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- Rowan Wand 15 Essence of Fang of Basilisk
Full Name: Andrea Bernadine Kelize
Andrea- Brave. A feminine form of the Greek Andrew, meaning manly or brave, dates back to the 17th century. Feminine form of Andre.
Bernadine-Feminine of Bernard, meaning strong as a bear, or bear hard.
Nickname: Andi
Current Age: 12 Years Old
Birth date: May 10, 2018
Birth date Meaning- A Leader
Strength- Ability to gain respect
Weakness- Caring too much what others think
Power Color- Orange-red
Power Symbol- Letter X
Power Month- October
Horoscope- Taurus
Area Of Residence: Sydney, Australia
Language: English
Heritage: Australian
Accent: Australian Accent
Blood Status: Muggle Born
School: Hogwarts New Zealand
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Sexual Preference: Female. Straight.
Wand: Rowan Wand 15 Essence of Fang of Basilisk
Rowan is considered to be the enemy of all witchery and is famous for its protective qualities. Rowan is said to avert storms and lightning and to bring peace to its owner.
Eyes: Light Brown. When you look at her eyes, your first impression is gray but if you make eye contact with her and stare into her eyes deeply, you will find out the true color behind those baby doll eyes which is Light Brown.
Height: 5'2. Some people say that she's quite small for an eleven year old. She doesn't mind, though. Instead of wearing shoes with heels, she just wears sneakers even if it doesn't add an inch or two to her small height.
Weight: Light. 117 pounds
Build: Skinny. She usually wears skin-tight clothes because loose clothes just make her skinnier than she already is.
Style: Casual. Her style of fashion is casual. A casual style for a casual personality. That's Andrea's style motto. She hates dressing up. When it comes to fashion, she just picks up the first clothing that she gets in her wardrobe and puts it on. She's not really a fond of fashion so she doesn't care if she's wearing the hot trends or the not trends. She's really casual that sometimes, she's always mistaken as a lesbian. Not just by her style, but the way she moves too.
Play By: Annasophia Robb
Personality: Independent and dominant, she tends to be the alpha dog in most situations. She's very confident, and hardly anything ever shakes her. Mundane tasks tend to drain her - she prefers to be making great plans. She is quite different. When people don't "get" her, it bothers her a lot. But other than that, she's a great friend. She's loyal and will stand up for you no matter what the consequences are. She's also quiet but if you get to know her, you'll never find a way to shut her up. But watch out! She's got a fiery temper. She always gets upset whenever people don't get her and whenever people judge her. She's a bit of a troublemaker because she hates it when people tease her and that often leads into a fight which of course, leads into trouble. She always takes everything seriously. She's very hardworking and very determine. As the first born, she's always the boss, so don't be surprised if she bosses you around. She's very caring and overprotective towards the people that are close to her. She's dominant and powerful. She always needs to be in charge. While others respect her competence, she can be a bit of a dictator. Hard working and serious, she never let herself down. She is exact and accurate - and she expects others to be the same way.
History: Andrea grew up in Sydney, Australia and lived there her whole life. She had a fine childhood, despite of her poor family. She lived in a small house in the depths of the land of Sydney. Her mother works for a rich family as a maid. While some people find this rather shameful, Andrea had never found this so. She's very fine of her mother being a maid. It's not about the job; it's about the workers being passionate of what they are doing and does it respectively for the sake of their family. Meanwhile, her father works in a restaurant as a baker. Some people find this shameful too, but then again, Andrea had never found this so. Fortunately, Andrea's father got promoted to facilitator. Even though, her parents have a lot of children to feed, they work hard for their family. Andrea finds this very hard yet, her parents somehow managed to do it, so in return for all the hard work and the sweats that her parents excreted, she's now working hard to attain the good grades she had promised to give her parents. She first learnt about magic when her friend Veronica transformed her kitten into a glass. Andrea was very astonished so she asked Veronica how she'd done it. Veronica said, it was called Transfiguration. Amazed, Andrea begged and begged Veronica until she taught how to do it. Since then, Andrea was desperate to learn more and that's how she grew her love of magic. But, she hates school. When she got her letter of acceptance into Hogwarts, she was very happy, yet bored. All she wants to learn is Transfiguration. She doesn't like reading books, especially really thick ones. But then again, if she wants to make her parents proud she has to attend all of the classes. She currently studies in Hogwarts as a Gryffindor First Year student.
Interests or Hobbies: Andrea loves sports. She likes playing basketball in her spare time. She also like writing in her diary and making friends.
Additional Skills: SShe likes sports very much that she is very hard to beat in the sports she most excels.
Strengths: Ability to gain respect, her bossiness and her rare attitude.
Weaknesses: Caring too much what others think.
Describing Andrea in three words: Strong, Tough, Sporty
Favorite Place To Be: In the Student Lounge or in a Basketball Court.
Friends: [ul]
[li] Hariah Meadow</LI>
[li] Damien Blade
[li] Briar Rowan
[li] Angie Vanderbilt
[li] Jade Whittle
[li] Napoleon Hawke
[li] Edward Bridge
Plans For The Future: To have a successful job and to upgrade her family's financial status.
Patronus: Wolves. Andrea picks the wolves because she think they're super cool.
Patronus memory: When her favorite basketball player came to their hometown.
Boggart: Being kissed and seeing her family dead.
Animagus: Horse.
Mirror of Erised: To be a professional basketball player and to maybe figure out herself.
Favorite Color: Red and Yellow
Favorite Sport: Basketball
Favorite Subject: Transfiguration
Little Known Facts:
[ul][li] Andrea is a member of a famous basketball team in Sydney called Mercy Monsters which frequently joins basketball competitions that allow both boys and girls in one team and which she is Point Guard.
[li] She suffered ankle injury thrice now ever since she started playing the sport.</COLOR>
[li] Her aunt, Caroline currently resides with the Kelize family for she was divorced with her husband and got nowhere else to live.
[li] She didn't know what Music was until her friend, Damien introduced it to her.
[li] Even though playing basketball isn't allowed at school, she still keeps her passion inside her by tapping unto something whenever she gets a chance to which pretty much indicates her excellence in dribbling.
[li] Besides Basketball, she is pretty good in Chess too and was once a competitor in a town festival games.
[li] She hates fish. (Well, the food anyway)
[li] She is obsessed with pumpkin pie and pumpkin juice.
[li] She adores prefects.
[li] She's also good in boxing since she likes to break the nasal cartilages of those people who continue to criticize her in which she objects.
<LI>[li] <FONT font="Comic Sans MS"><COLOR color="#000"><COLOR color="#000">She's afraid of spiders.
Mother: Carolina Bernadette Kelize
Father: Andrew Ken Kelize
Younger Brother: Perseus Drew Kelize
Younger Brother: Callan Heinrich Kelize
Younger Sister: Cristy Lyn Kelize
Younger Sister: Audrey Louise Kelize
Youngest Brother: Jasper John Kelize

Andrea Bernadine Kelize
<i></i>The Basics
Full Name: Andrea Bernadine Kelize
Andrea- Brave. A feminine form of the Greek Andrew, meaning manly or brave, dates back to the 17th century. Feminine form of Andre.
Bernadine-Feminine of Bernard, meaning strong as a bear, or bear hard.
Nickname: Andi
Current Age: 12 Years Old
Birth date: May 10, 2018
Birth date Meaning- A Leader
Strength- Ability to gain respect
Weakness- Caring too much what others think
Power Color- Orange-red
Power Symbol- Letter X
Power Month- October
Horoscope- Taurus
Area Of Residence: Sydney, Australia
Language: English
Heritage: Australian
Accent: Australian Accent
Blood Status: Muggle Born
School: Hogwarts New Zealand
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Sexual Preference: Female. Straight.
Wand: Rowan Wand 15 Essence of Fang of Basilisk
Rowan is considered to be the enemy of all witchery and is famous for its protective qualities. Rowan is said to avert storms and lightning and to bring peace to its owner.
Hair: Blonde Her original hair color is chestnut brown but it was dyed blonde by her mother when she came home from holidays of her freshman year in Hogwarts due to her mother's obsession with blonde girls. Her hair was also cut in a short and fresh way. She doesn't mess with her hair now. Instead, she just puts a clip whatsoever and voila! her hair is done.
Eyes: Light Brown. When you look at her eyes, your first impression is gray but if you make eye contact with her and stare into her eyes deeply, you will find out the true color behind those baby doll eyes which is Light Brown.
Height: 5'2. Some people say that she's quite small for an eleven year old. She doesn't mind, though. Instead of wearing shoes with heels, she just wears sneakers even if it doesn't add an inch or two to her small height.
Weight: Light. 117 pounds
Build: Skinny. She usually wears skin-tight clothes because loose clothes just make her skinnier than she already is.
Style: Casual. Her style of fashion is casual. A casual style for a casual personality. That's Andrea's style motto. She hates dressing up. When it comes to fashion, she just picks up the first clothing that she gets in her wardrobe and puts it on. She's not really a fond of fashion so she doesn't care if she's wearing the hot trends or the not trends. She's really casual that sometimes, she's always mistaken as a lesbian. Not just by her style, but the way she moves too.
Play By: Annasophia Robb
A Little Deeper
<FONT font="Comic Sans MS">Personality: Independent and dominant, she tends to be the alpha dog in most situations. She's very confident, and hardly anything ever shakes her. Mundane tasks tend to drain her - she prefers to be making great plans. She is quite different. When people don't "get" her, it bothers her a lot. But other than that, she's a great friend. She's loyal and will stand up for you no matter what the consequences are. She's also quiet but if you get to know her, you'll never find a way to shut her up. But watch out! She's got a fiery temper. She always gets upset whenever people don't get her and whenever people judge her. She's a bit of a troublemaker because she hates it when people tease her and that often leads into a fight which of course, leads into trouble. She always takes everything seriously. She's very hardworking and very determine. As the first born, she's always the boss, so don't be surprised if she bosses you around. She's very caring and overprotective towards the people that are close to her. She's dominant and powerful. She always needs to be in charge. While others respect her competence, she can be a bit of a dictator. Hard working and serious, she never let herself down. She is exact and accurate - and she expects others to be the same way.
History: Andrea grew up in Sydney, Australia and lived there her whole life. She had a fine childhood, despite of her poor family. She lived in a small house in the depths of the land of Sydney. Her mother works for a rich family as a maid. While some people find this rather shameful, Andrea had never found this so. She's very fine of her mother being a maid. It's not about the job; it's about the workers being passionate of what they are doing and does it respectively for the sake of their family. Meanwhile, her father works in a restaurant as a baker. Some people find this shameful too, but then again, Andrea had never found this so. Fortunately, Andrea's father got promoted to facilitator. Even though, her parents have a lot of children to feed, they work hard for their family. Andrea finds this very hard yet, her parents somehow managed to do it, so in return for all the hard work and the sweats that her parents excreted, she's now working hard to attain the good grades she had promised to give her parents. She first learnt about magic when her friend Veronica transformed her kitten into a glass. Andrea was very astonished so she asked Veronica how she'd done it. Veronica said, it was called Transfiguration. Amazed, Andrea begged and begged Veronica until she taught how to do it. Since then, Andrea was desperate to learn more and that's how she grew her love of magic. But, she hates school. When she got her letter of acceptance into Hogwarts, she was very happy, yet bored. All she wants to learn is Transfiguration. She doesn't like reading books, especially really thick ones. But then again, if she wants to make her parents proud she has to attend all of the classes. She currently studies in Hogwarts as a Gryffindor First Year student.
Interests or Hobbies: Andrea loves sports. She likes playing basketball in her spare time. She also like writing in her diary and making friends.
Additional Skills: SShe likes sports very much that she is very hard to beat in the sports she most excels.
Strengths: Ability to gain respect, her bossiness and her rare attitude.
Weaknesses: Caring too much what others think.
Describing Andrea in three words: Strong, Tough, Sporty
Favorite Place To Be: In the Student Lounge or in a Basketball Court.
Friends: [ul]
[li] Hariah Meadow</LI>
[li] Damien Blade
[li] Briar Rowan
[li] Angie Vanderbilt
[li] Jade Whittle
[li] Napoleon Hawke
[li] Edward Bridge
Plans For The Future: To have a successful job and to upgrade her family's financial status.
Patronus: Wolves. Andrea picks the wolves because she think they're super cool.
Patronus memory: When her favorite basketball player came to their hometown.
Boggart: Being kissed and seeing her family dead.
Animagus: Horse.
Mirror of Erised: To be a professional basketball player and to maybe figure out herself.
Favorite Color: Red and Yellow
Favorite Sport: Basketball
Favorite Subject: Transfiguration
Little Known Facts:
[ul][li] Andrea is a member of a famous basketball team in Sydney called Mercy Monsters which frequently joins basketball competitions that allow both boys and girls in one team and which she is Point Guard.
[li] She suffered ankle injury thrice now ever since she started playing the sport.</COLOR>
[li] Her aunt, Caroline currently resides with the Kelize family for she was divorced with her husband and got nowhere else to live.
[li] She didn't know what Music was until her friend, Damien introduced it to her.
[li] Even though playing basketball isn't allowed at school, she still keeps her passion inside her by tapping unto something whenever she gets a chance to which pretty much indicates her excellence in dribbling.
[li] Besides Basketball, she is pretty good in Chess too and was once a competitor in a town festival games.
[li] She hates fish. (Well, the food anyway)
[li] She is obsessed with pumpkin pie and pumpkin juice.
[li] She adores prefects.
[li] She's also good in boxing since she likes to break the nasal cartilages of those people who continue to criticize her in which she objects.
<LI>[li] <FONT font="Comic Sans MS"><COLOR color="#000"><COLOR color="#000">She's afraid of spiders.
Mother: Carolina Bernadette Kelize
Father: Andrew Ken Kelize
Younger Brother: Perseus Drew Kelize
Younger Brother: Callan Heinrich Kelize
Younger Sister: Cristy Lyn Kelize
Younger Sister: Audrey Louise Kelize
Youngest Brother: Jasper John Kelize