Anger, Honesty, Reunion

Stefan Archer

head librarian
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 12 1/2 Inch Sturdy Fir Wand with Thestral Tail Hair Core
4/2015 (46)
Things had gotten better. Well, not better in a sense that most would recognise, but for a certain former slytherin they had gotten a lot better. Everything was still a struggle. He still lived day to day, but now he was no longer wandering the streets aimlessly as he attempted to find some where to sleep that night. Albeit the arrangement wasn't great, each day he could curl up under some sheets and get a good night's sleep. Which up until recently had been unheard for the teen. His sleep was usually filled with nightmares, the ones that would make him wake up screaming, but he had at least the option of sticking around. He didn't need to at any point move on. This house, this place was now his. Well, that much was clear. It was his old house. The place he'd grown up in. The place where most of the most horrible moments of his life occurred. The colourblind teen spent most parts of his days working hard to clean the walls and carpet of the blood stains that had been created. The house had no electricity and it currently had no running water, but Stefan had discovered the well out round he side of the house, which he had learned to use. It didn't have a traditional well system, it was a whole in the ground that someone had placed a metal lid on. It wasn't the best situation. it wasn't what he had really wanted but it was enough. He had no where else, and it was clear they'd made no move to sell the place off. Stefan was somewhat happy to spend his time currently, sleep and just staying in this house. It was safer and more protected from the elements than the streets were. The teen hadn't yet been upstairs. As much as the house was empty, he couldn't go upstairs. He couldn't face what lay up there, the memories of the last time he saw his father. It was the one problem with this house, the amount of memories and flash backs it caused him. Even now almost a month in, if the house creaked, or made an unfamiliar noise, Stefan cowered behind whatever he could and wished for it to pass. Again, the place was hardly desirable to him, but after accepting help from a very nice woman and her family he knew he couldn't live like that any more. He'd been running himself into an empty grave. At least here there was still a little food, and Stefan had food left over from when he'd been at her house. He also knew of a muggle market where he could sell some of his father's possessions so he could afford some food that would last a while. However he had a very different plan for the day ahead of him. In fact he was sure that that day would be the reason for a good change. Well, he hoped. The simple reason, the girl that was always on his mind. 

Even in the darkest of days, the one girl never left his mind. He worried about how much she would hate him. How much better she served than him. It scared him how much he knew he would be willing to do for her. It scared him, how much he loved her. He loved her more than anything else in the world. She was the only person he really thought he needed in his life. Most other people were interchangeable, they always had been. It was why he'd passed on a note to her. A simple sorry and a time and date for her. He knew that he would be lucky if she turned up. He knew that he would have to deal with it if he didn't see her. Another blow, but one he could have predicted would happen. After all he'd left without so much of a whisper he had no idea what would happen later in life. He knew that he'd done wrong, he knew he had no reason to think she'd ever forgive him, but he had hope. Stefan always had hope. He knew that come no matter what he would always be hopefully of something. Hopeful of a better tomorrow, hopeful of an acceptance. Just in general hopeful. He was going to be able to make it through but he was hopeful that things could go in his favour. Things could get better. He'd gotten through so much, he deserved some happiness. But his mind, the logical mind of the colourblind teen, told him to not put his hopes too high. He was up early the morning off. He hadn't had much else to recently so he was up as early as he possibly could have been. It would be a long day. A very long day, but he was looking forward to it. He had washed his clothes the night before and they had been dry by morning. Which he was thankful for. He didn't have many more clothes, and any he would have were upstairs. Which he still hadn't been to.  Stefan woke up in the morning with a purpose. He washed in the sink, and then pulled on his clothes for the day. He knew that since he wouldn't be at home, he wouldn't be taking any food with him. He wouldn't need it until he got back. He'd need it more then. The colourblind teen, packed his small bag with the bare essentials that he might need for the day and left. He didn't need much, and he didn't have much. The extra blanket that he'd been given, his wand, though he couldn't use it, and a few other items. Only enough. No money, and no food. He went around the house, hiding any of his possessions out of view incase someone came to the house. He opened the door, closed it firmly behind him and set off. It was a pretty long walk. He had no idea how long it actually was, all he knew was that it was a long walk. Stefan was a pretty fast walker, he had a natural habit of wanting to quickly break into a run just in case, so he walked quicker than most would think. The colourblind teen wasn't dressed warmly, a jumper, t-shirt and jeans. His clothes were not as clean as they could be, but he'd clearly made the effort. He was still looking thin, despite now having a roof over his head, Stefan rationed what food he had. Which was growing less and less with each day. It meant that he'd not grown much. He was tall, and all too thin. He still slept little, waking up every so often during the night, but at least he wasn't cold, and he was protected from the many elements Of the outside world. Stefan did however look better. He had no new bruises, no new scars. He was feeling better. Everything seemed better to the teen now. Sure, he was still alone, he was still colourblind but he felt better. And that was most important. At least it was to him.

After walking many hours, Stefan finally arrived at the meeting point he'd said. He was a half hour early, and so sat down on the closest bench. He just sat and waited. It drizzled for a few minutes before stopping and the sun emerging from behind the sky. Stefan rubbed his eyes. The light was sore, he looked into the distance. His heart was sinking. She wasn't coming. She wasn't. Just like he had not said goodbye to her, she was not coming then. Why would she really? Stefan had run off, he'd gotten scared and he'd run. He'd just been scared she'd be like the rest, like his father and his foster family. He knew Kate, he loved Kate and yet he hadn't been able to stem those fears. They had been left in him, and he'd done the only thing he could. He'd run. After waiting a further hour and a half, Stefan was pretty decided that she wasn't coming. He'd lost his girl. He'd lost the only girl he had ever had feelings for the only girl who'd ever had feelings for him. He felt awful. He really did. He wanted to apologise in person, give himself a chance to explain, to tell her why. But he'd lost. Feeling now pretty upset, the teen got to his feet, put the bag back on his back, and began to walk away. 
Kate had been rather enjoying her holidays in New Zealand.It was nice to be totally one her own so she could think and do what she wanted.She had no stress of school,exams or anything.She had bought most of her supplies for school.There hadn't been much to buy in the first place.Just a few books and some new robes.Nothing special.She was thinking of buying a new broom though.This year she was the co-captain of the Qudditch team.She couldn't wait and was looking forward to it.She wasn't sure how things were going to go between herself and Hades to be honest the kid scared her a little but she would gladly work together with him so Hufflepuff won't look like such an embarrassment this year.She wanted this year to be good.She didn't want anything bad to happen.Ever since she had walked into the doors of Hogwarts something bad had happened each year.She wanted to end that cycle and actually enjoy her last two years of Hogwarts.She did love the school and she would be sad when she left but in other ways she would be quiet happy because even though she had some amazing memories from the place she also had some pretty nasty memories,ones she would like to forget.she didn't think about them often when she was in school but still in some ways she would never want to return to Hogwarts and in others she would love to come back.It was quite confusing really.But no matter how many bad memories were there she had still met people who stay in her life forever.Who changed her life forever.She had made some very close friends in Hogwarts and she hoped that even though some would b either leaving the school before or after her she would still remain friends with them.Because those friends helped her through tough times and had shared a lot so she wished that all cold be friends

The person that had changed her life the most was gone.For now anyways.She hadn't seen him since the beginning of fifth year.One part of her missed him,worried about him and panicked that something bad had happened to him and another was so angry and hurt because he had left with out saying goodbye or anything.The fact he had left just as they had both said they loved each other hurt her the most.Things could have gone perfectly from there and Kate could have had one of her best years yet but things had gone quite the opposite.In a way she didn't blame him,he hadn't had any love showed to him in his life.Her feelings with mixed in the situation.One part of her understood him and wanted to let the anger go but another part wanted to show how she was feeling.She had never gotten angry at Stefan before.Even after everything in second year she had accepted his apology with out hard feelings.And even after all these years when she had proved countless of times that she wouldn't leave him he still doesn't believe it and leaves her again.There was only so much of that that Kate could take.She had reached the end of her tether which in all fairness was pretty long.She still loved him so much and she just wanted to finally get it across that things were going to be okay.She wasn't going to leave him,nothing bad would happen right now or in the near future.

When she had got the note she hadn't been sure how to feel about it.Of course she had been delighted that Stefan was alive and okay but she didn't really know how to feel.She wasn't even sure if she would go.Did he deserve a chance to say sorry? The rational side of her brain said yes but her heart said no.Her poor heart had suffered a lot.Still she had walked into Brightstone anyways.She had arrived early enough.It was cooler today so she had worn warmer clothes.As the time neared Kate panicked.She didn't know what she wanted to do.Follow her heart or her head.She sat on a bench in Brightstone village for a long time.And finally made a decision when she looked at her watched she realized she was quite late and she quickly got up and rain to where they had agreed to meet.She was slight;y wet due to a light drizzle that had fallen earlier and she knew she would get a cold.When she arrived her heart sunk because Stefan wasn't there.She was a small bit out of breath from running but out of the corner of her eye she could see someone walking away.She knew instantly who the person was.A mixture of emotions went through her but she still called his name "Stefan, wait"She shouted jogging up to him.It was starting to rain again this time heaver then the last time.When she reached him she just stood there not knowing what to say but just looking at him.Feeling relief that he was okay but the anger started building up inside her as more rain fell soaking them both
What had he been thinking? There was not a shred of doubt in the former slytherin's mind that he has messed up. He had lost the one , the one person who had ever loved him. The only person who had truly cared about him. The only person who had never forced him into talking about what had happened to him. He felt awful. He would've understood if she had come to yell at him, to just talk to him, but it hadn't happened. He'd been unfortunate. She hadn't come. Even if she still did care, he knew this would be too hard. It difficult enough for him to try to gather the right amount of courage to be able to go there. To actually turn up himself. He had always thought at the back of his mind that he had truly messed things up between them. That he had done something so hugely terrible that there was no redeeming qualities. Nothing he could say or do, that would justify it. He had no idea how he could apologise. How could he explain to her that he had just been upset, that he had acted on impulse and he had left. That he's run away from here and not actually regretted it half the time. Stefan wondered why he had even briefly thought that she would turn up. He had done the same to her that he had always feared people would do to him. He had abandoned her. In a less literal sense. She had opened up to him and he had run away. He felt like such a coward. He felt like he had never done anything so silly in his life before. He had always tried to be less like the family that had left him, but he knew at the end of the day he was an Archer and it was in his blood. His mother had left and his father had turned against him. He had never once held Stefan with love. Hadn't kissed him goodnight or to make if better. All that had happened was Stefan would've been left to cry it out. And if that wasn't done quick enough, well, it wasn't something that Stefan liked to think about any more. It was behind him. It was the past. He was going to move forward. And this all had to be done without Kate. He knew that he would always love her. He knew that more than anything. Even if she moved on, got married and had kids he would always love her. He was just too chicken to say it. To actually be okay with the idea of someone actually loving him. But, he had lost. He had not won that fight. He hadn't even said goodbye. He thought that was perhaps his worst move. the colourblind teen couldn't believe that he hadn't said goodbye. In the same way that he knew why he hadn't. It would've been too hard to leave if he had. Now, he was paying the price. 

Walking slowly away from the bench, the former slytherin felt his feet ache. Ache like they had never before. He had walked more than this before, but he figured that it had something to do with his heavy heart. He felt the raindrops fall around him, wet his clothes and the things in side his bag. He considered getting out his blanket and walked with that covering him, but the colorblind teen had no intention or want to get it wet.  Instead he trudged along, feeling tears prick his eyes, as his vision got worse. Then all of a sudden someone called his name. Could it be? The former slytherin thought to himself. He stopped walking but did not turn around. It had sounded like Kate, but maybe he had wanted it so bad that he had imagined it. Stefan almost didn't turn around, but feeling that small amount of hope again he did. And there she was. After over half a year, of no contact here was the girl that he loved. Standing not too far in front of him. He wanted to throw his arms around her, hold her and never let her go, but there was something about her stance that told him to not. Instead he just stood there. In some awe that she had come. He took a small step towards her. Small and nervous. Where did he start. What did he say, should she talk first or should he. Stefan smiled ever so slightly at her. He couldn't help it, she made him happy. "I'm so sorry. I know what I did was bad, you don't have to forgive me, just know I'm sorry." Stefan said. He was sure that it would be a good place to start. Start with apologises. Start with the same I'm sorry it seemed that he was always giving her. He had made so many mistakes when it came to her. He just wanted to make it right. A chance to tell her he was sorry. That he could explain what he had done. He had a small feeling that she was maybe not going to want to listen to it.  The sound of the rain falling around them was the only sound that they could hear. A silence had broken out between them. He just knew that this would not be easy. He was ready for her angry, he didn't was hopeful that she wouldn't get violent. Stefan Archer did not know what to expect. For the first time he couldn't read what she was about to do. He had never really had to read her. Not like he had with his father or his foster family. This was uncharted ground and Stefan was sailing without any lights. All he could do was hope for the best. Hope was all he had in this. And he was sure it would get him through. Like it had every other time. 
Kate had never expected to say the words I love you until she was much older.To be honest she hadn't expected it till she was out of school or something.No one she knew had ever felt the way she did about Stefan until they were much older.Kate didn't mind though she loved him and that was that,she didn't care what anyone said.Her parents hadn't really agreed,in their eyes he was nothing but trouble but in the end it was Kate's life and her decisions.She had made the decision in second year to stick with Stefan and not let him off the hook so easily.He had messed up a lot though.This time had nearly been the final straw.She had broken down in the dungeons but Sammy had helped.All the emotions she had been keeping locked up inside had just poured out,she hadn't been fully right for a while.She hadn't been herself really but she had gotten over it.No point moping around the place when it did no good.She had been very angry at the beginning,calling him every name on the sun,he sure knew how to break a girls heart but once the original hurt was swept to the side,she wasn't as mad but really she was just a bit fed up.Some girls would have given up a long time ago but Kate was stubborn and even though she was annoyed and angry and fed up she wasn't going to give up because she knew if they tried they could work things out.They did after all love each other though RHI disagreed but Kate couldn't care less about the magazine really.Kate was going to make her feelings known though,she wasn't just going to accept his apology.She had to make him understand that there were some things she wasn't going to take anymore.

Kate was now soaked,she wished she had brought a jacket.She would probably have a terrible cold but it was something she could live with.She had to admit she was delighted to see him.Even though she had been angry she had missed him and his comforting arm around her shoulders.She had always felt safe there and warm.She had missed their talks together and just seeing him around.She had had the added worries of him being sick or weak on some deserted street in the rain or snow or something.Her mind had made her worries bigger by showing her those pictures.As she jogged towards him,butterflies started flying in her stomach.So many emotions went through her,she wasn't sure what to feel.She had so happy to see him again,she wanted to put her arms around him and hug him forever but there was also anger,she wanted to shout at him and give out to him for leaving with out an explanation or a goodbye,relief also went through her as did other emotions.As she stood there she could see he was nervous,he had grown taller,Kate found herself raising her head so she could look him in the eyes.When he smiled at her,Kate felt a small one of her own tug at her lips.She so wanted to just accept his apology and move on but she couldn't.She wanted to make things clear. Kate sighed and looked at Stefan "I know you are sorry and I want to just forgive you but I have to say one or two things first"She said looking him in the eye "Stefan you can't keep doing this to me.How many times have you said sorry?I mean you are lucky I'm stubborn"She said a small smile gracing her face "But I want you to trust me,I want you to believe that I won't ever leave you,haven't I proved it so many times that I won't.Sure look I'm here standing in front of you."She said pointing at herself.Her voice wasn't raised or anything it was just calm "It's just so frustrating the fact that I still find I need to prove to you that I won't leave"Kate said a hint of annoyance in her voice "I love you Stefan"She said her eyes softening "You mean the world to me and do you know how much I've worried that you've been dead or terribly sick or something this whole time?"She said "Not one letter,nothing"She said a hint of anger in her voice this time "Stefan,I need a promise that you won't do anything like this again"She said her voice stern "If you can promise me that then we can start over"She said her face serious but hoping that he would say yes
Stefan felt slightly better when he began to see as she approached that she appeared angry in a sense that he didn't know. It was not the kind of anger that would make him cower in fear. She looked like she had worried about him. Something that he hadn't expected. He didn't think she had cared that much. But, his father had said the words, he had never meant them. There had never been any love in it. He didn't know what to do about it. When she had said I love you, he knew he had felt it too. He knew that he loved her. He didn't need to be told more than once. He knew that he loved her. It was easy, she was a perfect person, he couldn't not love her. He didn't want to not ever feel the love that he did for her. He loved her. And yet he'd done the idiot thing and run away. Even though over and over, the former slytherin would always claim that it hadn't actually been a bad decision, that jut that small part had been under thought, that he hadn't looked into it enough to be able to understand what he had done. Why he had done it, and if he had really been doing the right thing. Stefan looked down at his feet. He thought of all those many many times that his father had beaten him within inches of his life, and all his mind could think of was Kate. The hope that he had always needed to be able to go on. The little extra glimmer of hope that he needed to remember her words, to remember how she felt about him and how she was still his friend. despite all his mistakes. Even during his time at the foster home, when it was late at night and he was still doing the chores the family had set, he would think of her. The idea of being able to go back to her. To be able to see her again, and tell her that how much she meant to him. There wasn't one time, that she wasn't the thing that got him through. She was the only person he had ever thought he could have a future with. It was a pretty siimple fact. Stefan Archer was in love with her. So in love with her. Stefan looked back up at her. He had grown taller. She was much small than he was. She was cold, he could tell that too. But, he didn't want to do anything about it. In case it wasn't the right move to make. People were always telling him to look after himself since, he was never doing it. He tried to, but it was hard. He had no money, so it wasn't the simplest thing. With Kate, he just wanted her to be okay. He would do anything for her, he didn't want her to a cold on his watch, because of something that he had done, and because of something that he'd made a snap decision about.

When she responded to his smile, Stefan felt himself relax slightly, he just stood and waited for her to say what she needed. Stefan kept his eyes on her. He didn't want to look away. He didn't want to be the guy to turn his head to the ground. She was speaking to him, and this was not the time for his nerves to get the better of him. He had wanted this. For them to talk, for them to get some things out into the open. For her to say what she needed. For him to listen and to do better. Then she said she loved him again. Stefan felt his heart shatter. Because he knew that it could not have been easy for him to leave. He would've hated it. It would've torn him apart. He wanted nothing more than to wrap his arms around her, hold her close. Tell her that he loved her, but she hadn't finished. "I won't do it again." Stefan said, when she finished. He kept his eyes on her, and then took his bag and pulled out the blanket he'd brought with him, wrapping it around the smaller of the two. "I promise you, Kate" Stefan said. "I am so lucky to have you," Stefan looked down at his feet and then back at Kate. "I thought that when I got back to school after my father died that it would be alright, but, there was a mix up, I ended up having to go into muggle foster care, then when I came back to school, I had no home, no family but I had you. And I ran." Stefan had tears welling up in his eyes. "I was so scared that I'd lose you, that my terrible luck would take you away from me." Stefan took a small step forward. He rubbed his eyes with his hand and smiled at her. "Kate, I love you. And I promise I will let you in because I trust you." Stefan without being able to hold it in much longer, wrapped his arms around her and held her close. "He tried...he tried to kill me Kate. I couldn't, I just." Thing had truly gone down from that point. He had always thought that his dad didn't hate him so much, but it turned out he had. He had read the article and it had thrown him off, reminded him, and that had been why he'd gotten so angry. Why he'd been completely thrown off, scared. "Everything just happened so fast, I couldn't handle it. I didn't think I could keep going, I needed to leave. I just...I had to."
Kate found that she couldn't really get angry at people,especially Stefan.She just hated giving out to people because she always felt terrible afterwards.But sometimes she could just blow and when she did she usually left a trail of disaster behind her.She had a nasty temper and got frustrated easily.She had broken three violin bows because of her anger.It wasn't something a lot of people had seen in Hogwarts except for the time after the RHI magazine,that had caught her off guard.She had been mostly angry about how insensitive the author had been of Stefan.Whenever the culprits of that magazine were discovered all hell was going to break loose,Kate hated every single person involved with that magazine.Kate loved Stefan so much,she had never felt any way about someone before.He was perfect to her in every way.He was sweet and he always put her first which she did for him.She loved his eyes,they were a beautiful blue.When she had been ill,thinking of spending time with him had put a smile on her face when no one else could.One of her fondest memories was when the two of them were attempting to dance after he had asked to the Yule Ball.Even now it put a smile on her face,things had seemed good then.She had thought things would progress and get easier but then after he had given her the necklace he hadn't returned after the holidays.She still had the necklace,she was wearing it around her neck,she always wore it.

Kate couldn't help but shiver a little,she was soaked to the skin,Stefan wasn't much better.But she was going to stay here and get everything out in the open because they needed to talk before anything happened.She wanted to be with Stefan but their luck just hadn't been on their side for the past four years.But hopefully that would be no more and they would have good luck and maybe have a stressless two years of school for once.She appreciated the fact he looked at her straight on instead of looking at his feet. Kate sighed in relief because she actually believed him when he said he wouldn't do it again.A smile lit up her face.She watched as he got a blanket out of his bag and wrapped it around her "Thank you"She said smiling,the blanket was helping somewhat but she didn't want him standing in the rain,it was pouring down and Kate knew everything was destroyed. She was about to say something when he spoke again.She smiled at his words and her heart swelled.Kate listened as he spoke and she felt tears well up in her eyes. How could she have been angry at this boy.She felt nothing but love for him.Kate cuddled in when he embraced her.She felt safe in his arms as if nothing in the world could harm her.She looked up quickly when he said his Dad had tried to kill him "Stefan why didn't you tell me that must have been awful did he hurt you badly?"She asked worriedly.Kate put her arms around him,partially covering him with the blanket "I kinda know whatcha mean,you needed to do what you needed to do,its not really the fact that you left it's more you didn't say anything to me about it"She said her head against his chest.It warmed her to the bottom of her heart when he said he loved her too and he would let her in.That meant a lot to her and it was nice to know that he would trust her with things now."I'm so proud of you though,you might not realize it but most people would have given up years ago if they were in the same position as you,but you kept going."She said smiling. "You don't realize what an amazing person you are"Kate said looking up at him her face serious.
The colourblind teen had Never been in a relationship before. He couldn't have been, his father had kept him from the world, he had kept him from experiencing all the other things that most other people would have experienced in the years before school. Stefan had never felt love towards before school, he had never felt like he had mattered to anyone. He had thought he was good for nothing, expecting being a personal slave and a being a punching bag. The things he had been told about himself  did not equal what he learned when he come to Hogwarts. He had never thought that he would ever mean anything to anyone, much less that he would even live as long as he had. It had been a tragedy after another. He was only 16 and he could claim to have felt the worst kinds of pain, the worst kind in the sense of words, he couldn't let people in, he found it hard to even tell people some of the smaller things. It wasn't easy being Stefan. His heart, his faith and everything he had ever had had been slowly taken from him as the years had progressed. Stefan wasn't even sure there was a time that he had really felt his heart as a whole. The only person who had ever made him feel good enough was the girl standing with him now. The one girl that through thick and thin had always trusted that they'd be okay. That had not given up on him. Hogwarts and her had given him that hope that had been slowly dwindling away. Stefan knew full well that as much as he liked being able to breath in the fresh morning air, feel the feeling of warm food in his stomach and the small silences when he was alone in his room, that it had been Pretty close to his breaking point. It been pretty close to the point where Stefan had begun considering to throw in the towel. It was hardly surprising he was being beaten close to everyday with no hope of a future, that was until he got the letter that changed everything. Now almost five years after he found himself in front of Kate, things had changed so much since then. Stefan could say that while still cracked he felt able to love someone else. He knew he could. He could see that he was. He could see that he would be the one who needed to work to make thugs between them right, but he was sure that from here on out things would okay. He trusted that the bad luck was mostly over. That he had served all the time he needed to in the hell that he had be born into. From then on, stefan promised himself and silently promised her that things would be different, that he would prove to her that it would be. That he would try to be different. Stefan Archer was ready to close the chapter on that part of his life and just move on.

With her in his arms it was pretty easy for him to decide this. She was his rock, she was the one person he trusted more the earth itself. He knew it would take time for him to really come to terms with everything that had happened, he knew it would be a long time before he could ever be able to mention it to others, but with Kate by his side, if she was in his arms he knew things would alright. He knew that he'd be okay. That with her he could do it. She was truly his rock. He kept his eyes on her, as she looked up at him. He gave a small weak smile. It was pretty easy to see that while he had been hurt deeply by the motion, he hadn't been too surprised by it. Stefan took a small step back pulling away from her slightly, he looked sadly into her eyes before shifting his gaze to the bottom Of his t-shirt. With slightly shaking hands, he lifted the t-shirt slightly, to expose a large scar just above his hip bones, around where his stomach was. The thing was that Stefan had never once shown anyone the scars, only by accident. The part that could be seen was heavily scarred in a lot of areas. There was the start of a burn just where he was still covering his skin. As he held it there how thin Stefan was could be seen. His hip bones sticking out, a very flat stomach, Stefan had been like that all his life, but he always avoiding showing it to anyone. Stefan kept his down, feeling a sense of shame at how he'd let that happen to him. Whence looked up at Kate. "I was ashamed, I was embarrassed. How could I have let that happen. How could I have driven my father to such an act. How could I tell you?" Stefan looked back down. "I wasn't able to defend myself." Stefan lowered his t-shirt and took a step towards her. Closing the gap that had existed. He wrapped his arms around her once more and felt a sense of safety wash over him. She said she understood, that made him feel better. He still felt bad for what he'd done but he was glad she could see where he was coming from. He felt his heart warm as she leaned against him. He smiled at her. Though she wasn't actually looking at him. She said she was proud of him. He was proud of her. She told him that he was amazing, he really didn't think as much. But he knew she was amazing. "I thought about it. I considered it. I was being bea..." he stopped unable to finish the sentence, his voice breaking slightly. "I was being beaten everyday, and I was getting to a point where I was close. I didn't know anything else and I was tired of it, But you and Hogwarts saved me. You saved my life. I'm so thankful for you." Stefan held her in his arms. Keeping his eyes on her as he spoke. "I am so proud of you. You are an amazing, you inspire me everyday. I am just so sorry for everything. I love you so much Kate." stefan sighed slightly. He was so happy to be with her. He was so happy to see her. "i promise you, this will be different. I'm just not going to go back to school. I can't go back. But I want us to be together. I love you, and I want us to be together."
Kate had never felt safe in anyone's arms since her Dad.When she was a little girl her Dad had been her rock,he had always been the one to keep her safe.When ever she was sad or upset she would always go to her Dad.He would put her on his lap and rock her and sing to her or make her laugh.She remembered dancing with him,usually stepping on his feet,the two of them would be falling around the place.Herself and Sara had always been constantly fighting her his attention when they were younger.They were both Daddy's girls.Star hadn't really been anyone's girl.She had stayed in the shadows.Ryan had been a mom's girl.They had all fallen into the typical categories but what was wrong with that.She had been a very happy child when she was younger.Constantly laughing and usually singing.Its what she did mostly around the house or school.She would often sing under her breath or when she was alone she would sing out loud.It was what she loved to do most.Singing was what she did best and what she had been doing since she was a tot.Her father was a singer too he had always sung to her when she was a little girl.Instead of reading to her he would sing and that would make her fall asleep.It had also made her feel better or he would just sing to her for the fun of it.But Kate had grown up and there was an even more important person in her life who just had to be there to make her feel happy and safe.His smile made her smile and just being there made her feel like a million bucks.She was moving on in her life,she wasn't a Daddy's girl anymore she had grown up,she was big girl moving on from in her life.

She was certain of one thing though.She wanted Stefan as part of her life,she wanted to be with him.That was something she was definitely sure of,probably one of the only things she was certain of.The two of them were thin but Stefan was much worse then Kate,she wondered when was the last time he had had a proper meal,she must give him something before she left.She doubted he was going to come back to Hogwarts.She would miss him but she was going to make sure he would be okay and she was going to write to him and she hoped he would write back because she would have to know he was okay.He seemed to have done so well so far but that wouldn't stop her from worrying.She stood back and looked.She couldn't help but take a quick breath in.There were lots of scars and he was so thin,but the worst was the large scar "Oh Stefan"She said looking back up at him and wrapping her arms around him holding him close before letting go and looking back up at him "I doubt it was you Stefan it was something to do with your father.Nothing you could have done would drive him to do something like that"She said "Stefan,he was a grown man who didn't feed you and did horrible things to you,no one could have defended themselves"She said holding him close.She couldn't even begin to imagine what he went through.It must have been horrible.She could hear his heart beating and she felt so warm in his arms,the blanket around both of them.She hugged him tighter when his voice broke. The rain was lighter now. Kate smiled "Well I'm glad Hogwarts and I did"She said her ear against his chest.Kate couldn't help the blush she didn't think she was amazing and she certainly she didn't she inspired anyone but it was nice to be told she did all the same. "I love you so much too"She said holding his close. "I know,just be careful okay and please write to me"She said looking up at him "I want us to be together too,I've wanted that for so long"She said smiling up at him,the love clear in her face.
The simple fact of the matter was that he'd never been able to feel love. He was happy to say that he was happy in her arms that he could feel all the love he needed fro her. She was an amazing girl and he missed her every minute he wasn't with her. He was sorry for everything he had ever down to her. He was sorry for all the times he'd just not been there. He had tried. He had tried so hard, but everything had been a lot harder that he'd ever thought it would be. It was harder for him to remember that she was someone who cared, that with her he would be okay, that while with her, everything could go back to normal. That he could ignore what had happened in his life, well, just briefly forget what happened. Since there was no real point in ignoring it. Since it was as much a part of him as she was. What he'd gone through was as much a part of him as he couldn't help it being. It had happened to him, there was no changing that. Stefan was well aware of that. He couldn't change what had happened, he couldn't alter what had already occurred. It wasn't as simple as that. He couldn't talk about it to anyone apart from Kate. What he had told to Elvera had been the smallest bits of details that in no way actually showed what his life had been like. He had no idea that she had just seen what had happened in parts. There were things that he knew he could never tell Kate. Words he could never utter.The worst of it, were pieces of information that he wanted to keep to to himself, not because he didn't trust them, but more because there were bits of information that he just didn't want to relive. It wasn't like he could just wake up and be able to tell her everything. There were some stories that he just couldn't keep to himself. Some stories that he didn't even want to think about. The times where he had truly believed it was the end. Time where he had been sure that his father, or foster family weren't going to stop. Just were not going to stop hitting him. Those were stories he never wanted to have to utter. In short anything that had too many scars were things he didn't want to talk about. Stefan Archer was sure that Kate would never push the subject she would never ask too many questions, no more than she needed to. But, that was part of why he really did love her. She was the only person who didn't make him feel awful for not talking about it. That didn't feel like he wasn't going to get better by staying violent. One thing was for certain, he was going to have his work cut out to get better, but he knew that he could do it, and that was all that mattered. All that truly mattered was what Stefan Archer knew he was capable of doing.

Watching her closely as she looked at the scar, he felt himself hold his breath. He could see how thin he was. He could see his own bones. It made him feel a little disgusted about himself. More so than any of the scars could make him feel. He had always worried about Kate, when she'd stopped eating, he had always known what it felt like to be starved. To literally be so hungry that your stomach hurt. Stefan felt it almost everyday. The only time he had not been hungry was at school. During those days he had full meals. He wasn't restricted on what he was meant to eat. He wasn't forced into eating things he didn't want to. Or made to just no eat. Made to cook but never allowed to eat. He looked down as she wrapped her arms back around him. He was almost hanging his head in embarrassment over what had happened. He knew he had on countless occasions driven his father to it. He had driven the foster parents to it, but he knew he hadn't driven his father into wanting to kill him. Stefan didn't even know why his father had done such a thing. Why his father had made the decision to try to kill him. Stefan sighed slightly, making sure his arms were tightly wrapped around her. He took a deep breath. "I tried, the winter before 4th year. I punched him, but it was all I could manage." The colourblind teen admitted. He was sure that him fighting back that had started all of it. Things had been getting worse, he had noticed that, but he had fought back and then six months later his father had tried to kill him. "It was near the end of the holiday, things had been so bad. Kate, I was so hungry, I was so cold, I was in so much pain. I snapped. You and everyone else kept telling me I was worth it, and I was tired of not being treated like by the only family I had left. I snapped, but I wasn't strong enough." Stefan voice trailed off, as he lowered his head. He was embarrassed that he hadn't managed to fight off his father. That he'd been unsuccessful, and it had resulted in this. He was sure. Stefan smiled happily, he was so glad for her in his life. He was glad that she was the person in his life that meant the most to her. He felt his heart race when she said she loved him. he was so happy to hear it. He was so happy to have her in his life, to feel the love that she had to spare for a guy like him. "I want you to stay safe in school, don't worry too much about me in School. I'll be okay." Stefan said, moving away from her slightly. Lifting her head slightly so she was looking directly up at him. He smiled at her. "I will write whenever I can. I promise" The former slytherin made a mental note to get more paper and pens. Or just find something in the house that he could use. He smiled at her, he wanted to be with her. He wanted to be her boyfriend. He wanted to know what it felt like everyday to know there was someone who loved and cared about you. So, without saying another word, he leaned in and kissed her. He had missed doing that so much in all the time he'd been away. He had missed the way she smiled, the way she was everything to him. He was now to glad to have her back with him. Glad to be able to kiss the girl he loved, and who loved him. Stefan had a very strong feeling that things were going to be alright.
Kate had lived a completely different life to Stefan.Ever since she was born she had had love shown towards her.Her parents had loved her ever since she was born.She had had a loving twin sister.She had grown up with someone always by her side,someone to play with.Her parents had always played with her,laughed and there had mostly always been a general happy atmosphere in their small house.Her mom obviously hadn't expected twins,Kate had been born two minutes after Sara,she had been the smaller of the two but had arrived with a pile of hair on her head.Sh had also been twirling a piece of her hair,she still did it today and she had a big head of thick waves now.She had felt love towards her and she had also loved others.She had had an easy life,she had had no problems as a child.She had lived a pretty normal life.Her parents had tried to give her the best opportunities in life.She had lived a normal average life until her magic abilities started to show.That's when things had got a bit crazy,well for her parents anyways.Kate hadn't really cared,she had been what six seven years of age.She knew it hadn't been normal but weird hadn't come to mind.She just hadn't understood and though some would disagree ,magic was one of the best things that had happened to her.Stefan was also another good thing that had happened to her.She was so glad she hadn't pushed him for answers because if she had,things probably wouldn't have turned out the way they had.She had fond te person she loved most in the world because she had refused to give up and hadn't pushed for answers.She was going to make sure he had a happy life from no one.She didn't want him to suffer anymore because he didn't deserve to and frankly he'd dealt with too much already.

Even though the scars were a horrible reminder of his past they were also part of who he was.You can't just get ride of your past,it stays with you forever and it defines a part of you.Her past had defined her and it did it for most people.Lots of things define you.Your family,friends,what you listen to what you watch.It all helps define who you are.She had always worried about Stefan,when she had been younger he had always come to school with terrible cuts and bruises and he had always been so thin.She hadn't known when she had cared so much.She just had all the time and she had wanted to stop who ever was doing it to him,she had always been so angry and when she had her inklings that it was his Dad she had been ever more angry still it hadn't been till fourth year maybe the end of second year that she had realized she had loved him.It had finally clicked in her head that it was more then just being interesting in someone or being their friend she had loved him.She knew it was going to take her a long time to convince him it wasn't his fault his father had done what he had done,she may never but she was going to try.Kate listened and hugged him tightly,she was trying to comfort him but she was thought it was best for him to get it all out and all she could do was listen and be there for him. "Its okay"She said softly,nothing was going to happen to him again but these memories would always be with him. A small smile tugged at her lips "I'll do my best"She said mock sighing but grinning.She of course was going to worry but that was just her.She looked up at him "You better"She said grinning once more.She reached into her pocket and shoved some notes into his head "Take it and don't give it back"She said holding his hand so he couldn't give it back "Don't argue just take it,If I know you have some money I'll rest easier"She said sighing but smiling all the same.It wasn't much but hopefully it would help.She couldn't believe that finally she would be able to call Stefan her boyfriend.It was making it official and Kate couldn't take the wide smile off her face.She went on her tippy toes to meet the kiss.It was just the same as last time,the same amazing feeling.She was so glad that he was here now,finally things seemed to be going right.
The memories he held on to, were not like anyone elses. He would never be able to forget them, they were just as much a part of his mind as the good memories were. There would be no getting rid of them. There would be no thoughts of being able to push them all away. Most because if he did just that, then there would nothing left. In his sixteen years of life, his bad memories well out numbered those that were good. Generally the other way around for most, but Stefan Archer was hardly most people. His childhood had been spent being beaten. Being starved and being neglected. He wasn't ever sure if any of it had actually ever stopped. He hadn't known any different really until he'd entered school. He had always wondered why his father was only nice to him when a certain child inspector came around. He had never really thought that he had it out so bad. Coming to school, going outside, seeing father's with their kids. Seeing no fear on the faces of the kids. It had just brought it home that Stefan was not being treated right. He'd just never had the courage to tell anyone. It had been engraved in him to not tell the truth. He didn't know how to tell people, when he had thought back on it. Thought back on his life, and realised how badly he had been treated. He realised that he wasn't suppose to be that thin, he wasn't suppose to have that many scars. He couldn't really look at his own body in mirrors because of what stared back again. He didn't see the boy who had grown tall, who had soft features, and bright blue eyes. Instead he saw a scared boy with too many scars constantly looking over his shoulder. He wasn't confident about himself. He didn't have the same confidence that others seemed to bubble over with. Stefan had been talked down to all his life. He had been taught to never talk back, he had been taught that he was worthless. Most of the time he still believed almost all the things his father had called him. With Kate, it was different. She didn't make feel as inadequate as he would normally. He in the most part believed that he wasn't completely worthless. Kate Made him feel better about himself without even trying, without needing to say anything. She made him feel like he would always be okay. Like he wasn't just going to disappear one day. She was really the only person who could make him feel like that. She was the only person that he had ever believed on the matter, and he would continue to believe her. Even if all the rest of the time he had trouble seeing and believing his own worth. He had never really been able to see it. He just needed Kate. She was his rock, she was his everything, without her he was lost.

Stefan tried to stop her from giving him money. He didn't feel right in taking it. He wasn't very good at accepting help from others. He wanted to say no, but he couldn't. Stefan was very quickly running out of food. He didn't have any money for more food, and he didn't want to disturb Elvera and her family for more food. They had done enough for him. They had done all that he had been willing to let them. Stefan knew that there had been other broken people living there, but he couldn't. The second foster home had been the breaking point for the Archer teen. He couldn't stay with people he didn't know. He trusted Elvera a lot more now, but he wasn't ready to intrude upon her home, or her family. In his eyes, they didn't need to be burden with his mess of a life. He didn't want to rely on anyone, he didn't want people to feel the need to give him things. But, he needed it. Stefan wanted to keep his promise to her, and he couldn't do that if he starved. So, instead of putting up the usual protests about it. Stefan closed his hand around the money. and smiled in thanks. His real thanks was the kiss that followed. Kate Moon was his girlfriend. He had never been called a boyfriend before. He had never thought he would ever have such a title to his name, but he did. He kissed her, wrapping his arms around her more, and holding her close. Finally he broke the kiss, only breaking slightly away from her. Not sure how else to be with her. He never wanted her to leave. But, he knew he had to. He wanted to be home before it got dark, and he had quite the trek to take. He didn't want Kate to think anything of it. "One of these days, I'll tell you whatever you want to know. About what.." He trailed off. "About what happened to me." The former slytherin said. If they were to be boyfriend and girlfriend, he wanted to be able to be honest with her, and he wanted her to know that he would be willing to tell her about what had happened to him during his life. "I should probably get going. Don't want to be out when it starts to get dark." Stefan smiled slightly as his eyes looked down at her. He didn't want to go. He was wet, it would be a hard trek. He did however know that he had to. There was no way around him getting home. "Thank you so much for coming, I would've understood had you not, but you did, thank you so much."
Kate sneezed,she was definitely getting cold.It was a dam nuisance having a weak immune system.Kate seemed to have a cold most days.Standing in the rain obviously wasn't helping.Her hair was soaked as was her clothes.It wasn't too bad though,the blanket was keeping her warm as was being so close to Stefan.Even though they were both wet being so close actually made her quiet warm.It was comforting and even though she could feel her nose starting to run she was warm inside his arms ,almost like a cocoon. She wouldn't mind spending the whole day right here,wrapped in his arms.The rain was steady now,falling continually ,it wasn't heavy but it was the kind of rain that got every where.The blanket was heaver due to soaking up the water but she didn't want to let go because she knew she would be frozen with out it.It was going to be awkward walking back and explaining why she was so wet but she was sure they wouldn't press her for answer and she was in too good of a mood for it to be spoiled by anyone for a while.The two of them had gone through a lot since the first time they met in first year.They had changed a lot since first year.She remembered how innocent she had been as a first year.She had entered this completely different world where magic actually existed.Magic had only been ins stories and it was considered to be an illusion or just a trick but then she had gotten the letter.Being magic or even getting that letter had changed the course of her life.She had left primary school,moved to England and started this magical school.She had been nervous the first day because really she had no idea what to expect.When she had seen the castle that had been a huge surprise.Little did she know how much her life was going to change after she entered that school.She had grown considerably since entering and she had found the person she loved most in the world.She had also made some amazing friends that she would hopefully know for life.There were some bad things too but Kate tried to look at the positive side of things because if she looked at all the bad things she just wouldn't be happy.Good memories are golden,they can get you through tough times and distract you from the bad memories.

Kate was glad that he accepted the money.She knew how he was with accepting help,she herself had been like that.When she was younger she had always been the one to help other people.It was just her thing really and she had never had to be helped by anyone else before.When she was in second year she should have asked for people's help or accepted the offers because she had lost a few friends when she had refused help,she had been selfish in a way.She had only been thinking about her hurt pride instead of how her friends and family felt watching her slowly turn into nothing.It was when she had put her pride aside and had accepted help that things had started to get better.She had had to fix up some broken friendships but she had never able to fix it with Sara.Now things were okay between then but in third year things had been bad.Ryan had been another person.For three years he had kept everything to himself,they had all noticed the change in him but nobody had known,not even Star what was wrong with him.His loss had been much bigger then hers and he was going to have to pay the consequences for his actions.She wasn't sure how much money she had given Stefan,she had just given him what ever was in her pocket.She hoped it was enough to last him a while anyways.She knew things were bad if he had taken it from her and she was glad she had given it to him.She hoped he had some sort of a roof under his head.It was winter after all and even though they weren't too bad the both of them were wet and if he stayed outside he was going to be sicker and more uncomfortable then her.She would write to him and check up on how he was.She really hoped he was okay and that he would be okay out here by himself.Kate felt a thousand butterflies in her stomach when they kissed.She couldn't believe she was her girlfriend and he her boyfriend.It just seemed a tad surreal but she was happy,that was something she hadn't felt in a while.When the kiss broke the two were still close,just the way Kate like it.She never wanted to leave here,it was perfect. "I know"She whispered,she appreciated how he was going to be honest.She did believe that he would tell her and she didn't mind when once he was ready to tell her.Kate sighed but smiled,she didn't want him to leave but it seemed he was going to have a long way back which she wasn't very happy about but she wasn't going to say anything. "Where are you staying?"She asked curiously.Kate smiled and looked up at him "I missed you terribly and I needed to see that you were okay.Sure I was angry but I sort of understood where you were coming from and it wasn't worth it loosing you over my anger though I had to make a few things clear first"She said truthfully "Plus I love you and even though I was angry I wasn't going to throw away everything we had gone through by not coming"She said smiling up at him
The simplest facts was that out of all the things that he did, he was just happy to know that no matter how bad things got for him, he still had Kate who was the one person he would trust forever. He knew that he needed to be able to stay alive. That he he would have to work a lot harder that most others to just keep himself from falling under. He also knew that it was of course, very possible. He wasn't sure how he would really manage it. He had promised her that he wouldn't leave again, but this was definitely a hard thing for him to promise. That he would trust her, but it didn't mean anything if he didn't make it. He knew that he would always be able to ask her for help. if he needed it, then he could. It wouldn't be hard. It would just have to be him getting over his pride first. It would have to be him, getting over his pride and being willing to accept help from those who were willing to give it to him. He wasn't stupid, he knew that if things got to be bad, he was better asking for help than not asking for help. After all he hadn't worked this hard, been through this much to lose so close the finish. The finish being when things finally got better for him. When he was finally able to just be happy, and let his past be a part of his history, and not something that controlled his current life. The teen was happy with his girlfriend in his arms, it would all be for her. It had been for her for a long while. He just knew that no matter how bad things got he would be okay as long as he had her. With her by his side, he knew he would be fine. He'd be all right. Things would work out. He knew it. After all she had gotten him through so much already and there was still so much more to go. He was only sixteen after all, eventually things would get better. They had to. There was no way that his stream of horrible luck could continue. He was still in his teens and could unhappily claim to know what it felt like to be beaten within an inch of life, and to know what it felt like to be starved by the one person who was meant to look after them. Stefan could claim to so much more that he just wasn't willing to admit. Why would he want to, it was the painful reminder that no matter how much better his life became that it had been truly awful to begin with, and the scars he had would stay with him forever. The would fade into being just memories, nothing more and he really just wanted to get to that day. He really wasn't quite there yet, he would be happy to be able to get there.

Where was he staying? That wasn't a question he had much desire to answer. It wasn't a good thing that he was staying at his own house. The house that contain the worlds worst moments of his entire life. To most it would be like going back to the foster family. The only good thing about this house was that it didn't have anyone in it. It was just him. Just him and the things around which was all he really needed. A roof over his head, and something to keep him out of the rain, and the cold. It wasn't the best thing in the world, but it was the one thing that kept him going. He was more of the thought that at least he had someting. It was better than just living on the streets. Which Stefan hadn't been great at. He was thin, weak and he was colourblind, all of those things combined didn't do very well together. he was left with close to nothing, he had been dying, driving himself into the ground. He had accepted the help from someone, and things had improved. He'd left with the intention of getting a roof over his head. And while it wasn't ideal it was the best he could do. "Around the place." Stefan said, being very unspecific. He didn't want her to worry, but he also couldn't lie to her. Not any more. He leaned his head against her as she spoke. He had never expected for him to mean so much to someone like her. She was beautiful. She could have any person in the world, and yet here she was with him. "Well, I'm glad." He said quietly. He leaned in again and kissed her. He needed to go. He had to go home, well, back to his make shift home. "I should go." He whispered as he broke the kiss but did not pull away. He pulled away, he hoped he could take the blanket too, so he unwrapped himself from it, and unwrapped her from it. Stefan felt bad, but he need it. Having still not found the courage to go upstairs at his house, it was the only real blanket he owned. "I love you, okay? Don't worry about me, I'll be fine, and I'll write to you." He folded the blanket. Gave her one last kiss before breaking it and beginning to walk away. Glad at how this day had gone. Glad that it was all going to get a lot better from there on out. This day had been somewhat perfect. And even though he arrived home, a good few hours later, soaked to the bone, tired and hungry, he wasn't unhappy. In fact he was happier than he had been in months. Which was a pretty good feeling.

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