hall. Some looked nervous while others seemed as if they were ready to begin apparating already. She knew that neither meant much. Apparating took concentration and dedication. It was not something that one could read about and then be able to do.

As the last sixth year entered, Irene moved forward and began to take the roll. Once she was done, she sent the clipboard away and faced the students. "Hello everyone. My name is Irene Finch and I'm here on behalf of the Department of Magical Transportation to prepare you for your apparition exam." Irene took a few steps and continued. "Your Headmaster has been kind enough to lift the enchantment placed on this room so that you will be able to practice apparating within these walls for the duration of our lessons. So, let's not waste any time."

Irene continued to lecture. She knew that her next few words wouldn't be exciting in any way, but they were necessary as they laid down the foundation for apparation. "In order to apparate successfully, you must focus on the three Ds: Destination. Determination. Deliberation." She pronounced each word slowly and loudly so that even the students standing in the back could hear her. "First, you must choose your destination. Next, you will focus your determination and once you feel you are ready..." With a small step, Irene apparated next to one of the sixth years and continued speaking, "you must move with deliberation like so." It hardly took her any effort to send herself around the room.

Strolling back to the front, Irene checked the time and realized that more time had passed than she’d realized. "I think that will be all for today. Don't forget the 3 Ds and I will see you all next time. Be prepared to get right to work next time. A word to the wise: Don't bring anything but yourselves to the next lesson. The lesson you're carrying, the easier it will be." She smiled briefly, but then her face turned serious again as she remembered something she had nearly forgotten to tell the students. Holding up a hand, Irene asked them for their attention once more. In a warning tone, she told them "And, just as a reminder... the moment you step out of this room, the enchantment will be put back in place until next week. It would be very, very unwise to consider apparating anywhere on the school grounds until then." With that, she dismissed the students and began to gather up her things so that she could get back to the office.

RP the lesson. Nothing fancy is necessary, but remember that these lessons are so that your student can earn a license. This is just the first of only three lessons before the exam takes place.

Also, whenever you get a moment, don't forget to enroll your student in the gradebook so that he/she can receive their grade :r
Briar headed to the great hall today was her first apparating lesson and with her seventeenth birthday coming up at the end of the month (or the start of the next month, she wasn't 100% sure on the exact day 31st Jan or 1st feb) she hardly noticed the rest of the students still whispering about her as she raced down to the hall, she was running a little late, she had been in the grounds and come in early only to realise that her wand was still in her dorm. she had raced as fast as she could using a coupe of secret passages, she was fast and the students let her through maybe some of them were scared of what she may do if they didn't (nothing). she arrived in the great hall after 16 flights of stairs (although some had been shortened by magic) she was a little out of breath but not too bad as she had always been fit, and was used to running a long way. she slipped into the back of the room trying not to disturb everyone as she caught her breath, it didn't take long, within a couple of minutes her breathing and heart had returned to normal
the prefect listened to the three key words, Destination, where she wanted to go, Determination, the desire to get there, and deliberation, the deliberate movement that starts the apparition. the three D's. determination, deliberation, and what was it, umm Destination.
she watched as the lady disappeared and heard a crack as she reappeared behind her; that was cool. one they were dismissed she left and headed back out to the grounds, apparently she hadn't needed her and anyway.
Jeremy was quite eager to begin apparation lessons, even if he wouldn't technically be able to apparate until August. He very much disliked having his birthday in the summer and so late in the year. By the time he left the school, most of his classmates would already be of age and celebrating their newfound adulthood. Jeremy would be stuck in Florida, counting down the days until he'd be of age. It was a really big deal to him, especially since his dad had promised him something big for his 17th birthday. Jeremy had no idea what it could be, but if his dad was excited about it, it was probably something good.

Stepping into the great hall, Jeremy looked at the instructor and waited patiently. She had these really intense blue eyes that looked like they were looking for weaknesses in the students. Jeremy tried to avoid eye contact, not wanting to know if she saw any signs of weakness in him. There were likely many. As she began speaking, Jeremy paid close attention. Her tone and speech were just as serious as the rest of her, and Jeremy wondered if she even knew how to smile. Watching as she demonstrated how easy it could be to apparate brought back some of Jeremy's excitement. He'd done side-along many times before, so he already knew the horrible feeling you got from apparating.

As she dismissed the students, Jeremy began to leave. He stopped in his tracks, turned and listened as she warned them. His eyes widened, and he had no intentions of trying to apparate until next week. He knew how dangerous it could be. Smiling as he finally saw Ms. Finch crack a smile that made her much prettier, he continued on.

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