Andre Smith



Andre walked out into the lawn! He always loved the fresh air and loved being outside....He sat under a rather small tree and soon feel asleep.....An hour passed and he woke up on account of a small noise! "Wha..... What..... Who's There" Andre asked nervously, looking around for the host of the noise!
Andi had noticed the figure under the tree from a ways off. Attempting to be more outgoing, she decided to walk up and introduce herself. It wasn't until she was rather close that she realized the boy was asleep. She looked around shiftily, wondering whether or not she should wake him, but soon, he woke by himself. The boy sounded a little startled. Being a little startled herself, Andi began to stammer, "Umm.. Oh... excuse me. Sorry. Umm.. Hi. My name is Andi." The girl shifted her weight, akwardly when she realized how strange it must be to wake up with someone standing right next to you.
"oh Hi Andi , My names Andre" "Kind of close don't ya think; our names that is" Seeing this as the first opprtunity to meet a new friend Andre didn't want to come off ass shy so he tried to make conversation....After all she was charming and was the first person to come and say anything to him......" Ummm How are you?" " What house did you get sorted into"?
Alex was casually walking the lawns, awaiting going for his first day of work at Flourish and Blott’s. As he walked, he pondered in his mind and really wanted nothing more then a place to pull out his “Self-Defensive” book and practice a little. As he turned a corner, planning to go sit in the sun, two figures caught his eye. He recognized Andi, but not the other. He wondered whether he should interrupt him, but that would be shy, and that wasn’t Alex. He casually walked over and said, “Oh, hey Andi, and, who would you be? Well, I’m Alex, Gryffindor.” He stuck out his hand and awaited a response.
While talking to Andi Andre noticed someone heading there way.... As he introduced himself as Alex Andre shook his hand and said "Oh Hi, I'm Andre....Hufflepuff"....
Andi eased a little at the familiar face. "I'm a Ravenclaw." She looked at the two, and didn't quite know what else to say. "Have you done alright with all of your school shopping and stuff? After that is when the real fun starts. The castle is great place to be on a rainy day, never a dull moment!" Andi bit her lip, thinking she sounded just a little corny. "So, what's your story? Where are you from?"
Andre was excited to tell them his backround " Oh I'm a descendant of the founder of Hufflepuff and my whole family has been in Hufflepuff except my uncle and two cousins....I live with them now after running away from my home....I'm sort of disappointed that I'm in Hufflepuff but I will have to make do" "May I ask the same to both of you"?
Andi tried to give a sympathyzing smile. "Well, actually, both of my parents are muggles. I lived in America until I saved up enough money to come to Europe. That's when I got my letter, and here I am! I actually wasn't surprised to be put into Ravenclaw, though. People have called me the perfectionist, overacheiver, and all that." She began to fidget with the bottom of her shirt and hoped she wasn't talking too much about herself. "I'm still pretty new to magic, but of course, I've been reading up on all kinds of things. I think magical creatures are the most fascinating." Now she knew she was talking too much. She looked expectantly at both of them.
Andre noticed her uneasyness..... "Oh no keep going I would love to learn more about you"......And thinking he knew why she was nervous and fidgity he said "You are not talking to much at all!"
“Well,” said Alex, “if she isn’t going to talk, I will. I’m considered mixed. My family tree has a muggle here and there. I am from America. My family is kind of split so I have spent time with my mother, who works in the General Magical Hospital, time with my father in the mountains of Norway studying magical creatures, specifically dragons, and a lot of time with my uncle and cousins just seeing all sorts of stuff they do. Whoa, am I talking too much? Well, anyway, other then that I just really care about quidditch and I am fascinated by the Dark Arts. So, are either of you trying for your house quidditch teams?”
"Nice background, Sounds like your life is exciting"......"Yeah I think i'll be trying out for seeker" "What position are you going to try out for?"
"Me, I'm trying for keeper. I'm actually haggling for a firebolt at the Quidditch supplies shop."
"Either of you guys want to practice anytime soon"...."I mean I havn't bought a broom yet but I plan on getting one very soon"

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