Apartment No.042

Ferb Galliga

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Scott (Ferby)
Alder Wand 13 3/4" Essence of Dragon Heartstring
Apartment No.042


Ferb Galliga had lived in America all his life. Being born in San Francisco, he loved the smell of the sea. Every year Ferb, his father and his brother Hugh would go out on their yacht and sail down the coast and then have a BBQ on the beach but this year was different. With his father dead and Hugh living in Los Angeles, Ferb had rented an apartment nearby to home. Living there for a few weeks now, he knew a few of his neighbours but only by small talk in the hall as he walked past.

Although he was 16, Ferb used the occasional spell to help him out. His whole family were wizards so although the Ministry were able to detect magic being used by an underage wizard, they couldn't determine who used it so they couldn't punish him or his brothers if neither admitted to it but this was different. Since he had moved to a building where possibly no wizards were living, he had to be careful with what he was doing with his wand.

Pressing the B button (B for Basement), the elevator doors slowly closed but he was kind enough to hold it open. Ferb took a look at the stranger and could tell they were in a rush. "Going down?", he asked.
Epiphany Bones was here for one reason and on reason only. To find her sister and add her to the collection. What the collection entailed not many knew and those that found out where mostly likely going to become a part of it. Seeing as her sister had married a mudblood it was possible that they where hiding in the muggle world. Epiphany had the family here of all places. San Francisco, she could not complain seeing as it's magical hub was next to that of England. That along with the lessons that Eden sent her through owl post and a few other methods Epiphany was finally being challenged seeing as she had constantly complained that she was so much further ahead than those at school. Money had never been an issue for the 15 year old that showed in the expensive cut of the purple silk dress she wore which frilled at the bottom and the brand of her heels. That was the reason that she could afford to live in a building such as the one she had taken up residence in.

Along with the clue that she had found her tutor might have hinted that she could no longer stand the sight of her. It was all the better for Epiphany anyway, she had always hated the hag even though she had agreed to become her apprentice. The further way her teacher was the happier Epiphany was, aside from her slight glitch in her brain. She wore large gucci sunglasses to cover her purple tinted eyes and also as another show of unapprochablity. Over the years the condition that ran in her family blood line had taken over Epiphany and she hadn't been ready for it. This was another reason that Eden had sent her way to search for the woman who had abandoned her so long ago.

Seeing as Epiphany had spent the last week getting settled in the new place she was going to call home Epiphany decided that it was time for her to see what the city had to offer. She had heard of several rather promising shopping malls she could probably tantrum Luthor into giving her money to go shop at. The boy would do anything to get her to shut up which was what she was aiming for. Her tall heels tapped as she ran for the already closing elevator. She really wasn't in all the big of a hurry but running after it was better than waiting for the next one. "Thank you. being late wouldn't be an option after all." She said giving the boy that had held the elevator for her a beaming smile. "Oh yes but just to the lobby. Would you mind marking button for me?" She asked sweetly.
Ferb nodded, "No problem". He pressed the button and slowly enough, the doors closed. Ferb, not knowing anything about the stranger, slid his wand further down into his left pocket. He remembered his mother telling him over & over again Don't leave your wand in your pocket, it will break and soon enough it did but he never learnt. This was his second wand.

He took a quick glance at Epiphany. Stuck up, he decided. Massive classes and looks like she intends to look down upon everyone meant she came from money which could be both a good thing and a bad thing but it really depended on what side you were on. But Ferb admitted to himself that she did look hot.

Normally he wouldn't think twice about it but he thought that maybe it might be nice to strike up a conversation whilst they waited. You can never really judge a book by its-... well depends which book really. If it was a book that looked like it would rip your head off then maybe judging it before you open it may be a wise move. Ferb's train of thought got carried away from him for a moment.

He wasn't sure on how to strike up a conversation with a stranger in an elevator. His mind went into a short panic as he wondered but he finally decided to start with the small talk. "Ain't the weather just great out there? It's been blue skies all week. Perfect for lying on the beach, wouldn't you agree?".

That should do it. Weather would always be a good line to start with for generations so embracing it is a wise move.
Epiphany scanned the stranger too behind her sunglasses. He looked to be around her age. It was quite obvious that he had a bit of money to his name if he was living here. She noticed the slight movement to his pocket but she hadn't quite see what he had push down. Her own wand was in her clutch which she always kept close. The girl never left home without it even if when going into the muggle world. Epiphany giggled softly. "Oh no doubt, I would go and soak up some rays myself if it weren't for the fact that I burn to a crisp." She said with the brightest smile on her face. She did in fact burn easy that was proven to her when she had tried to sunbath in the backyard and had turned a bright red and not the shade of red she loved. "I'm Epiphany by the way. Do you live here?" She asked offering him her hand.

Over the years she had learned to keep the amount of sugar she put in her voice down, the wideness of her grin at a certain size, in short she had learned more normal human behavior even through she didn't go to HNZ anymore. The glitch was still there through, she could feel it pushing against the back of her skull. Perhaps it was telling her that it was time to find another collection piece. She would hold off on that though. No need to have the muggle authorities on alert, again. "Where are you off to?" She asked kindly as she looked up at the top of the elevator markers. The numbers ticked by slowly. To slowly for her liking but there was nothing that could be done. She was sixteen after all and couldn't get her apperation licence yet. Not that she could just pop into where she was going.
Ferb chuckled. He tanned quite well compared to most but that was mainly because his family was from Southern America so they adapted to the heat quite well. The question, however, caught him off guard. "Ferb. And yeah I do. Which door are you?". Ferb allowed himself a little smile when asking. He lived in apartment 42 on his own. on his own. We wasn't legally considered an adult so he couldn't drive or apparate but that didn't stop him from having the life of one. Becoming 16 had been a right of passage for him because he was able to go & move out. He was unwelcome at home since his father's death 3 years ago. His mother had gone into a depression and hadn't been the same since so the first chance he got, he left.

"Going on a yacht with my brothers. Every year we go out on the coast with some beer and enjoy ourselves. It was a family tradition we adapted", Ferb chuckled. "And what about you? Someone dressed like you must have some plans in mind". He smiled. She sounded friendly enough and not like he thought she would be. He thought she may be one of those stuck-up rich folk who only cared about how much that shopped but that's what you get when you listen to the morals movie's give you, he supposed.
Epiphany had all but berracated herself in her room making sure that everything was in it's place so she wasn't at all surprised that she hadn't seen him before. "Apartment number 50. And you don't even have to ask for parents or anything. The apartment is mine." She said brightly. She was happy to be living on her own no matter how temporary the situation was. Once Luthor and Alex came out of hiding where ever they where. Though part of her wished that they never came back and they just kept sending money to her and Eden. She saw that they where close to the bottom floor now. "Finally. You'd think with the cost of rent here they'd have faster elevators. It's not often that you get to ride with such pleasant company." She said offering Ferb a heart warming smile. Since she was here she might was well be nice and personable to the people here, especally one as seemingly useful and handsome as the one next to her. She was not above charming a boy into her room though she was never overt about it.

"Oh the ocean! You know as much as my family's traveled I have never seen the ocean before. I bet it's lovely and what you're describing does sound like fun." She said. The elevator doors where relective so she took a moment to make sure her bun was in place without a hair out of place from the run. The spells she cast on it help tight and Epiphany gave herself a huge grin. "I'm going to explore the city. You know a good place to start might just be Fisherman's Warf if that's where your yacht is." She said wondering if they couldn't get more time to talk. It had been a while since she had really talked to anyone and Ferb seemed nice for that she had just met. Nice enough to keep around for a while if that was.
"Oh number 50?", Ferb asked surprisingly. He thought he would be the only one in the building that be would be young & have his own apartment. He wondered why she was living on her own but thought it best not to ask, it may become a bit too personal for a casual elevator ride.

He smiled as Epiphany regarded him as pleasant company. At heart Ferb was a nice guy and he knew how to treat people but that would often be disguised over what he loved doing: entertaining. When he worked for his high school's radio station he was almost expelled twice because of his offensive (but professional) behaviour as he was on air.

"Oh you must get out and see the beauty of it. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't want to be it all the time but the natural beauty can take your breath away when you really get out there. We normally go alongside the Golden Gate Bridge and sit out there with music on and watch the city move.". Ferb noticed she was very keen on her appearance but as he thought about it for a split second, he dismissed the thought that she was self-conscious. A stranger [Ferb] strikes up a conversation in an elevator and she's welcoming so it must mean that she's confident in herself.

"Close. My brother's a member of the St. Francis Yacht Club so we're heading off from there. He's friends with one of the owners or something so they're being lenient with him luckily", Ferb chuckled. Noticing the elevator ride coming to a quick end, he adjusted himself upright. She was a nice girl and this was a nice city. She seemed interested in the Ocean and could be someone he'd love to get to know more but he considered himself a bit too young to ask her out for a date so he took a different approach.

The doors slid open and as they both stepped out, he kept his cool and asked "You know, I'd love for us to talk some more. Could I have your phone number and I'll call you later? Maybe we can catch some Lunch or something". He did. Ferb asked a girl for her phone number. He could imagine his father looking over him in the clouds and wetting himself with laughter at how proud he'd be.

OOCOut of Character:
Had to play it carefully because whether Ferb is accepted for pureblood would effect his personality ^_^
It was better that Ferb didn't ask because she would have lied through her teeth and then some. She wasn't even meant to say that she was attracted to Eden in any way shape or form while she was in San Francisco. Something that was just fine by Epiphany because she didn't want to say that she had anything to do with the hag. She also wondered why he was living on his own but guessed that it was more or less the same situation that she was in give or take a few details.

That smile made her grin brighter. If there was one thing that she had taken from her sister Zazuka it was the smile that was pure sunshine smile but where it showed just how lovely and pure her sister was when it came from Epiphany it was to hide the rotten core underneath. Epiphany at the moment was shining as she would have had she never gotten involved with the Silverback family.

"Now that sounds just beautiful. I will have to see if my parents won't let me have a boat for my birthday. I mean it can't put them out anymore than my last spree did." She said offhandedly but with an air that if she didn't get what she wanted she was going to indeed tantrum until she got it. It might have come off a bit spoiled but she had been around girls that where at least ten times more self centered than she was and anyway she was doing work out here too.

The elevator dinged the lobby stop and Epiphany got out a pen and a card from her clutch. "Here and here. The number to the intercom if you want to visit and the number to my mobile." She explained then started to step out into the lobby "I'll wait by the phone." She called over her shoulder. Eden had gotten her a phone and had taught the young girl how to use one when the enterprises of Japan had made mirror phones called The Scry. It worked for muggle communication too and while she normally didn't do things like this she thought that she might as well have some fun.
Ferb took the card with a firm grip and smiled. He just had an elevator ride with a girl and spoke the whole way down. She was nice and polite and gave him her number. He slipped the card into his right pocket next to his wand and and chuckled.

He wondered who she was. Well... he knew her name and a little about her but not who she actually was. She could be an insane hobo millionaire and he wouldn't of known from an elevator ride. He definitely had to call her later on.

Suddenly, he realised that he originally wanted to go to the Basement to check on his laundry. The Do Not Leave Laundry Unattended sign was nothing but a meaningless sign to him. "I'll call you!", he called. He turned back, pressed the button and waited for the next elevator.

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