Anyone know Noboru Hiroto?

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Lisa Kaster

Well-Known Member
Rolling pin!
Hey everyone lovely to see you all here ^_^
Anyway going on...
I have recently ‘adopted’ a character, his name is Noboru Hiroto he is a third year Gryffindor, I was just wondering if you all could help me get into his character.
Noboru is an artistic and shy guy, he has a twin brother and a sister, they are in Gryffindor and Ravenclaw (I think) I am hoping to get Noboru some friends, enemies etc. And he apparently likes a girl in Ravenclaw (I am almost certain) and he needs to gian the confidence to say he likes her and stuff, so it would be great if he could have a few friends to confide in and that will pull him out of his shell. That would be awesome ;)
Hope you can all help, and it would be better if the students were his age or older. How could a shy 13 year old possibly gain enough confidence to talk to the girl he likes from an 11/12 year old?
:wub: you awesome people!
Daichi here is his twin, now that I think about it, Shouldn't they RP? I was supposed to be the one who make the topic, but I haven't started one yet.

Maybe Daichi can help him with the girl he likes? Daichi seemed to be quite confident after all.
Noboru can always turn to his sister for help (she takes the more 'logical' approach to such matters). :)
Yes siblings are always great helpers in problems ;)
It would be quite funny if one said one thing while the other said the complete opposite xD
I can imagine Daichi telling Noboru to just go for it and use a few chat-up lines, whereas Sakura would be more "just try to become good friends with her, first. Take things slow." I would love to do a sibling RP, at some point ^_^ Perhaps that could be it?
Hi Tenile ^_^

Keira is the girl that Noboru was interested in, but me and Beth never really got round to RPing them. If you'd like to carry that on, I'm up for it if you are!

Claire :)
Claire: I would love to carry it on, would you like to start an RP? or can I? :)
Beth&Daichi: Great, would you two like me to start them?
Jack Kaster said:
Claire: I would love to carry it on, would you like to start an RP? or can I? :)
Beth&Daichi: Great, would you two like me to start them?
If you could, that would be epic :D (I suck at starting xD)
Oh I see how it is :p
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