Open An Unbeatable Rose

Solomon Tofilau

'Sully' | Life of the Party | Experimental Charms
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Bi (Chloë)
12/2036 (24)
Open after @Zoe Tsuji

Sully hadn't come up to the other towers much outside of class and was currently pressed close against one of its high windows, watching his breath fog up the glass. This place was high. Remembering he had a job to do, Sully peeled himself away from the window, once again finding a good spot near a stairwell for this voice to carry. Either Zoe Tsuji might be up here already, or she was on her way up and she could come up to him. Or if he really had to he'd go down, but at least that'd be downhill. Downstairs. It was easier. "ZOE TSUJI. SOMEONE'S GOT A CRUSH ON YOU." He hollered into the stairwell, giving the pink rose a quick wave as some of the nearby students looked up at where he was peering over the railing.
The rose deliveries were today, and Zoe was more nervous than usual. Both of the roses she had sent out were... risky, to say the least. Especially the one telling Stella she missed her. Zoe almost hadn't had the courage to send it, but she had decided to just go through with it and see how things worked out. Zoe was afraid of hanging around in her dorm though, wanting to put off whatever reaction her ex girlfriend may have to the rose. She was just leaving the common room when she heard, to her horror, someone yelling about her at the top of their lungs. Zoe's entire body tensed up at once and she ran over to the boy at full speed, panicking about who might have heard him. "Shut up!" Zoe yell-whispered as she ran over to the boy. "Don't just yell stuff like that!"
Sully couldn't help a little laugh when a girl finally ran up to him to shut him up, glad that his method was working pretty efficiently. She did seem a little more flustered than he'd expected, which hadn't been his intention, but at least he'd hopefully found his next delivery pretty quick. "Sorry, but it's true," He said, raising the pink rose as evidence. "Does this mean you're Zoe Tsuji?"
Zoe gritted her teeth, fighting against the urge to just grab this boy and shake him. How could he be stupid enough to holler about something so sensitive?! "Yes!" Zoe hissed, still half-whispering to try and keep him quiet. "Just give me the stupid rose and shut up!" Zoe wasn't even thinking about what the note might say, far more concerned with making sure nobody overheard this hollering, especially not anybody she was trying to make amends with.
"Alright, alright, keep your hair on," Sully said, unhurried by Zoe's apparent urgency and he passed over the pink rose and the note it came with. "Most people would probably be happy to know someone likes them." He said, a touch defensively. Her reaction reminded him a lot of when he hit a nerve with his big sister, so maybe girls got all embarrassed about that kind of thing or something. Maybe it'd be best to just leave this Zoe girl to it with her rose in case the note made her even more grumpy somehow.

I don’t know how to put this into words, I hope this rose says enough.

Zoe took the rose from the boy quickly, a flush rushing to her cheeks as she saw that it was really pink. "Nobody wants someone yelling that where anyone could hear it!" She snapped, still frowning as she looked at the card that had come with the rose. She had been too angry until now to even really consider who this might be from. Theodore, hopefully, but what if it was from Stella? What if Stella was still holding onto feelings for her, and their chances of being friends were nil? Biting down her nerves, Zoe opened the card, a rush of relief flooding her as she looked first to the name. It was from Teddy. Only once she had processed that did the message really sink in. Ted had sent her a pink rose. Zoe sighed softly, looking over the message. She wanted to go find him, but needed to think more.
Sully rolled his eyes when Zoe continued to grump at him. She was clearly missing the whole point of this holiday somehow, even when she was getting a rose. And a pink one too. He watched curiously though when she seemed to calm down a bit after reading whatever the note on her rose said. "Good news, then, aye?" He asked, sidling a little closer to see if he could peek at the note.
Zoe was still smiling at her note when she felt someone moving closer to her. She looked over and realised in horror that the boy who had delivered her rose was trying to sneak a peek now. "HEY!" She yelped, yanking the note away from him quickly. "That's private! You can't look!" She yelled, taking a few steps away from him. "You're so rude!"
"Jeez, alright, alright sorry," Sully said, backing away from the girl with his hands raised, though he was doing his best to laugh at Zoe's reaction. He'd missed riling up his sister a bit and this was probably the next best thing. "Glad you're happy with it though!" He threw over his shoulder as he started gathering up his remaining roses. Experience had taught him he should probably bail out sooner rather than later before he pushed the wrong button.

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