🌹 Rose Giving Apologies rose

Jasper Beese

Flaky friend | Gobstones forever!
Relationship Status
Single (Not Looking)
Straight 13 Inch Unyielding Acacia Wand with Kelpie Hair Core
Jasper had already delivered two pink roses, which had been awkward enough, and now he was delivering a red one to the head girl which felt even worse. He loitered near the head girl office looking uncomfortable and shifting around like he might need the bathroom. He didn't need the bathroom, he just felt impatient and was hoping she’d show up soon.

@Anisha Khatri
Anisha had gotten a bunch of roses at once, and wasn't expecting anything else today. She had decided to drop off her bouquet at the Head people lounge to cheer it up a bit, and smiled quickly at the boy who was loitering outside the door once she left the room. He looked uncomfortable, she wondered what he was doing there.
Jasper was not very good at loitering and did not look natural. He brightened when Anisha stepped out of the head persons office and held up the red rose to her as she passed him. “Oh hi head girl,” he said as he moved over to her, “I have a red rose from you from Marama, they are apologising for something.” He said, telling her what the note said and who it was from because he had already read it.
I'm sorry.


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