And Now All The Children Come Out To Play...

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Teddy Cameron

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Holly Wand 11" Essence of Phoenix Feather

So, I have sorted through my characters and realised my main ones need to be more active. That's where you guys come in. Please make my day and reply!!

Teddy Cameron

Teddy is in a sensitive place right now. He is generally a good lad and, deep down, he still is. However, due to the current happenings in his life, Teddy has lost the line between right and wrong. He is easily tempered and can get violent.

He needs a few people to get him balanced. Some one who can keep him grounded and calm him down. Maybe some guy friends, some girlfriends and maybe a girl for him to date, though it wouldn't be a final as he already has one.

Sydney Caine

Sydney is bad going good. She is sarcastic, snippy and can be b!*chy but she is slowly getting nicer and nicer. She was a Slytherin but is now a Durmstrang student. She has had a major family falling out and is very sympathetic to people having family troubles.

She needs a few girly friends, maybe some people who don't like her because of the way she used to be, a few guy friends, and maybe a few boyfriends. My plan for her, romantic wise, is for her to be going through boys every month or so, not really settling down.

Noemi Costello

Noemi is very pregnant (8 months along) and is in a very emotionally unbalanced state. Her magic isn't very controlled and she is prone to explosions of wand less magic. She is usually a nice girl but can get nasty if people try and invade the way she likes things.

She needs some friends, maybe some women who have been through it before, and (for after she has had the baby) I need a guy that will be in a serious relationship with her. I will give specifics to the guy later.

Adonia Vincent

Adonia is a sweet girl. She is going to be (hopefully if approved) an animagus and is amazingly skilled at Transfiguration. She is pretty shy but likes making friends. Adonia gets slightly nervous around boys or people older/taller than her.

She needs a few female friends, maybe some male friends or some people with a crush on her. She has a boyfriend already so she doesn't need that.

Please reply :)
<COLOR color="#000"><FONT font="Monaco">
Hey Summer. ^_^

Aiden & Noemi;

I have Aiden Voss who is a freelance musician, and overall a great individual. He's caring, nice, and knows how to treat a lady right. Him adjusting to Noemi being pregnant won't be trouble for him at all as he's had some of the same issues with in his own families and understands what a girl goes through during pregnancy. He can be the 'serious' guy in a relationship with Noemi if you like. I've already had experience RPing with Noemi, so it will be easier for me (OOC) to get Aiden settled in with Noemi. xD

Drake & Teddy;

I have Drake Parker, who is a 6th Year Durmstrang student. He's a great individual, a bit of a flirt, and overall, a great caring individual. He will be able to help Teddy with his anger issues as his older brother (who is passed away now) died because of anger issues, so he has already been through anger issues with in his own family and can sympathize and get along with Teddy really well and will be able to understand Teddy well.

Let me know. ^_^


Aiden sounds pretty good. I will PM you with the details of the serious relationship. Make sure we can get it all sorted.


I think he sounds perfect. He is pretty much what Teddy was like before his dad died and everything went wrong so hopefully he'll remind him that he liked how he used to be. We can also discuss them in the PM.

Sounds good to me. ^_^
Morgan and Naomi
Morgan likes helping people and she has gone through a similar thing as naomi seems to be going through. she had a sort of postnatal depression when elvera her daughter was born, and she spent the next ten or so years in that state, but she is fine now. she can help try and straighten her out and she can probably try and do something about the wandles magic.
Enzo & Sydney;
Sounds good to me. It wouldn't last long, how short is up to you.

Morgan & Noemi;
She sounds good. We can either start a short one now if you want them to meet before she gives birth or they can meet after?
I think a rp now (before the baby) would be good. would she be the the kind of person who would o to the inner eye. as that would make the plot easy. she goes to the shop, they start talking, voila. plot done. otherwise meet and greet topics are hard and boring.
Okay, I will start it now :)

Okay, it doesn't look like the topic of her going into labour will be going anywhere fast so we have time. I'll start one in the shop just after I've done the one for Sydney and Ezno.
Enzo :
I have Jessi and Alfie for Teddy and possibly Sydney now that I have brought them back :D

It would be funny for Alfie and Sydney to meet up again... ;)

Teddy gets his cousins back too!!!! ^_^

I think Alfie and Sydney should meet again. Possbily flirt later but after her time with Enzo. They should definitely get with Teddy. Maybe they could all meet in the park, Say Alfie and Jessi take their siblings there and run into him? They have all changed since they last met.
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