An Unlikely Place To Meet

Kate Archer

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Knotted 16 1/2 Inch Sturdy Cherry Wand with Billywig Stinger Core
Kate made her way quietly out of her dorm.She walked quietly across the common room.The fire had almost died out and she was glad of the cardigan she had on.She opened the door and closed it gently and made her way through the castle her eyes searching for teachers and ghosts.Soon she had made her way out to the edge of the forbidden forest.She had long ago made the light come from her hand.It was putting a eerie glow on the outskirts of the forest.She wasn't really afraid of the forest,she knew there were some nastly territorial creatures in there but they had never bothered her before during the night of day.She hoped tonight would be the same.She liked coming out to the forest at night.It was calm and peaceful just what her sore head needed.It wasn't the cold out even though it was late autumn.She began to make her way to the clearing that wasn't too far from where she was standing.She liked the trees there because she could sit on them and just close off the rest of the world.Even though her new nick name was branch she wasn't taking it literally and she liked trees.When she arrived at the clearing she walked over to her favorite tree and climbed on it.She lay down on one of the wider branches and closed her eyes.
Stefan was out training n the forbidden forest. he didn't normally train at this time at night but tonight he couldn't sleep so he decided he would train instead. he had recently been badly beaten up out side of school. he was training so he could either run or fight. He saw a low hanging branch and jumped up and grabbed it.
he tarted jumping from tree to tree. when he saw some one he regonised. "Kate is that you?" he asked toward the person.
Kate was resting and trying to calm her heart which was always faster then everybody else.She wasn't sure how that would affect her in years to come right now it just made her body panic hence the panic attacks but she wasn't sure if this would shorten her life span because her heart was working extra hard.It was something she tried not to think about,but sometimes the thought slipped into her mind.Her eyes opened when she heard a familiar voice.She sat up and saw Stefan.He didn't look to good.Kate was deciding not to say anything for a little while anyway "Yup,It's me"She said smiling.

OOCOut of Character:
Is Stefan and Micheal still living in the house or am I totally not up to date?
Stefan jumped the reaming distance between them and pulled her into a hug. "Oh My God I haven't seen you in ages." he said when he released her. he hadn't been around since the beating as he was ashamed of the marks they left on him. it also didn't help that he had moved back to new Zealand with Michael much to his discomfort.
"So how have you been?" he asked her
Kate smiled and hugged him back."I know"She said,looking at him properly.There really was something bad going on,she wasn't sure whether she should bring it up.She didn't know if he knew about her being sick wither.Both of them had their secrets and she wasn't sure who was going to tell each other what went wrong first.She didn't know if he had seen the magazine.Kate sighed "I have been better"She said truthfully "What about you?"She asked

OOCOut of Character:
Thank you
"you mean apart from the obvious injuries." he said knowing she wouldn't want to bring them up. he had heard alot of people bad mouthing her and received more beatings for defending her. "Kate i need to know why is everyone talking about some magazine that had you in it?" he asked her
Kate bit her lip.He had known she wouldn't want to bring it up.She hadn't really known there had been bullies in the school until she had met the little first year called Nephy who had been so scared an now there was Stefan too.Kate leaned against the tree,so obviously there was a lot of people bad mouthing her.That wasn't surprising really she had just hoped that either people would of known her better or wouldn't of been so simple minded to actually believe what had been said on the magazine "I don't know who wrote it,but it's some sort of gossip magazine"She said sighing.She had never liked gossip magazines.Somethings are to be kept in the dark.Easily know the writes of gossip magazine don;t have any secrets themselves or they wouldn't be so mean to do it to anyone else. "In this magazine I am being accused of lying about my illness,being anorexic,hanging off someones arm and perfect drama queen for drama king"She said "Not the most flattering things to be said about me"She said sarcastically.Sara had been mentioned but only briefly.She hoped she wasn't being affected.Jake,Nephy,Cosette and Dymetris had also been mentioned,but she didn't know much about their stories.

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