Andrew Belo

Andrew Belo

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sandalwood Wand 14" with Moonstone Powder
Full Name:
Andrew Leonardo Belo

Date of Birth:
July 4, 2000

Current Age:
- 24

Occupation: Professional Quidditch Player. Andrew began his career at 19 with the Brazilian National Quidditch Team, but he just got traded to the Thundelarra Thunderers.

Basic Appearance:
Andrew stands at 6'2 and has an athletic build.
He has blue eyes that are the color of the ocean on a stormy day and jet black hair.
He has a tattoo on his chest that has the crest from his wizarding school.
His usual style is jeans and a graphic t-shirt with a pair of sneakers.

Andrew is friendly and open, which is why he is usually well liked. He enjoys meeting new people and traveling, both of which he does frequently. On the field, Andrew is intense and focused. He doesn't like to dissappoint either on or off the court nor does he like to admit defeat so he'll usually keep trying and working hard to make himself better.

Since he hasn't been in any serious relationships, Andrew doesn't really know how to act around girls he really likes. Most of the girls he deals with are fans who he meets in the locker room or in various bars/pubs around his hometown. Andrew is a bit cocky and becomes sullen when the attention is not on him.

Likes: Surfing, Quidditch, Athletes, Partying, Redheads
Dislikes: Serious people, Airplanes, failing, his father's new girlfriend


Father- Marcos Anthony Belo (pure blood) born in 1980
Mother- Clarissa Victore (muggle) born in 1980

Marcos is an extremely wealthy man who gained his money from playing professional quidditch himself. He was a beater for the Brazilian National Quidditch Team. Marcos is a handsome gentleman who no longer works because he does not need to. He never married but continues to leave the playboy lifestyle that he has enjoyed since he was a teenager. Currently, he lives in a mansion on the coast of Brazil with his girlfriend, a 22 yr old muggleborn named Vanessa.

Other than her name and that she was twenty when she had him, Andrew doesn't know anything about his mother. She delivered Andrew to his father who was on the road with his team when Andrew was two, leaving only a note that said that there was something odd about the boy and she didn't want to take care of him. Marcos was reluctant to believe that the child was his because he was only twenty at the time and on the rise as a beater for the Brazilian team. She and Marcos had met somewhere in Brazil and spent a brief amount of time together while Marcos was on vacation from his team. With nowhere to send the boy, Marcos hired a nanny who remained in his mansion with his son and raised him.

Area of Residence:

Andrew was raised in a mansion in Brazil right off the coast. At the age of twenty, he moved into his own bachelor pad in the heart of Brasilia.
He just bought himself a place in Australia where he can be closer to the stadium where his new team trains and plays.

Blood Status:


Special Abilities:
None except for his speed.

Interests or Hobbies:
Quidditch; Going to parties and generally being in the spotlight; Girls

Additional Skills:
Speaks fluent English and Portuguese.

He is charming, a great athlete and knows how to work a crowd

He has a bad temper (and has been known to be the hothead on any quidditch team he plays for), doesn't like to lose and sometimes comes across as arrogant because he is used to getting what he wants without really having to struggle to get it.

Describe your character in three words:
Athletic, Competitive and Confident

Favourite place to be:
Although in interviews he tells people that his favorite place to be is on the quidditch pitch, Andrew believes that it is actually a tie between being on the pitch or being on the beach relaxing.

Best school subjects:
Defense against the Dark Arts and Flying

Worst school subjects:
History of Magic. He never had the concentration necessary to memorize the facts necessary to do well in the class, so he dropped the subject immediately after receiving a D on his OWL.

Extracurricular Activities:
Seeker on the Quidditch team. Became captain during his fifth year.


Your Patronus memory:
Being drafted onto the Brazilian Quidditch team

Your Boggart:
Meeting his mother and having her tell him he's a freak

Mirror of Erised:
Helping lead his new team to victory against his old team.
Hi Andrew :r

Just a couple questions

1.What school did he graduated from?
2. How does he feel about magic?

3.Does he acknowledge magic? Besides being a quidditch player?

4.Why did he switch team? Something went wrong? Or was it just cause he wanted to? Explain more?

5.At age two his mother call him a freak? If she did why? Was there something wrong about Andrew?

6.Age two kind of young, so explain his childhood year?

7.Why does he like redheads? And you say something about his new girlfriend father? Explain? Doesn't make sense when the boy is inexperience o_O?

Anyways I'm out of it T.T need sleep
Thanks for the questions :)

1. What school did he graduated from?
Andrew attended and graduated from a wizarding school in Brazil.

2. How does he feel about magic? 3. Does he acknowledge magic? Besides being a quidditch player?
Andrew doesn't know how he would live his life without magic. In his home, magic was used for everything- cooking, cleaning etc- so he tends to use magic over muggle methods to do things. It wasn't until he moved to his own place when he joined the Brazilian quidditch team that he even tried using non-magical methods to do things, mostly because he hadn't paid enough attention in Charms to remember household charms.

4. Why did he switch team? Something went wrong? Or was it just cause he wanted to? Explain more?
Andrew definitely didn't want to switch teams. If he had the choice, he would have stayed on the Brazilian National team forever because by being on that team he is able to stay near his hometown and be with people he has known for years. Andrew was traded to the Thunderers for another player, mostly because he is a young player which makes him expendable. He wasn't very happy by the trade but he really had no choice over the matter, so he plans on just doing as good as he can on his new team.

5. At age two his mother call him a freak? If she did why? Was there something wrong about Andrew?
Andrew's mother was a muggle who met his father at a muggle party that Marcos and several of his quidditch teammates had crashed. She had no idea that Marcos was a wizard and they weren't together very long so it wasn't something that she ever discovered. Fast forward nine months and she has a child. When Andrew was young, she just noticed that weird things happened around him. Since she is ignorant about magic, she didn't realize that that was what was causing the odd things to happen, but instead she thought there was something wrong with Andrew.

In reality, nothing is wrong with him. It is just like with all wizarding children that they use magic without ever meaning to mostly because they do not know how to control it.

6. Age two kind of young, so explain his childhood year?
Andrew had a relatively easy childhood. He spent most of his time in his father's mansion with a nanny hired to take care of him. She was a poor muggle-born wizard who needed the money and who had grown up with Marcos and gone to school with him. Because his father had money, the boy got everything he wanted and was spoiled.

During the summers, he either would travel with his father and his quidditch team, mostly helping in the locker room as a water boy or he would spend the summer at home, hanging out at the beach with his friends from school.

7.Why does he like redheads? And you say something about his new girlfriend father? Explain? Doesn't make sense when the boy is inexperience o_O?

Not sure why Andrew likes redheads...maybe something to do with how their hair contrasts with their skin.

About his father's girlfriend: Andrew thinks she's an airhead. She is younger than he is and he remembers being in school with the girl where she would try and spend as much time as she could around the quidditch players. He has the feeling that the only reason she is with his father is because he was a quidditch player and has a great deal of money.

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