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Daniel Cedric Young

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Right in recent times I've made a habit of being absent for large periods of time then coming back then going off again but all that stops now. Due to this a lot of the rps my characters are involved in go stale and they loose out on the resulting friendships. So, they need friends. Anyone I started roleplaying with in the past feel free post and we can either continue or restart something. The fact is I can't stand starring at the board index with only the forum games to post in, I need some rps to post in and the more the better.

So I have four characters. There's Daniel Cedric Young a fourth year Hufflepuff. He's very loyal, protective, friendly, he has a knack for sneaking out at night.

Then there's Oliver Cade Halliwell. A second year Ravenclaw. Intelligent, friendly, eager to make friends.

There's also Jennette Jenkins a second year Gryffindor.

Lastly there's the unsorted Ariana Halliwell. She was previously home schooled after being pulled out of the Salem Witch's Institute by her Aunt. She is fifteen years old and is very mature for her age and due to her Aunts promotion is set to enter Hogwarts.

I know its not much as far as character descriptions go but I'm currently in the process of individual character bios so look out for them.
I'm down to roleplay. Jeanette, Oliver, and Daniel all sound good. Wanna start a thread and will see what happens?
Hey! I don't really have any RPs going either so I know exactly how you feel lol. I can offer you two of my characters. ^_^

I have Lizzy here who used to go to the Salem Institute for her 1st and 2nd year, so maybe her and Ariana would've known each other? :o

She and Daniel are also in the same year so they can easily know/meet each other in class/school now. :)

I also have a second year Gryffindor, Amberly Chang, who can RP with both Jennette and Oliver. (Omg Seddie! :wub: :frantics: )

I don't have much ideas for now but I can come up with ~plots if you want to RP with them. :)
Yeah that sounds good. Lizzy and Jennette could run into each other at Hogwarts and recognize each other. I'm up for Daniel and Lizzy roleplaying too and for Jennette and Oliver rping with Amberly too.
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