Another week

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Arvo Tuuri

dead part goblin arithmancer
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
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6/04/1952 - 2/03/2062
Hey guys, decided to post this now that this is my... Third week? Of inactivity. Might be a little more, I cannot recall. Basically, been swamped with uni, but recently (as in the last few weeks D: ) I've caught the flu. Things were looking up, but they've dipped again with a mix of severe allergies and asthma resulting in some (more) medication and chest physio that'll be going on for another week or so. So er... Basically, expect more delays?

So sorry, completely expected to have all the things done but it's just not likely. Sitting down and focusing on a Roleplay response is rediculously challenging and I'm not sure what I would throw out would be worth reading, regardless xD

I'll be around chilling sometimes, and I'll be posting Arithmancy lessons (for my flocks of students aka Emzies :r xD ) but not much IC or deep OOC activity. Be good! :hug:

Feel better!
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