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Liberty Kaelen

history tutor; grandmother; class of 2028
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Holly Wand 11" Essence of Phoenix Feather
8/2010 (52)
I would like anyone to fill my request.

Banner Order Form
Character's Name: Liberty Barnett
Banner Type: (Standard/Blend/Complex/Linked) Linked Blend
*Banner Size: (You may leave this to banner maker's discretion) Up to you
Celebrity you're using: Nina Dobrev
Images on banner: (For blends please include at least four images)
*Background Image: Anything plain/cool i dont mind
*House Crest/Dark Mark: No thanks
Text on banner: (Be sure to specify if you want your character's name on it or not)
*Fonts on banner: (from )"Libby Barnett" "Relationships" "Graphics Shop" "Character Development" "Blography"
*Colour Scheme: Anything
*Border colour/size: Anything
Links:(Only for linked banners - enter a maximum of five links and what you would like them to say on the banner)
Relationships -
Graphics Shop -
Character Dev -
Blography -
*Other: Can you make her eyes green please :D thanks

Thank you!! :D x
Blography xD
Before I link it, let me know if it's ok.
If not then I'll start again on another later.
oo see claire that is skillage. tis vair nice thank you beth :) one thing, can the links be more group together and it be "Libby Barnett" made just one factor (i dont mind what) diff to rest of words plese :)
also i know im being picky but is it poss to have the pic of her in black dress ( i like her hair in that one xD) instead of pic on left?
Claire- I'm not. I just have no life and practice all the time.
Pibs- *facepalm* I'll start a new one, then :p
I don't mind.
I'll try a diff styleee.
heheh lol xD
thanks. (Tis awesome font though :p)
Hi Sam -waves- everyone gather in my topic xD
Wow thats huge xD
Um, i kinda like the libby font more than others and would prefer if they were closer together. (Also maybe something else in background?) Im not fussy, honest xD
Love the piccy xD fact shes blue is a lil strange though xD
Thanks beth :) Ive changed size and added a sentence :p But yeah keeping this one. Merci :p
Request Completed & Archived

Your Graphics Request has been successfully completed and as such has been archived.
Feel free to place more graphics requests as you find need. ;)
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