Anyone outside Hogwarts

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Johanna Murray

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Okay so I've recently been ignoring my character here Johanna Murray. She is a twenty year old French girl,who has just returned from a two year trip of Europe.She is looking for a job in the ministry.She is very musically talented,though she doesn't tell anyone. She is nice and a nice way.She is ambitious but also a team player.if you want any more information its in the signature

Anyways I would like

A best friend,who Johanna could confide to
Friends in general. People who she likes to hang around with
Love interest? I'm open to anything there

Anyways that's all really,but if you have any ideas just post here.
I can offer Valerie Rundusk as Friend/Best Friend! They have met before, so Valerie can be opened up to her. Valerie also got her stutter gone so she is more open.
heyy i can offer this guy to be what ever you want him to be
Hello there, I can Offer Lilah here to be a friend/best friend. She's sweet and bubbly and sometimes sarcastic. She believes that everyone has a nice and nasty side and everyone can be saved but only if they want to be. She's a little naive about some things but not a lot. :)
I can offer Ashton Valley

Ashton's a bit of a flirt though
Delilah and Johanna
She sounds perfect,could you start please?

Ashton and Johanna
Sure we will see how they get on,again could you start please,just really busy at the moment!
I can offer Steve as a friend and if they get on then we can take it further?? Up to you :)

sorry for not replying I kinds forgot. But, would you mind starting for us? I'm not fussy with the area or anything.
Hello. I have Victor here that can just be a friend. He is in the process of mourning over the lost of his madre, and he is stuck with his younger sister. He is a very chill and calm guy and wants to be a chaser for the Quibberon Quafflepunchers. What do you think?
Okay, I will start it. Do you mind if it is in the Medley?
Yeah please :) Just send the link to this account when you've done it.
Thank you.

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