An Awkward Lunch Date

Eleona Bexley

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Cherry/Maple Wand 13 1/4 Essence of a Dragons Heartstring
Eleona smiled shyly and felt her palms become sweaty and her head get all cloudy. She looked at the way Vlad had positioned his arms, it was a tad awkward, as if they were stuck facing him. She decided to ignore this and kept walking at a steady pace.
Panics slightly, he had never gone out with anybody like this before. That was mostly the reason why....
He brushed his memories away and folded his arms carefully behind him walking steadily next to Eleona.
"So..." Eleona mumbled, "You never really told me about yourself... I mean besides your name and stuff..." She slapped herself mentally, she sounded like an idiot.
He stiffins slightly "That is correct, how rude of me." He thinks for a moment, he's really not all that interesting. "Well...I like dark things..I suppose if you could tell." He said sheepishly glancing down at his black clothes. "I family parents wish I was 'cunning' like them...But...I guess I'm not." He trailed off into thought and looked down.
Eleona noticed his sudden stiffness and placed her hand within his in a hope to loosen him, "Well, I have a father, that's about it... And he's... Well he shows he loves me in a different way then most. But I suppose you have to deal with what your given." She paused yet again, "And like your dark clothes. They're original!"
Turns pink at her touch and sighs happily. "Your logic is correct, we must play with the cards we are dealt, yes?" He chuckles lightly "Thank you m'dear."[/big]

((FF corny jokes are corny))
She let out a laugh that filled the street, "Now you're getting it!"

((LMFAOS I know))
"So where are you from anyway? I mean Vladimir isn't a very common name!" She smiled kindly.
He nodded "This is true. Bothy of my parents were born and raised in Romania. I do speak it, but I still have an English accent.." He chuckled sheepishly. "It's annoying."
"I don't know what type of accent I have! Most say it's english but how can I tell?" She mused, "I've lived everywhere under the sun! Romania was nice... The people there are very friendly."
He chuckles patting her head slightly "You sound english, but you have hints of well...everything!" He laughed slightly at his comment ((wut? lol xD)) "Yes most of us are.."[/big]
"Well if there's one thing I'm going to miss it'll be looking up at the Eiffel Tower on New Years..." She paused and chuckled, "It really is a beautiful sight."
"It is... Although my father proposed to my future step mother there..." She sighed, "She's not a very nice person to put it lightly. But last year it started snowing and everyone was cheering, then I had to go back to London the next day." Eleona rubbed her arms and was slightly shivering, "Man it's cold..."

((OOC: No really its like 20 degrees in my room))
"Eleona. Come." Demetrius hissed sternly, suprising the pair. He eyed the boy up and down, this wasn't what he wnted for his daughter. Not some black haired punk who liked to go running about with a girl he had just met. No, this wasnt it at all. He cocked his brow and looked at the girl, "Who... is this?" He paused and became angry, "Actually no, Idon't want to know who he is because he doesn't matter. Eleona, we are going home. Now."<i></i>
He stood there dumbfounded and growled at him. "Who are you?" he folded his arms across his chest and narrowed his eyes.
"I," He remarked, "am Eleona's father." He grabbed the girl's wrist and yanked her next to him, "Who in bloody hell are you?" Demetrius snarled, noticing the boy's anger.
His eyes widened slightly but regained his composure. "My name is Vladimir Crau." His eyes darted over to Eleona protectively and just stopped himself from delicatly taking her back.
"Hn." He looked at him, "I've met your parents I do believe..." Demetrius looked him up and down again, "Who knew they would produce such a dissapointment. You are a pureblood aren't you?"
"Father!" Eleona looked up in surprise, "Don't say such a thing!" She became somewhat angry, "Think before you speak!"
He gritted his teeth and burrowed his forearms(wrists?) into the sleaves of his black sweatshirt.
"Aye. I am a pureblood." He glanced down "You have most likely met them.." His bangs fell over his violet eyes and he bit his lip.
His cold eyes focused on the boy, "Well, to put it simply... You and my daughter are not to associate. You are nothing but a dissapointment. I mean after all, I doubt you'll follow in your father's footsteps and go into Slytherin. After all he seemed to be less reserved then you are." He smirked, "Maybe you should just go be in Hufflepuff."
Eleona bit her lip and looked downward, trying to force the tears back. Why bother arguing back? It wouldn't get anywhere, if anything she would just get hit again when they got back home.
Anger boiled through him and he lashed out a cry "Anything my father does is none of your business!" He growled looking him dead in the eyes, "If I acted like my father.." he trailed off "I would suffer as much as I am now."
He clenched his fists and snarled.

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