And the boys ?

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Izaak Finch

Well-Known Member
Ello. ^_^

Well, I've got Selwin here who can befriend Izaak. As the old saying goes, 'Don't judge a book by it's cover'. I can describe Selwin the same way as that of the previous statement. Selwin maybe a death eater, but he certainly isn't one all the time. When it comes to family, friend's and what not, Selwin will show completely different attitude about it. As if he isn't evil or anything at all. Standing up for his family and friend's is what Selwin lives for. Growing up with no family, he highly values his friend's and considers many of his friend's his family. His only family is his friend's and those he cares about. I've been reading a lot of Izaak's RP's and I know what he's been through with losing his fiancee. Selwin has just gone through the same with his fiancee leaving him, so I think the two have a lot in common. Selwin maybe a bit bitter at first seeing as he doesn't open up very easily, but once he get's comfortable around a person, he will act like he's known someone for years. I think Selwin and Izaak can be really good friend's and maybe best friend's depending on how RP's go? And don't worry about my posting replies, I'll give you LOTS to work with, just as long as I'm given fair amount to work with as well. ^_^

Let me know what you think. You can read Selwin's Bio as well for more information.
selwin & izaak
hi hamza! so these two sound interesting already cause izaak's father
was a death eater which has been fuelling his hatred for all of the rest
of them too. iz left home when he was thirteen, you see and then more
recently was almost killed by his dad. psychopath, right? XD so i guess
you can say that he’s a little against the practice. however, that’s not to
say that these two can’t be friends. i suppose if selwin eventually told
him that he was a death eater, he’d chuck an absolute spazz, like get
really furious and everything but i’m thinking he’d calm down when he
realises that his father was an extreme case. which would make for a
quite an interesting rp, don’t you think? anyway d love to rp with you! i
haven’t at all yet so that will be good. i'll just wait to see if anyone else
wants to post in so maybe we can get a group going if it all works out
I don't see Selwin telling Izaak that he's a death eater any time in the beginning of their friendship. Selwin hasn't told anyone with the exception of two people in his life. So, even if he did tell Izaak, he would be the third person to know. Selwin would first have to get very comfortable around Izaak to tell him anything very personal, but I see the two being really good friend's and reaching to a point where Selwin would start revealing some of his inner secrets. Not to mention we could do a few 'dangerous' cases where Selwin would sort of reveal some of his inner darkness when himself or Izaak would be in danger and that might make Izaak a bit skeptical and then Izaak can ask Selwin for the whole truth? Then Selwin would have a choice to choose between telling the truth or destroying his friendship with Izaak, which of course Selwin would reveal everything to Izaak.

But yeah, everything sounds good to me! ^_^ Can't wait to start RPing. It would be a great idea for there to be a three group of sort that you have planned. Maybe you can make something out of the three as well, maybe something big. :woot:
Hey. :)

I have James Lock who is a 19 Year-Old typical lad. He's married, who once cheated, (en mass.) but is completely over that now. He regrets it and if the conversation came up, I think James would agree with what Izaak would have to say. James could also do with some guy friends. He is loyal to his best-mates and loves a good laugh. He's a bit different to Izaak but I think they could get along just fine. James hasn't had many paragraphy rp's, but I recon I could write a decent amount for you, meaning 2/3 Paragraphs, as I know James pretty well now. :)
selwin & izaak
i love your ideas, they sound really good. sounds like a plan. and izaak
will most definitely side with him in the end. so it’s all good and great :)
should we start up a topic now maybe? just for selwin and izaak? i’m a
little busy at the moment, so if you wanted to start that would be great.
james & izaak
james sounds good too but a bit different like how? XD anyway, i’m sure
they will work something out. izaak can never have enough guy friends

any other takers? :)
Sure, I can start the topic. Where would you like me to start it?
Alright, sound's good. :) I'll post here or PM you the link.
I suppose James has a bit of growing up to do. I mean he's married with 2 kids, so you'd think he'd be quite mature. But he never really grasped controlling himself let alone a wife and 2 kids. So I guess that's how he's different, Izaak seems to have been through an awful lot, and seems to have a hold of himself more James does. But I dunno, I recon they could make good mates, just because James could get along with pretty much anyone. But also maybe Izaak could be a bit of a mentor to James? What do you think? :)
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