🌹 Rose Giving and now i'm lost

Hinata Edogawa

gymnast • finding my footing • bashful
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody
Curly 12 Inch Swishy Pine Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
The ease of delivery had lasted... well, not very long. While Roxas-nii had quite the detailed map of the castle that Hina was still clutching in her hand, the dungeons were still very confusing. It didn't help at all that there seemed to be varying accounts of where Osiris Vale might be. Last time she had been lost, she had been lucky to encounter Terror. Now, hopefully one of the Slytherins would find her and help her back out once she finished her delivery. "Anoooo... Osiris-san! Osiris Vale-san!" she technically didn't need to add the honorific, but it felt weird to yell a stranger's name without one. She really hoped he finds this recipient soon, it was too dark in the dungeons to even understand her map.
Osiris Vale lurked the dungeons. That was all that he could do since he left and came back. He needed to remember where he needed to go, and what he could do around here without being caught. He even had a jar full of bluebell flames to help light up the darkness. He heard his name, with an honorific, which made him stop wandering and turn around. He didn't know this girl. He didn't know most, so he just approached. "Ozzy. What's up?"
Hinata was glad when someone finally spoke up but she was also not expecting anyone to actually speak up, so she thought she really shouldn't be held responsible when she jumped, yelped, and had her wand out in one hand, nearly pointing it at the younger student. Nearly because it was dark and she hadn't managed to aim properly - Mikael's going to kill her, followed by Horror. Problem for another day. She tucked wand back in before grabbing a pink rose from her basket along with a note. At least the boy wouldn't be able to see her blushing from utter mortification in this dark dungeon.

I'm only sending a pink rose because we aren't friends and I don't love you. Your face annoys me and I actually want to punch it. M
Ozzy cocked his head to the side when he managed to really scare her or something. Even armed herself. He took the rose from her and looked over the note. "Awwh, she's so romantic. Thanks." Ozzy smiled at the prefect, and then asked, "Heading out of the dungeon? I guess I can help."

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