and the fur has hit the fan

Briar Rowan-Cullen

Strength in diversity
OOC First Name
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Sexual Orientation
Briars rowan, 15", with centaur (aspens) tail hair and my werewolf fur
49 (2/2013)
Briar was lucky that she only hadone class that day. eing sixth year had its advantages, and one of them was a lot of time where she didn't have to be in the classroom. she had gone to Defence against the dark arts. and put up with people sniggering about her, the main reason she had but up about it was that she had no energy to fight back. Jaden may have put up the posters at the time of the month that would be the hardest to hide the signs until it blew over, but she had done her a favour and posted them when she didn't have enough energy to fight back, so there was no way she would be getting in trouble. she left the classroom and headed into the crowded corridor. despite the best efforts of Minoas to hid the posters the news had spread. people were looking at her, pointing her out to their friends. she hated that people would be so mean, but she continued walking with her head held high, trying not to pay attention to those who mocked her. she knew her brother and sister were on her side. at right now that was all that mattered to her. however that wouldn't help it when a fifth year stuck his leg out ant tried to trip her up (and succeeded to the point where she had stumbled). she scowled at him and bit back a sudden flare of anger towards him. she wouldn't be the typical angry werewolf no matter how much she was provoked she was sure of that. even if it took all of her strength, and will power.
Daisie had made her way down to the first floor. She was so angry from seeing the poster about the girl Briar. It didn't matter if it was true or if it wasn't Daisie would not stand for bullying at Hogwarts. Seeing the girl in question Daisie went to catch up for her. Before she could get there she saw a fifth year trip her up. Rushing over to them Daisie pulled the boy up to his feet. "Detention every Friday and Saturday for the next two months. 50 points from your house from everyone that you miss." Daisie said her voice going higher. Looking around the crowded hallway Daisie gave them all a look. "I will not tolerate bulling here at Hogwarts. I want the person who put the posters up in my office. If anyone has information you bring it to me and you will earn points from your house." Daisie said before she walked over to Briar. "Do you need to talk?" Daisie asked her softly.
Briar heard the professors voice coming up behind her. giving the boy detentions with the punishment of loss of house points for missing any. It didn't make much difference to her the secret was out. and she just had to hope that she wouldn't be forced out of the school, or off the quidditch team, or loose her prefect status because of it. the more of a fuss that was made the happier Jaden would be. she turned and looked at the expression on an the boys face when he realised just how many detentions that was. "I'm okay professor there isn't really much to talk about. someone guessed or has worked it out, and now i am in this mess." she said there wasn't much the professor could do to quell the rumours, and she wasn't the kind of person to spill her thoughts out to people she didn't know.
Lola was so mad. She was all for friendly teasing but scissoring someone out like this was just plain honor-less! Lola bounded up to the Prefect with her hat pulled down tight on her head. "I just want to you to know Ms. Rowan if you are a werewolf that is so freaken cool and if you arn't I say we track down who did all this and give her the beat down because if you can't throw down in person then why stir up stuff." She said her mouth open much to wide as she said this. Lola was all for going whipper bird on someone's but for doing this to not only the Prefect but to Gryffendor in general. "Oh hi professor." She added with a much to wide grin on her face. She didn't really care that a Hogwarts Professor heard her talk about beating someone down. They all knew her for the loud little thing that she was anyway. Even of she didn't care much for homework.
Briar looked as a younger student she had seen in the common room a few times made her way over. "thanks for the vote of confidence Lola, but there will be no need to 'give anyone the beat down'" she said basically admitting that it was true. she was glad that she had made such a good impression on most of her classmates that they would break the rules in front of a professor to help her. she looked at professor A'Dare, hopeing that she wouldn't put lola in detention for what she had said, but she didn't want anyone to get into trouble on her behalf. if anyone was going to bring Jaden down i would be her. but she had a totally different plan in mind, one that would leave people speechless, but she was going to wait for a couple of days once the moon was over and she wasn't so drained. she was actually glad that no one was paying much attention to the skank part of the poster. a werewolf was much more newsworthy. it was easier for her too. to admit she was a werewolf was easier than than denying being a skank in a way. as people would think that she was joking anyway. where denying skank is what everyone would do especially a so called skank.
Minoas couldn't attend his classes after what had happened to his friend, especially when the first one was boring history of magic. He wanted to help Briar in the best possibe way and boost her confidence by feeling that has people around her that support her. He passed the last two hours in the boys dermitories, working on one of his ideas. He had a box of aluminium pins, supplied from the houselves as he wanted to practise on them transfiguration charms. With the aid of a book of creative transfiguration spells, he managed after hard work to change the prior saying of the aluminium pins into Werewolves Rock!. Satisfied with the final result, he took the box and headed to the corridors to spread the pins to Briar's supporters.

Surprisingly, there were a lot of gryffindors and hufflepuffs that were more tha eager to get one of his pins and support Briar. However, most ravenclaws kept a neutral stance, whereas most contentious slytherins, where playing with his nerves. "Don't make me take out my wand and turn you into a fur ball." he warned an older slytherin when he said something mean about Briar. He wasn't afraid to say that to an older student even though he was unable to use his wand as he was loaded with the box. He felt confident as he had spotted in the background professor A'Dare and that slytherin wasn't going to do anything, at least in front of the professor.

Then Minoas noticed Briar as well andhe made his way through the crowd, struggling to keep the box in his hands as more students were gathering to get supplied with an aluminium pin. "Hello everyone! Would you like a pin?" he asked and he demonstrated the true capabilities of his little craft. He pressed with his index finger on the pin, right on the phrase 'Werewolves Rock!' and instantly the letters vanished into a black background where a pale full moon raised in the middle. The dark shape of a wolves head, formed in front of the pale moon and let a convincing howl that made Minoas shadder. Then the phrase appear again, with the letters shinning now and then.
"They were quite acceptable by most of the students. I don't know though if the magic is strong enough to stay for a long period of time." he mentioned as he offered some to Briar, the professor and the third year gryffindor.
Second term was going to be quite free for Icarus as flying lessons were over. He still had his professor's duties and he had offered to prepare first years for next years tryouts. Still, he was going to wake up quite late, enjoy the most of his free time by having a refreshing sleep. What could follow after a good sleep was a nice breakfast to satisfy his unusual, large appetite or maybe a nice lunch as it was already noon. He dressed up quickly as he was listening outside in the first floor corridor, a quite unusual crowding. He opened the door of his room to see a group of first years looking at him surprised. "Umm, morning?" he managed to say, pinned by the awkward looks of his students. "I wasn't expecting that my idea of training some of you for next years tryouts would have such a resonance." he beamed as he was rubbing his hands, indicating that he was ready to get down to work.

However, the first years kept looking jaw-dropped at the now closed door of his room behind him. He turned to witness the poster that was stuck on his door. "Okay. That's enough, move on to your classes." he dismissed the little group as he was reading again the poster. He shook his head, wondering who might have done that to Rowan. At the end of the corridor, he saw one of his collegues along with Briar and some younger students. One of them was his cousin Minoas. "Good morning Daisie. Good morning students." he greeted them as he approached their group. "I'm sorry I just wake up and it seems I had lost quite a lot but what have happened?" he asked to be informed as his eyes were switching from the unusual large crowd to his interlocutors and his young cousin that was carrying a box full of odd looking pins.
Like Jaden, Clint was having a field day with this whole 'dirty eventful act'. He discovered the one poster by the dungeon and from there on his day was pretty much humorous then he had thought the first day of school to be. He would watch reactions from many students whispering frantic amongst themselves trying to figure if this rumor was true. He was just like them too, he wanted to think somewhat of it was true, but he had doubts of the whole werewolf part. It was the part of the story that kept him wanting to know more. He'd ask a few Hufflepuff to find out if it was true or not. They didn't get much in their findings later on that day. He got something better either way.

He was amongst to see Briar get trip by a fifth year Slytherin. Must be true then, he figured from the corner of where he stood. If she was acting like the world hated her, it must be true? He couldn't believe it, hilarious this girl is hilarious. If she was acting like that, then the whole skank part must be playing a role too. The nerves of those guys whoever they were, shagging that cow?! He felt sick, hilariously sick to his stomach. "Ugh I'm getting out of here" he moved away from the crowd and headed for the dungeons were one of the poster was still glazed on the wall of the dungeon. There was no chance that will be coming down, he laughed out loud entering the Slytherins common space, behind a secret wall that no other students would know about except for the snakes.
Daisie could not believe what she was hearing. She was glad that Briar had support but they where going about it the wrong way. "Lola there will be no beat downs handed out today or any other day. Do you understand me?" Daisie asked the third year seriously. It seemed that the school was going into an uproar over this. Daisie would not stand for this. As one of her favorite students came over to her Daisie felt a smile cross her face. She had promised herself that she would never play favorites but Minoas shared her loved of Astronomy and he was smart. "Hello there Minoas." Seeing the pin he was offering she took one and placed it in her pocket. "Thank you. Don't you all have class?" Daisie asked her students she tried to be a easy going teacher but she could not let allow them to skip classes.

As another Professor made his way over to him Daisie smiled. "Hello Icarus. This is what is going on." Daisie said handing another one of the posters over to her fellow Professor. "Who ever did this needs to be caught and dealt with. I will not tolerate bullies here at Hogwarts." Daisie said loud enough for everyone in earshot to hear her.
Lola looked up at Briar with wide eyes. "Virjen Maria Santisima! That is too cool! We have a werewolf as a student not only but a Prefect too. No wonder we don't get way with nothing!" She said though the last part was a joke. She saw another boy her age walk up to them, holding pins in support of werewolves. Her face split into wide smile. "I'll take one and if you have extras I'll help you pass them out." She said way too fast. This was turning into something huge and it was a long time since the school was stirred up like this. Lola was so excited she could hardly breath but then she was an excitable kind of girl.

She looked up at the other professor and pointed at the walls. "Someone decided to spread lies and secrets about our Prefect like the Gryffendor's wouldn't stick up for her or anyone that is being publicly bullied like this. It's not right!" Lola said all in one breath. She saw a Slytherin boy walk by whom she mean mugged even though he had just walked by. Once the boy was Lola went back to being perfectly happy again. Lola nodded vigerusly. "Understood Professor Ma'am!" She cried

OOCOut of Character:
Translation to the Spanish: Holiest Virgin Mary!
Minoas still loaded with the box full of pins offered some to professor A'Dare and Lola. It was then that he noticed his cousin coming around the corner, clueless of what exactly had happened. "Briar, had her own little secret and someone get jealous of her and decided to uncover it to the whole castle." he explained to his cousin, along with the rest of the group. "Would you like a pin?" he asked him in a somewhat sarcastic way.

"Yes Lola, please, you can have a handful of them." he offered as he got closer to her to let her get as many pins as she could from his box. He then turned to professor A'Dare to answer to her question about their classes. "Starting the term with history of magic is a bad beggining. Besides I couldn't stand the stupid comments from some slytherins with who I share the class." he explained, avoiding to say that he just found the opportunity to skip classes. Of course at the same time, he wanted to support his friend although she looked as she was handling the situation just fine.
He listened carefully all of them and then talked to Briar. "Rowan, I'm sorry about how everything turned out. Don't worry though, lycanthropy is easy to handle and it can be really enjoying if you like." he attempted to raise her spirits. He was talking from his personal experience as his best friend was a werewolf. He then turned to Minoas. He took one of the pins from the box he was carrying and pressed it to produce a believable wolf howl.
"You made this?" he asked his younger cousin impressed, before pinning it on his shirt. He then ruffled Minoas' hair up to tease him until he heard him saying that he skipped classes.

He wore his professional expression and took a stern look that it didn't match to him at all. "Okay, enough slacking. Off to your classes. Go!" he tried to help his collegue. "I'll go to have a look at the other corridors as well as I'm assuming that you have taken responsibility of this floor Daisy. Who knows what might be happening on the other floors?" he wondered, imagining students arguing or fighting within the crowd. "If I see you wandering around here when I come back, I'll deduct house points on your behalf." he warned his cousin, pointing a finger. He didn't really mean it but he had to scare off Minoas' aspirations of staying away from class. He then left for the second floor to take over his duties as a professor.
people were arriving from every direction, the gryffindor prefect had never noticed before how quickly the corridors filled up between classes. she smiled at Lola, her reaction was pretty good to watch, Briar just wished more people would react like that. "I am glad that you think so." she said. chuckling as she said it. however before she could say more she saw her brother approaching. holding a box of what looked like badges, stopping every now and then to give someone one. when he arrived finally reached them she saw what they said, werewolves rock. and she saw that it changed into a picture of a full moon. "Minoas, they are awesome" she said taking one and fastening it to her shirt. excitedly pressing it in the precess and causing it to start howling. which gained her a few odd looks, maybe some people thought she was about to change on the spot. maybe she should forget about lying low for a few days. and pt on one of her wolf shirts now. then another person appeared from behind a door, Icaus emerged from his office. she had forgotten the flying office was on this floor. she saw him address some of the students then realising the reason that they were there, dismiss them quickly taking down the poster. she answered his question easily. there had always been something about him that she could trust. "whats happened is that someone has put up those posters, and now everyone knows I am a werewolf" she said. she didn't care about keeping it a secret for any longer. the news was out, the longer she left it the more the rumours would grow. "see i told you i have faced 5 X creatures before, I forgot to mention that i was one once a month." she said, trying desperately to make light of the situation but not managing very well. she looked at professor A'dare, as she said something about students going to class. "I Think that it is break time. but i only had one class today" she said. there were some advantages to being a sixth year and one was a much emptier time table, and seeing as it was the first day back she didn't have much homework. when Icarus started talking again she was a little surprised that he called her Rowan, the only people who had called her that were her old family back in europe now she was Briar, or sometimes Miss Rowan. "I think i am getting the hang of the transformations. though i think that it may be somewhat different now that everyone knows." she said. after four transformations the sickness was not taking as bigger toll on her. this close to the full moon in september she would have wanted to throw up, and her head would have been pounding and she would have felt dizzy. though now she noticed a lack of energy, which se was currently steaming through, she would probably pay the price for it that afternoon or the next day, a head ache, and a slight sensitivity of discomfort in her stomach, but not much more than that. she watched as Icarus threatened Mioas with loosing house points if he was still in the corridor when he got back then head off to a different floor. she looked at the two students and at professor A'Dare, thank you for supporting me. but i don't want you to get into trouble, either for fighting, or missing classes on my back."[/b] she said looking to lola when she said fighting, and minoas when she said skipping class. she then looked At the professor. "I am sorry for causing you and the rest of the professors so much extra work." she said. sure rumours went around the school often, but none were as big as this one, just people whispering about someone breaking up with someone because they actually like someone else, and the likes.

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