Apparation Exam

Irene Finch

Head of the Dept of Magical Transportation
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Knotted 14 Inch Rigid Spruce Wand with Doxy Wing Core
Irene Finch used her wand to move some chairs against the wall and looked around the Great Hall. She'd specifically asked the Headmaster to not move the tables out of the way for the students' exam. If they were going to be licensed apparationers, then they would certainly need to possess the ability to accommodate to their surroundings. They wouldn't always be able to apparate into an open field or empty room.

Heading to the doors of the Great Hall, Irene wondered whether the students were nervous or anxious or simply ready for this to be over with. She stepped out, closing the doors behind her and addressed the students seated on the bench. "Good afternoon" she greeted. "In a moment, I'll begin calling you in one by one. Once I do, I'll ask you to apparate to a spot somewhere in the room. You will only get one shot, and I cannot pass you if even a hair remains where you once stood." Irene wanted that fact to be clear because she hated the annoying begging that came when a student failed. It was just a hair, Who needs the tip of their pinky? and But my socks are under my shoes. Who would notice that? were comments that students had given her in the past, thinking that it would change Ms. Finch's mind.

Stepping back into the room, where her clipboard was already magicked to take notes, Irene glanced at the list, her blue eyes scanning and wondering how many would succeed. She called the first student forward. Once the student was inside, Irene shut the door and began the exam.
Roleplay your character's attempt to apparate to a point in the room. Obviously, you will get a P or T depending on whether you roleplay your character succeeding or failing. House points will be given for the level of detail in your roleplay regardless of passing or failing. If you have any questions, you know what to do
Today was the big day! Ostensia knew it was now or never on being able to pass and Apparate as she pleases. So far she thought she was doing pretty good. But Exams always made her nervous to the point where there was a chance she could mess up. 'Come on Osa. You can do this! You Apparated the other day just fine so you can do this easily!' Ostensia reminded herself. She was so used to psyching herself out that sometimes it came without her really trying to. If she kept this up she would fail for sure. Ostensia wondered how many people were going to actually pass the exam and if she would or wouldn't be among them. Isabella would pass. There was no way that Isabella could fail when she was at good at everything. Ostensia would feel helpless. The first thing Ostensia noted when she saw the Great Hall was that the tables were still in place this time. Apparently they were going to be having to avoid those while Apparating. Irene explained that she was going to make them Apparate to some random place in the room. They would have to go to where she stated and if even a hair remains where they once were they would fail. Ostensia sighed. She began to repeat the Three D's to herself over and over again. The first student was was called forth and the door was shut behind her. Ostensia wished them all the luck in the world. One by one they were all called in to take their exam. Some of them looked unhappy when they came out and others were beaming from ear to ear. Either way, Ostensia was growing more and more worried. Soon it was her turn. Ostensia glanced worriedly at her sister and stepped into the Great Hall. "Hello." Ostensia greeted her sweetly. Hopefully the woman wouldn't choose too hard of a place. Ostensia waited while the woman looked over her clipboard for something. Then she was told where to Apparate.

Ostensia nearly gulped and looked at where she was told to Apparate too. For some reason it seemed so far away. Well here went nothing. Ostensia forced herself to remember the three D's for the last time today. Destination. Determination. Deliberation. First she wanted to focus on Destination, Ostensia wanted to get to where Irene told her to Apparate to. She pictured it within her mind carefully. Determination. Ostensia mentally told herself that scared or not that's where she needed to be. Some way or another she was going to Apparate herself onto that spot and only to that spot. She had to. No wait, she was going to! All she had to do was believe in herself and know that she could do it. Finally there was the last and final D. Ostensia closed her eyes and felt the familiar feeling of being pulled through a tube overtake her body. Then she disappeared with a puff of smoke and managed to land in the exact spot that Irene told her to. Glancing back she noted that there wasn't a single hair or body part out of place. So she must have made it over in one piece. Ostensia mentally cheered. She had done it.​
Today was the dreaded day. It was the day of the Apparation Exam, and Isabella was standing in the dorm, her Slytherin robes encasing her slender form. Her long hair was straightened and relaxed against her shoulders and back. She was ready. Making her way to the Great Hall, she could only hope that she would meet her sister there. Isabella was a little confident in her abilities right now, but she was still just as nervous as the next sixth year. This exam meant everything to Isabella. Without it, she would not be able to travel as fast as she wanted to, not without a broom. She wouldn't want to fly around everywhere with her streak either. She mostly did not want to wear it out because of Quidditch. Isabella made her way to the Great Hall, and arriving, the Great Hall still had the tables there. There weren't chairs, but there were still tables from what she could see. It would be a little less stressful if one had just left the tables against the wall. Already she could feel her heart pounding away at her chest. Though her face betrayed what she was feeling, even her magenta eyes did not seem as intense as they normally were. She made her way to her sister, smiling softly at her as she did so. Isabella sound her seat on the bench next to her sister too. Then the woman that taught the subject, Irene Finch, told them that they were going to be called one by one, to apparate to a spot in the room. Wasn't that just fine and dandy? Isabella remembered the three D's and she repeated them over and over in her mind so that she could calm herself down, and be able to get this done.

The first student was called, and the doors were shut, allowing them to do their exam. Isabella watched as the students came out, one by one, some happy, some not so much. She couldn't see any blood so no one was splinched, yet. Isabella hoped that the one that would get splinched would not be her. Even if one hair was out of place, she would not be able pass. The dread was trying to come back, but she was focused on not letting it return. She was a Slytherin, as proud as they come. She could not let them down with her own failure. Ostensia was called, and Isabella wished her luck as she entered. After some time, she came out, looking rather happy. Isabella was proud of her sister, before he own name was called. Isabella stood up, and she went into the great hall, the doors closing behind her. Irene told her where she needed to apparate, and Isabella could see where she needed to be. Now that she had it in her mind, all she needed to do was find the will, which was rather easy to do. No matter what, even the feelings, she would get there. Isabella was down to the final one, deliberation. She could feel herself being sucked into a tube, and with a crack, she was at the destination. Isabella felt her hair, made sure everything was in place, and nothing was hurting. She did not get splinched! Isabella then went out of the Great Hall, her magenta eyes glimmering with pride. She could not be more relieved right now.

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