And How Does That Make You Feel?

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Josephine Kane

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Hi hi hi hi ~

This here is Josephine, the school counsellor. I've had her for a while, but have never gotten the chance to properly use her. At least, not doing her actual job. So I thought I might as well post this to at least let people know that she exists. xD If you want your character to have a counseling session or to just talk to an adult about whatever or for like an actual part of a plot, then Dr Josie can help. Lmao, that sounds so weird. Anyway, yeah, she's really smart and helpful. Obviously she doesn't get it right all the time, but she's really dedicated to her job and wants to help people more than anything. Aaannd yeah, I want to use her more. So come at me with your ideas/requests/idek, mkay.​
Hey Helena,

I might have something for you. My seventh year character Aimee Darkhart is going to be losing her father in an upcoming plot very soon and as he is really her only family she is going to be pretty torn up about it and will need someone other than friends and such to talk to. So she would probably go to Josephine for someone friendly chats and stuff as she is grieving. So um yeah. That's what I have.

Well aside from the fact that we absolutely must RP Edgar.Kalani and Josephine and Josephine & Clyde I think that Nora could be a patient of Josephine's because she has pretty big underlying issues since she left Durmstrang which was a while back. She's scared of a lot of things and isn't herself anymore and maybe her parents only just started realizing that this sin't a great thing and think that she should see Josephine. I imagine that Nora wouldn't be pleased to have to see a psychiatrist... Even more so if she calls Nora by her real name (Pippa) which I imagine Josie would and yah. Thoughts? Rawr.
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