Open Another step forward

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Thomas Jusantrea

♪'56 Grad ♪Healer ♪composer ♪singer
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 15 Inch Whippy Black Walnut Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
(10/06/2038) 25
There was a Halloween feast. This will be Thomas's last, so he's been thinking for a long time what to choose as a costume. Until finally painted a black-and-white face like a skeleton. Put on a white shirt, put a red rose in the pocket of the shirt. Long hair was hidden under the hat. Until all went well, he went down to the Great Hall. Thomas walked rather slowly as they talked to Allison to meet at the Great Hall. He had decided to have fun this evening, but he would still have to make sure that no one was breaking the rules.

Although Thomas walked slowly, but at the door Allison he did not see it meant that the girl would have to wait. He wanted to measure Allison right hand around tonight, because Thomas wanted to buy a special gift for his girlfriend to give at the end of the year as a token of his love for him. Thomas looked up the stairs to see Allison. While he waited, he quietly hummed the song he had recently written, but the song had not yet been written, and Thomas would do it later.
Allison had been caught in the bathrooms with Casper and Addy and eventually Allie rushed down the stairs, her costume easy to manage and hopefully looking killer. Casper had spent hours on her make-up and his. He'd done Addy's too, but that had been easier. She lit up as she spotted her boyfriend. At least, who she thought was her boyfriend. His costume looked wonderful. "Hey, you," she greeted, smiling and sidling up next to him. "Your costume looks wonderful,"
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