Annika Lansden

Annika Lansden

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name


Annika May Lansden

Annika- Sweet faced
May- The fifth month
Lansden- Probably a form of English Lansdown

Nicknames- Neeka, Weirdo, Blondey


Born-May 5th 2014

Starsign- Taurus
Element- Earth
Gemstone- Emerald

Chinese zodiac- Horse


Born- Wellington, New Zealand
Currently lives- Wellington, New Zealand


Annika is usually viewed as a strange girl, which really she is. Brought up in an average family, Annika is remarkably intelligent, and different. Her mind works in a different way to most, and her trains of thoughts often lead to strange places. Though it seems like she is in her own little world, and not paying attention to her surroundings, she is very observant, and likes knowing what is going on at all times. Not one to ask for help, Annika likes figure things out, usually as quick as she can. She is analytical, and thinks of things in a scientific or mathmatical way.

Annika is also an insomniac. It typically takes her about four hours to get to sleep most nights. To pass the time until she finally gets to sleep, Annika conducts her own mini-experiments, and records it all. Once she is asleep however, it is very hard to wake her. Annika finds it hard to get out bed in the mornings.

Annika has been bullied her entire life, though it seems to most that she doesn't even notice. Most people, especially impatient and close-minded people, find her weird and frustrating, which as provoked a lot of teasing. It is quite hard for most people to hold a steady conversation with her, as, say they are talking about homework, she might suddenly say "I have a cat called Luther..." in a thoughtful way, as if it relates entirely to the conversation. Her mind just runs away from her.

When somebody gets to know Annika quite well, which is rare, they find quite a quirky girl, with a surprisingly dry and quick sense of humour.

Strengths- Intelligent, scientific, open-minded
Weaknesses- Dismissive, Lack of social skills, Insomniac


With large blues eyes, and flyaway blonde hair, Annika's looks match her natural dreamy looking demeanor. Because of her sleep problems, she normally has dark circles under eyes. However, despite the fact that some perceive her as rather dumb, because of her rather strange looks, she is the opposite. She is rather petite, and fragile looking. This is quite true. Her strengths lie in her mind, rather than in her muscles.
She wears different combinations of clothes, usually rather random looking. Though, despite her mis-matched appearance, the clothes are specifically chosen to match her mood, the weather, what she is doing that day ect.


Louisa Lansden- Annika's mother is a loving, slightly clueless muggle woman. She works as a bank teller in Wellington. She, along with Annika's father, really doesn't know what to make of her daughter. She has ended up giving her a free-rein, because she doesn't understand her, and can't communicate with her properly.

Jonathan Lansden - Annika's share a lot more qualities with her father than her mother. He is quite an intelligent muggle man, also working at a bank in Wellington. Unlike Louisa, he gets frustrated with his daughter, because he doesn't feel like she is living up to her full potential, and gets distracted too easily.


Likes- Science, Maths, Drawing (Though she is terrible at any kind of Art), People watching
Dislikes- Reading, getting up in the morning, loud noises

Favourite colour- Moss green

Pets- Luther, a black kitten she got as an early eleventh birthday present. He is named after Martin Luther King Jr., a famous African-American leader.

Hello anyone who reads this. Thank you for taking the time to look over this. The code was made by me, and took a while, so please ask if you want to use it. The text is made by katie.the.angel over at CAUTION 2.0.
It's not quite finished... I still need to RP her getting her letter, her history, stuff like that. So please excuse the lack of information about her attitude to magic in what you just (Hopefully) read.
Ask away!
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Arryt here we goooo :D

What makes Annika a wierdo?

Would she like to be popular?

Why was she bullied?

Is she good at fashion?

Why is she suffering from Insomniac?

Is Annika the only child?

Why did her parents named her Annika?

Have she ever dream/ wish that magic exist?

Why do you decide to make Annika a muggle born instead of pureblood/ halfblood/ mixblood?

What makes Annika a wierdo?
Her lack of social skills. Underneath what most people think of her, she is actually a very intelligent and funny person. She is just perceived as strange by most, because they can't handle 'different'. Her brain tends to follow a different path to most others, and she isn't afraid of saying what's on her mind, so most people just think she's a weirdo, and stop talking to her.

Would she like to be popular?
Most definetly not. She doesn't dwell on things that most likely won't happen. She knows that she doesn't fit the mould that most ten year old girls fit into, but she doesn't mind in the slightest.

Why was she bullied?
As I said before, she lacks normal social skills, and a lot of people find that hard to handle. So they don't know what to do with her. Most ignore her, but some want to see what she'll do when she is pushed, so they tease her.

Is she good at fashion?
Annika doesn't really think about it. What she weras suits her mood, and what she will be doing that day. She usually wears darker colours. When shopping, she never thinks about outfits, only if she likes a certain piece of clothing.

Why is she suffering from Insomniac?
She has been to see specialists countless times, but they can’t seem to find a cause. Insomnia can be caused by a number of psychological reasons, including stress, anxiety and depression. Annika doesn’t seem to have any of these, nor is she in any physical pain that might cause her to stay awake. Her own theory is that there is too much going on her brain, too many ideas forming.

Is Annika the only child?
Yes, she is. She is content being an only child. Since she doesn’t generally get along with most, a brother or sister would find her particularly irritating. Though maybe if she had had any siblings, she wouldn't be as she is now.

Why did her parents named her Annika?

After her grandmother, on her mother’s side, that disappeared the year that she was born.

Have she ever dream/ wish that magic exist?
No. She is a faithfully believer of science, and magic goes against all of that. She has, of course, considered magic, but has never dreamt of it’s existenst. Though, now that she knows, she isn’t against it. It sort of explains and supports the fact that she is different from most others.

Why do you decide to make Annika a muggle born instead of pureblood/ halfblood/ mixblood?

Because it fits in with her character. If she knew about magic, then she wouldn’t be so obsessed with science. And also, giving her this new discovery is great for the development of her charcter.
Hey Lizzy! Annika's cool. Just a few questions, you know what to do. :p

1 - Now that she knows she's a witch, and it's given her a bit of an explanation as to why she's different, will Annika find it easier to make friends? I mean, do you think being at Hogwarts will change her for the better, or will she remain pretty much the same, lacking social skills?
2 - What would Annika like to do after school? And do you think she'll decide to do something related to magic, or will she stick with her Muggle life?
3 - Can you give us a bit of insight into what Annika's thinking? Maybe write a brief diary entry or just a line or two of thoughts.
4 - Five words to best describe Annika?
5 - What would she see if see looked into the Mirror of Erised?
6 - What are her biggest fears in life? Whether that be a thing (for example: spiders) or a situation (example: failing her NEWTs), you decide.
7 - What animal would Annika's animagus or patronus be?
8 - What would her patronus memory be?

Umm I think that's all, looking forward to your answers. :D

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