Anyone wants to RP?

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Heather Vetrova

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Ivy Wand 13" Essence of Gargoyle Tooth


Anything :)



Hayley's Biography


Heather' Biography

For Hayley: I'd like her to have a bff ((preferably a guy)), a mean rich Slytherin who is going to be a deatheater later on.

Hayley is going to be with a muggle lover (Quil) and as her bff, he will do anything to make her not to be with Quil. And he turned out to be in love with her but not the other way around.. So yeah.. Dramas :r

A scaredy-cat who Hayley can boss around.


For Heather:
A group of mean girls that she can hang out with.

and anything :D

(She might be in Durmstrang later on, so that she can learn the dark arts) .
Hi Sally!

I have Chantal her whom I can offer as a friend. She's Alois' cousin. She's optimistic and energetic. In terms of personality, she is good-natured and caring towards her friends. Her clumsiness may lead her to trouble most of the time, but she has a very determined spirit. She is incredibly a brave and compassionate person. She is shown to be very caring and somewhat stubborn, but she mostly appears happy and smiling. She is the type of person who easily forgets her worries and problems.​
Mintzy: Yeahh I have some guys :D ... I'll send u a pm ^_^

Rui: Chantal might like Brad cz they sound alike... Or d'u want someone else?
I can offer Hikari here, 5th year durmstrang and is a were-wolf.

Hikari has a generally boyish nature, but actually, she's a real lady inside.
She's very determined and she hates it when she relies in others too much.
She's way too independent for her own good. She's really kind and protective too.
I have few characters that I can offer.. :D

Fayt Aurelious ( 1st year, Slytherin)
Fayt is a parselmouth, Fayt comes across as being a mostly emotionless, cold child, focused solely on his interests and his vow to protect his sister nevertheless, he is still capable of portraying himself as a charming, cheerful, lenient individual. He is a person that doesn't like to admit defeat.

Ryuuji Tsukino (1st year, Ravenclaw)
Ryuuji is a metamorphmagus. He normally had this smile on his face. He's lenient and calm and he's very athletic too. No one can really know what it was that he was thinking, but he's really kind. He can be sadistic at times too.

Maria Leingod (1st year, Slytherin)
Maria is a part-veela. She is enigmatic girl, secretive and intelligent. Despite her occasionally antagonistic traits, she can be really friendly is she dares to. She is quiet and somewhat intimidating, but she is very protective with those whom she cares for. She demands respect from others, and would respect someone faithfully is that someone respects her back.
I have another character that is not up there :r ..

Lyra Sato for Ryuuji Tsukino

i'll start if u want ^_^
Ok i'll start one in prob an hour cz i gtg xD
Hey, I was just thinking Hayley and Danton should Rp-I don't think him and Casper would get along (Yes, I have stalked the Huberta's for quite a while now.), but he would like Hayley and since they are around the same age, the might be good friends. Also, since they're cousins she could help him get acquainted with the "better" people in Hogwarts, once he goes there.
Dianna + Sally​

Dianna is sweet, outgoing, and very geeky/nerdy. She loves Comic Books, Amusement Parks, Friends, and Dancing. She hates Horror Films, Blood, and People Who think High of themselves. Dianna is also very Stubborn she can be clingy. She is not very good at making friends. She is very calm and collected. She is neat, and doesn't give a damn about School. She is also a 6th year, Durmstrang. She can speak English, French, Italian, and is learning Japanese. She lives in New York at the moment - but is always changing.

<FONT font="Georgia">What do you think? They could be friends.​
Maia: Yeah we'll have to wait till brighstone weekend tho xD

James: She's perfect :D .. d'u want me to start?
Yes please! Thanks!
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