Open An Evening With Friends

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Senna Overby

💫 unofficial quidditch club 💫
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Curly 14 Inch Sturdy Maple Wand with Fairy Wing Core
07/2045 (16)
Open after Jess posts with Kyon

Not receiving any roses had perhaps hurt Senna a little more than she would have expected. She knew her friends liked her, liked being around her. And yet it stung. Just a bit. Nevertheless, she had tried to ignore the feeling in her gut and had gotten ready for a fun time tonight. Having decided to meet up with Kyon had already made things easier because she'd have a friend with her immediately, rather than having to spend her first few minutes in the hall looking for anyone to interact with. "What should w- Ooo punch fountains!" She started a question as they walked into the hall, cutting herself off when she noticed the punch fountains. "Let's go!"
Kyon wasn't really the type to dress up for these types of things, but his mother had gotten hold of him and made him promise to dress up. He felt like an idiot for not sending Senna a rose, and he was determined to make it up to her. "I think you answered your question before you could even ask it," He teased her, following along easily. He was determined to give her a great night to make up for his slip up earlier.
Senna grinned at Kyon's response, grabbing his wrist so she could drag him along to the snacks table. Even if he had already been following her she didn't think he had been going fast enough. "Look how cool they are though!" She laughed when they reached the punch fountaints, glancing around at the snacks spread out on the table. "How many of those do you think we could fit into my bag?" Sen asked, mind wandering from one thing to another as she look at all the snacks.
Kyon laughed, letting Senna pull him along. "We could test it," He offered, totally down to try and fill her bag with food. "It would be like a fun game of Tetris." He gave her a bright grin.
Senna snorted when Kyon mentioned stuffing snacks into her bag would be like a game of Tetris. Although he kind of had a point. "Right." She nodded, taking all of the snacks in again. "Let's just stick to anything that isn't going to get sticky or smudge the inside." She laughed, noticing the punch fountain once more from the corner of her eye. "I also we'd need fuel for a game-brain like this." She added while trying to decide which punch she wanted to try.
Kyon chuckled. "Why don't you try one, I'll grab another, and we'll share?" He offered. "And we can divide up the snacks, eat the ones here that we can't stash in your purse for the after party common room sleepover?" He gave her an easy smile.
Senna nodded at Kyon's idea, almost curious if he had been able to read her mind while she had been looking at the punch fountains. Although she figured her looking from one to the other and then back again might've made her difficulty in making a decision quite obvious. "Sounds like a plan!" She grinned when he continued about the snacks, grabbing a cupcake and stuffing as much of it into her mouth as she could. "Would be a shame not to taste as many as we can after all." She added, covering her mouth with her hand since she hadn't completely finished her bite of cupcake yet.
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