And You Are...

Melanie Porter

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Melanie sat on a bench, her jacket protecting her from any germs, and sighed. She wasn't sure what was going on at home, Noemi was being weird again, but she didn't mind as long as she could escape. She had finished her lessons for he day and was now enjoying the main perk of home schooling. Freedom. She loved that she could just wonder off whenever when her only friend was stuck within the castle walls. There was no greater day than when Ryan broke her out of that horrific castle and adopted her as his own child.

Melanie was glad of the new baby. Shane was awesome. He was generally a quiet baby, never really cried unless something was properly wrong, he was talkative though. He would make noises and try to talk, sometimes he even managed a word but you knew it was a fluke. He was too young to be properly speaking now. He couldn't even sit up on his own yet.

Melanie watched the people around her and wondered if she was missing out on anything by being home schooled. Sure, she didn't have many friends, but that was just her style. She didn't get along with most people and preferred adults and they generally didn't want to be friends with a fourteen year old. However, most girls her age had already had a boyfriend and she barely had a male friend.

Melanie decided, right there, she would try to make at least one friend, male or female. Hopefully it would be a friend that was also home schooled so she didn't have to write to them. She got bored writing and, well, ended up forgetting. She hadn't written to Jerrod in ages. She needed someone she could see.
Damien walked around the harbour bored. He wanted to be home, practicing his guitar and singing for when he got his band together (if he eventually got some people to be in it that is) but he wasn't allowed home alone. It wasn't an age thing, they let his younger siblings home alone, it was just a Damien thing. He didn't have a good track record with being home on his own.

Damien had been kicked out of a couple of foster homes for incidents that arised after he had been left home alone. It was the adults fault really. After all, who leaves a kid like him alone in a house with things to destroy and set on fire? At least this family understood that was a stupid idea.

There was only one problem that Damien could find in the plan the smart parents had come up with. Most of the people were out of the house all day. That meant he had to be as well. Not to mention he had no friends yet. That equalled a boy wondering the Harbour and the streets everyday, looking for someone to talk to. He did wasnt riends but he was generally too much or people.

Damien closed his eyes and pointed. When he opened his eyes he found he was pointing to a girl on a bench, around his own age. He shrugged, she looked a bit posh, a bit rich, but he could give it a shot. He sauntered on over there with his hair in his eyes and a cheeky smile on his face. "Hey there, want some complany?" His voice was confidant but his eyes looked like they were pleading. Hopefully she'd say yeah.
Melanie looked up and smiled. This was the perfect opportunity to make a friend. "Sure, who're you?" She said it in a friendly manner. This was new for her, she wasn't exactly a friendly person, but it seemed to come naturally here. She considered, just for a second, that she might actually be a nice person. Then she remembered the things she liked and disliked and, seeing as how she supported the death eaters and whatnot, she figured she was, actually, a nasty person.

Damien sat down, glad she had said yes. "I'm Coop. You?" He preferred to go by his surname, Damien just sounded posh and weird. He often wondered where him and his sister was from since they had such posh names. Well, they weren't majorly posh, just slightly. Who names their children Damien and Maya anyway?


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