Answering the call

Jessica Cade

Gryff Graduate | Leaky Cauldron Owner |
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Straight 12 Inch Unyielding Hornbeam Wand with Manticore Venom Core
Jess clutched the crumpled note from Geo in her hand as she made her way up to the IC headquarters where her girlfriend had asked to meet her. Since receiving the note the previous night Jess's mind had been in overdrive wondering what was so important that Geo had sent her a note with a time and a place rather than seeking her out. Jess made her way to the hidden door and made her way inside. "Geo?" She called into the empty room. Geo was most likely on the first floor which was where they shared their first kiss. It would be a cruelly symbolic place if Geo planned to do what Jess feared she might. Jess made her way up the stairs and spotted the familiar pink hair of her girlfriend Geo. "Hey," She said quietly suddenly overcome with nerves. "I got your note,"
It was usual for the pink haired girl to be this nervous, yet as she sat on the top floor in the IC's store room, Geo was fighting the feelings in her stomach. She had positioned herself in the corner of the room, facing the staircase so that she could see when Jess arrived, and she hoped the Gryffindor wouldn't hate her too much for what she was about to do. After speaking with April, she knew she had to trust her gut feelings, and while she loved Jess, she didn't feel that way about her anymore, and as one of her best friends she needed to tell her that; it was only fair.

Geo's eyes shot up to look in the direction of a voice when she heard her name being called. It wasn't long before she smiled at the girl she would be calling her girlfriend for the last few moments. It perhaps wasn't the best choice of meeting point since the IC room had a special place for all the girls, but at least they would be alone and uninterrupted in here. "Hi" Geo said, her back resting against a bean bag she'd managed to scour and bring up to their hideout. She didn't want either of them to have to go begin their third years with this on their shoulders, and it was better that the band aid was ripped off beforehand if it was going to be. "I thought we should talk" She began, not taking her blue eyes off her friend. She'd spent most of the last six months with Jess, and for the first time they was a strange yet obvious atmosphere in the air that this surely wasn't going to be a positive conversation.
Jess could tell by Geo's demeanor that something wasn't right. The bright and bubbly girl she adored so much was elsewhere and a more serious Geo stood before her. Even before Geo said the dreaded words we need to talk Jess had begun to fear the worse but her words only confirmed her fear. "Yeah?" She asked. Jess didn't want to make it any easier for Geo, things had been going so well between the two so if Geo wanted to break up with her then she needed to say it and Jess wanted to know why.
Nothing had actually changed since the girls began dating one another, and it didn't seem fair for them to keep up a charade that Geo felt had run its course. One of them needing to say something, and talking the first step of the difficult conversation, she began to explain to the Gryffindor how she felt. She still loved her, but as a best friend. She could never see them drifting apart in that respect, and while Geo thought she was still very beautiful and very charismatic, that they would be better returning to their previous roles. "Wouldn't you agree?" She asked her finally, hoping she wouldn't be too mad. Geo felt like it had been coming for a few weeks now, and would be surprised if Jess thought it was out the blue.
Jess shrugged her shoulders as Geo began to talk. She had felt them drifting apart a little recently and if she was honest it felt like Geo's heart wasn't really in it anymore. Jess still felt something for Geo but it wasn't what it was when she had asked her to the Yule ball the previous year in that very same spot. "I suppose," She said hesitantly. Jess would have been open to trying to fix their relationship but it was clear Geo thought it was best that they go back to being friends and Jess didn't feel strongly enough to argue back. They were great as friends and while Jess doubted they would ever get back to what they were, it would be better than what they had now. "Friends is fine,"
It was obvious that Jess had been hurt but her words, but Geo felt it was best to at least get it out in the open than try to continue. Part of her wanted to apologise, but the second year knew that she shouldn't be sorry for being honest. Crossing the distance between them, Geo wrapped her arms around her best friend, knowing that it was going to take time for them to return to the comfortable familiarity they once had. She pulled away, unsure of what they were meant to do now. Geo wanted to make sure her friend was alright, but she wondered whether she should leave her alone. Geo's face was probably the last thing she needed to see right now. It occurred to her that if there was a rift in the group, it would be harder to see their other friends too. "Maybe, I'll see you at dinner?" She asked, hoping the group could get together in the most natural way that now seemed possible.

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