Anything You Can Do I Can Do Better

Kovu Lothorien

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Holly/Ebony 12 1/2 Essence of Griffin Feather
Kovu had his robe slung over one shoulder and his school bag on the other as he strolled around the castle grounds. It was coming up to December, which meant it was close to Summer in New Zealand. Kovu still didn't think he would get used to the weather over here. England was the opposite, it would be almost snowing there now and walking around in a shirt and trousers like Kovu was, you would freeze your butt off. Kovu still wasn't quite ready to admit that he would be having a hot Christmas this year, not a snowy one. Nevertheless the warm weather was nice for now, it gave Kovu a chance to explore Hogwarts. He stared over at the Forbidden Forest, he decided he would leave that part of exploring to another time... or never. He was as brave as the next guy, but he didn't want to jeopardize his time at Hogwarts. He was only here after much begging on his part to his parents. If he messed it up he would be in a lot of trouble.

The grass beneath Kovu's feet as he walked along the great lawn was greener than ever. It really was a beautiful day. Kovu found a large tree and decided he'd sit and enjoy the outdoors for a little while longer. Throwing his cloak down against the trunk of the tree, Kovu sat down on it. He rested for only a little bit, before his attention span ran out. He reached for his school bag and pulled out his quill and then his wand from the pocket of his trousers. They'd learnt a spell in transfiguration the other day, how to turn their quill into a spoon. Kovu twirled the quill in his fingers, he had three quills because he knew it was always good to pack spares, two were tucked away in his trunk. He knew that if he tried to turn this into a spoon he wouldn't be able to get it changed back into a quill until his next transfiguration class because the professor hadn't taught them how to change it back. His wand dangled in his fingers as he weighed his options. This was his favourite quill after all.
Walking around in his Gryffindor uniform was not as great as what it first appeared to be. Everyone he had met were nothing more than idiots, and he had some of the worst people in his own house. Everyone had idiots he presumed. He had seen quite a few idiots all around, and it was getting to be ridiculous. He hated it and couldn't wait to go home. Nika looked around the lawn, his amber eyes blazing at everything he was looking at. Another thing he hated was the weather. He was never used to something so warm. He missed his home in Russia with his father, and the northern parts of the United States. New Zealand's weather was just weird. He could make a ton of things seem bad, which was just him not being acceptable of anything. Nika looked down at the pockets and he stuck his hands into them just to keep them to his side. Nika smirked somewhat as he could see some people walking. He was trying to find the person that he was going to bother. Nika was one of those people that loved to bring harm to others just because he wanted to. Their cries or anger made him smile.

The Gryffindor looked around as he continued to walk, but he couldn't decide what he was going to do. There were a lot of people here, and many of them were older than he. Nika didn't want to bother them while he was just a first year. He was weak, and not very talented. It was not like him to try to do something out of his own league. Nika arrived to a tree where he saw a first year with a wand out. Now that wasn't abnormal. Everyone here were witches and wizards so he was just curious to see what the boy was going to do. The boy changed his quill to a spoon. Nika snorted, "Why would you even practice a useless spell like that, man?" His tone was not very pleasant, and it could be counted as rude instead. Nika was not the most pleasant kid in Gryffindor. Because of how he was, he would have been better suited in Slytherin because of the biased, but apparently the hat had something else in mind. Nika leaned against the bark of the tree so that he could watch the boy do whatever he needed to do really. The spell was pointless to him, so why even bother?
Kovu decided that it really wouldn't be too much bother to go and ask the professor to change his quill back so he muttered the spell and watched his favourite quill turn into a perfect silver spoon. A large improvement from his previous attempts in class. He turned the spoon in his fingers once and suddenly he felt a bit disappointed. That spell had been over far too quickly and now he had nothing to do and no quill. Letting out a breath, he went to place the spoon in a pocket of his bag and hoped that he remembered to get it changed back before he had another class in case they had to write notes and he had no quill, however he stopped after noticing another person standing over him. At first Kovu hadn't even thought the boy was talking to him, so many people walked past the lawn on a day like today, but no the boy was definitely aiming his unpleasant words at him. Kovu squinted up at him and recognised him as a first year from some of classes, however he didn't know the boy's name.

Not sure how to answer the guy, Kovu looked away and shoved the spoon into his bag, ignoring him for a second. Once he had zipped up his satchel he crossed his arms defensively over his chest and looked back at the boy. "We'll most likely have to use all the spells we learn in our exam, I don't intend on failing," he replied, in a similar tone to what the other guy had used. What he would have liked to say is that he fully intended on getting one of the highest marks in the class, but really now that would come across as a bit goody-two-shoes and he would never want to be labelled as one of those people. All he wanted was to do a good job in school so he could impress his parents, it wasn't a competition against anyone else within the school itself. "What's it to you anyway?" Kovu snapped, feeling all his defences go up around this guy. He'd been bullied all through his lower schooling, he didn't need it at Hogwarts. He wouldn't let it happen here. Wasn't that the reason he had come here instead of Durmstrang in the first place? Feeling a but inferior on the ground, Kovu gathered up his bag and hauled himself onto his feet, leaning back slightly against the tree. This guy had disturbed his enjoyment of the day, he felt irritable now.
The only thing that Nikandros planned on doing was just being himself, which was more or less, a bully for the most part, covering up for who he was really on the inside which was someone he did not even know himself. He remembered this boy as being a Slytherin, but wondered if he was worthy of such a house. He almost doubted it, since he did not think that the boy was worth much at all. Which was not fair since he did not know anything about him. He shrugged, "I doubt that. Most exams except Charms are mostly written exams. That's what my brother told me, so anyone performing useless spells seem to be those good at wasting time." He was smirking ever so faintly, and wondered if there was going to be some sort of duel or something. He knew how this worked. Slytherins were normally the ones that got blamed for everything. They started everything. So if a professor would come by, Nikandros would just say that this boy started it, and he would be able to get off free. That is, as long as they could believe his lies. He was hoping that they would be able to, since he planned on getting this boy into trouble. It would be something amazing to see, and to feel. He loved it.

While Nikandros was putting on an act, he was also one of those that didn't want to make anything less than the highest marks in class. Which was why he kept his grades a secret from everyone. It would jeopardize the reputation he was trying to build. "Although what you are really saying, is that you want to be the teacher's little pet and be perfect. I suppose it might shape up that god-awful rep that the Slytherins carry on their backs," accused the Gryffindor. Nikandros was hoping to rub the guy the wrong way, and did not even know of his blood status or else he would have backed away immediately. Well, Nikandros was told of his, coming from his father's real family which he did not know the name of, and the Toralba's. However it showed that the boy was bothered, when he snapped. He could almost see a wall forming. He even stood up too. Oh this was rich. Nikandros smirked and he simply said, "It doesn't mean anything to me, but I was just testing to see how stupid you were. I suppose that is what to expect from the lowest of Slytherins." Now he was going on the terms of being a biased Gryffindor, which was very annoying to the Slytherins he had earlier befriended. Anything to get the boy to really fight back.

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