Closed Angry at The World

Allison Beckett

Queen Shark
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Curly 10 1/2 Inch Sturdy Sycamore Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
3/9/2038 (22)
Allison had been having a wonderful break. Asher had been home, she'd spent time with Thomas. She hadn't thought anything could go wrong. But apparently, that was a challenge to the universe. She was angry. This wasn't supposed to happen. Not at all. She had been avoiding everyone since coming back to school, refusing to speak to anyone. Eventually, she found her way out to the Great Lawn. It was drizzling, so mostly everyone was still inside. Allison didn't care.

She had brought out a large foam target, and her bow and arrows. She felt like her entire heart had shattered. Normally, she left her bow at home, but she needed the release. She wasn't sure how long she'd been out there, but she was drenched. She didn't care. She notched another arrow, taking another step back. Every time she missed, she took one step forward. Every time she hit it, she took one step back. She was a good bit away from the target now. She let out a slow breath, releasing the arrow and smirking as it flew and hit the target dead center.
Thomas had just a wonderful and exciting break. It was spent exactly as he wanted. Spent time with Allison. Had resumed learning to play the piano, although he had long since left. There was a lot to be done during the break. However, she also failed to make peace with twin sister because she was hurt too deeply and will not be forgiven so easily. Although something unexpected awaited him when he returned to school. Since returning to school, Allison had avoided not only him but others. This made me wonder what had happened. He had thought to look up Addison or Stanis, unless he managed to take a moment to meet Allison and ask what was going on. Thomas had a misunderstanding of what was going on. He wanted to know.

So he had gone out on the cliff to figure out how to get her to talk and find out what was going on. However, he was not on the rocks because he had seen a girl in the Great Lawn shooting with a bow. He knew that she could shoot with a bow. Thomas decided to take a moment to find out what was going on. As he got closer, he realized that something was wrong. Looking briefly at Allison. An arrow shot by her hit the target. ''Zoa, what happened?'' He asked, slowly approaching her closer.
Allison didn't want to be disturbed. She didn't want to talk about it. She had been avoiding everyone, and for a very good reason. But as Thomas spoke, every defense she'd been trying so hard to build crumbled down. She turned to him, her shoulders slumping and her eyes brimming with tears. Not that it would have been obvious, given the rain. The bow slipped from her hand and landed with a dull thud on the ground. She stared at Thomas for several long moments before finally speaking. "Mother," her voice was hoarse, and it cracked. "Mother went out for groceries." Allison shut her eyes, unable to actually say it. "They found her car in the river." She whispered, sinking down to the ground as she said it. She landed on her knees, sitting back on her heel and letting her arms fall slack in her lap.
Thomas wouldn't bother her if she didn't worry so much about the girl, because she was dear to him. Not for a moment did he take his eyes off her to understand what was happening to her and what was on her heart. Then the bow she held in her hand fell to the ground. He looked at Allison and waited for her to say something. When the answer came, Thomas was very shocked to hear. Because he met Allison's mother during the school break, she now heard the words that she was dead. He stood for a moment, looking at the girl until he landed on the ground and approached. ''I'm so sorry, Zoa. Very sorry. I sympathize with you.'' he said, putting his hand on her palm. She needed to know that he was next at this difficult moment.
Allison looked over to Thomas, raising up her arms in a silent request to be held. She was struggling to find words, and she had started shivering. She wasn't sure if it was from the cold, the rain, or her hurt, but it could be a mixture of all the above. Really, she just wanted to be held. She wanted to forget. She hurt, she had never known she was even capable of hurting this much. "Thomas," she whined softly.
Thomas knew what a pain now afflicted Allison, because he himself had experienced it. He hugged her. Embracing him, he felt that Alli was shaking and it was difficult to find words to say for himself. Thomas just held her in his arms and gently stroked her back. ''I'm here with you. I know how painful it is to lose a person so close to you.'' He said, hugging her more closely.
Allison shuddered as Thomas pulled her close, wrapping her arms around him and burying her face in his chest. She broke down, letting herself cry as he held her. After what felt like the longest time, she had calmed down a bit. Feeling worn out, she sniffled, burrowing in closer. "I love you, Thomas," she whispered unthinkingly, too vulnerable in that moment to realize the weight of what she had said.
Thomas caressed Allison's back gently as the girl caressed her closer. He heard every sob her shirt was wet from her tears. She could feel her calm down. Then came the words that shocked Thomas and made him think, because Allison may not understand the meaning of what he said. "I also ..." he did not say to the end, because he was probably afraid of these words. ''Zoe, everything will be fine. It is difficult, but over time will become easier.''

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