An Important Meeting

Kate Archer

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Knotted 16 1/2 Inch Sturdy Cherry Wand with Billywig Stinger Core
Kate was nervous.She had managed to convince her brother to meet Isobel.It had taken a lot of time to do so but she had eventually magnaged.It had been an easier story with Isobel because she wanted them to become friends.But in fairness to Ryan he had a lot of reasons and Isobel didn't exactly deserve to get forgiven but she had seen a different side to Isobel that she would keep to herself because Isobel said she had a reputation to uphold.
She had asked Ryan to meet her by the Lakefront at two o clock.She had told Isobel the same but she hadn't told her that Kate would be there.So it would be a bit of a surprise but she was unsure whether Ryan would keep cool or not.She walked down to the Lakefront and waited for the two to come.

OOCOut of Character:
Sorry its so short
Isobel walked down to the lakefront, confused. She had received a message to go down to the lakefront. She wasn't sure who had sent it, but she went down nonetheless with her wand out. Strolling down, she thought back to the DE meeting that she had recently been to. She had impressed the leader by putting a pathetic Hufflepuff into their place in the hall. She had then received a message and told her to go to the meeting. She found it interesting and was pleased to find that it was full of people who thought the same way as she did. Slowly, although she didn't realise it, Isobel was beginning to turn more and more evil as the days went by.

Seeing Kate down by the lakefront, she hesitated. Knowing it wouldn't be good for her to be seen with a Hufflepuff, she stopped in her tracks. Wondering whether to continue or not, she decided that it couldn't harm her if no one saw her. And anyway, even if they did, she would give a random excuse and probably pull it off quite well. Smirking at the new position in which she found herself, she walked over to where Kate was, her arms folded in front of her chest. "And what did you want?" She asked, her tone cold and impatient. In her opinion, she had better things to be doing rather than hanging around with Hufflepuff's. Sighing at the fate in which she found herself, she smirked and turned to hear the answer that she knew was coming.
Ryan had mixed feelings at the moment.He wasn't sure whether he should do this.After all this could be just some big trap.But he was doing this for his sister.Who thankfully was getting better and better by the day.Ryan had spent about 10 minutes walking towards the door and then changing his mind and walking back but he took a breath and walked outside the door towards the Lakefront.When he reached there he could see Kate and Isobel already there.Saying a silent prayer Ryan walked towards them "Hey"He said to his sister ignoring Isobel.He wasn't going to be anyone polite until he knew what exactly was happening

OOCOut of Character:
Sorry its so bad! :(
Kate turned around as she heard someone behind her.For some reason Isobel stopped and then continued on strange kate thought wondering why on earth she did that but didn't think anything of it.When she came up close and spoke she rolled her eyes as Isobel she sometimes wondered why she even bothered.But being a Hufflepuff she did bother and she knew this would lead to trouble some day. "I think you know already"She said sarcasticly.She wasn't in the mood for Isobel's attitude.She was about to say soomething else when her brother came up.She rolled her eyes at him too as he ignored Isobel . "Hey"she said in an exasperated tone.This was going to take a long time but she was determined to make these two people friends.
Isobel raised her eyebrows at Kate's tone. Honestly, if she knew who she was, no-one would talk to her like that. Especially no one from Hufflepuff. Isobel sneered quietly at Kate and sighed as Ryan approached. She would have to be nice to him, after all, he was a fellow Slytherin. Realising now what it all must be about, she put on her warmest face and smiled at Ryan. "Hey." She said, her blank tone disguised well with one of interest and warmth. She noticed him ignoring her and she sighed inwardly. If she was going to be nice to him, it would need to be a 2 way thing. Otherwise, she would give up this act and resort back to her normal evil self. A LOT had changed since she last met Kate.

(OOC: I always wanted a character to sneer :abby: YAY! :p )
Ryan was confused at Kate's attitude she was usually nice to everyone but lately she had just been in bad moods all the time.Deciding this wasn't the best time to dwell on these thoughts he came back to the real world. "Hey"he said back looking up at her.There was something about her that made him uneasy but he promised Kate he would try this. "So what did you want to talk about"he asked awkwardly.He wasn't sure what to say really.He hoped though what he had said would start off a conversation
Kate noticed that there was something different about Isobel. She wasn't sure what but she would keep an eye on her.Kate watched the other two.At least they were talking to each other that was a start but a lot could change in a few minutes.She noticed the awkwardness between them.She wasn't in a very patient or nice mood today.She could feel her patience running out which was unusual because she usually was pretty patient.She wondered if she should even be there.She contemplated moving but she decided to stay a little while and if things went well she would leave.
Isobel sighed again out loud as no conversation came up. She raised her eyebrows in acknowledgement of the greeting and turned back to Kate. "Well..." She asked, repeating Kate's questions. This was going to be a long day if no one would talk. "Forget it." She started, turning around to leave. Isobel had much better things to do instead of hanging around all day with a Hufflepuff waiting for her to talk. Hopefully, if she was called again, Kate would have something to say to her rather than just standing there. Sighing, she started to walk away slowly, thinking that if it was anything important, Kate would come and get her.

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