And the curtains fell

Cecily Rambolt

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
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Pure Blood
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Tulip Wood Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
Njord's pale cheeks and blonde hair haunted Cecily long after she had put him safely onto one of the awaiting cots. She stood back to let the medical staff do their job and to give his anguished mother space.
Freya followed Cecily like a moth instinctual following a flame. Her son lay unmoving ahead of her and with him she had to go. When he was finally laid out on a cot she slipped by everyone and knelt down beside him. She stroked his blond hair from his forehead and whispered incomprehensibly into his ear. There were people around her talking and moving, she knew this. But it all really didn't matter any more. Nothing really mattered to her. Not any more.
Pearl was in her office thinking things over when she heard someone come in. She walked into the room and saw the co-headmistress and professor Heimdall with a boy that looked to be about 14. She rushed over and looked at the boy, he was dead. "Oh my" she gasped. She knelt down beside professor Heimdall, she was running her fingers through his hair, was this her son? "what happened here?" she asked Cecily.

( sorry lame post -_- )
Cecily quickly explained about the play, the rockets and how it led to the boy's death. "We brought him here as soon as we could," she said softly, one hand cupped the opposite elbow, her other hand was rubbing the back of her neck absently. "Professor King is leading the prefects and staff to diffuse the...situation."
Pearl listened to the story and got angryer by the second. "I knew something like this would happen! I just didnt think this would be the consiquence" she said in a mournful tone looking down at the boy. Professor Heimdall seemed calm enough so there was no need for a calming draught, yet. But soon enough she would snap out of the state she was in now.
Cecily gestured for Pearl to follow her and pulled the curtain closed around Njord and Freya. They needed this time together and Cecily needed to decide how to proceed from here. "Let's give them their privacy. Let no one in. I'm returning to the hall for now. Send for me if I'm needed." She cast one last look at the curtains and nodded to Pearl before heading out.
Pearl nodded and watched as Cecily left. Then she thought of something. Didn't Arisa say she was going to that play!? What if she got hurt! Pearl pased around the hospital wing for a few minuites before deciding if her daughter was hurt she would have been here by now. She glanced at the curtin before taking a seat near by waiting for any news from the great hall.
(This Topic is now essentially closed. Thank you)

Cecily returned to the hospital wing and smiled wearily at Pearl. "It may be a long night. I'll be staying up. If you'd like to do anything, get yourself some tea? I'll stay here and watch over Freya and her son." She took a seat and settled herself in for the night.
Pearl gave Cecily a half hearted smile. She went to her office and made some tea for her and Cecily just encase she wanted some. When she came out she offered her the tea before taking a seat "the poor woman, i cant imagine what shes going through" she said quietly.
Behind the curtain Freya sat on a stool beside her son, holding his hand and whispering a soft lullaby while mind wandered to memories of his laughing eyes and bright smile. So much like his father, too much like his father.

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