An Apology: Enzo/Mintzy

Cosette Mayfair

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Mintzy ❤
Eucalyptus Wand 13 1/2 Essence of Mermaid Scale
Dearest HNZ Members,

I have no idea how to start this apology thing, so please bear with my choice of words.

Let's start by saying the reason why I'm posting this. It's because I'm Enzo, he is my alter-ego, the guy inside of me. I'm not insane, bi-polar and etc, I just have a lot of don't judge me that quick.. You know the guy who flirts a lot IC (Lawrence Andrew Cavell aka Enzo) I know some people here doesn't know him and some doesn't really care. Just saying. I have three characters under him, all of them are guys. Moving on, some people knew I was him and well the rest didn't. So, here's the part were I'll be apologizing. I'm sorry if I lied about being Enzo when I'm really Mintzy but believe me, he is still me in a lot of ways. Except his a male and I'm a female. It wasn't my intention to harm or hurt anyone, never did I thought of that idea. It was just a way for me to RP easier and think like a guy, which worked. I'm sorry to those people here who plotted with me and somehow saw me as a friend, as a guy. From the beginning this isn't what I planned, it just happened I guess. Two years more or less, I made it all worked and lied whenever somebody asked me if I was both of them, including to the site staff, until they just asked me again and I couldn't make it work anymore.

Overall there isn't any difference, Enzo, Mintzy, he's still me and I'm him. I know some members here are probably hating me right now, I understand you guys. I just hope we'll make amends in the future. I've also already PMed some of you guys here or messaged you through Skype, that I'm Enzo. Some knew, some were surprised, some didn't really care. Also for the plots I have with some of you with me being Enzo, it does not change that is..if you want to back-out, just please let us talk about it. Everyone deserves to know the truth. Here I am telling you that I'm really sorry, I hope that y'all can forgive me. I'm not perfect, I make mistakes, I hurt people, but when I say sorry, I mean it. I value each and everyone of you.</SIZE></FONT>
"It takes a strong person to say sorry, and an ever stronger person to forgive."​
- -Mintzy​
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Well I know I didn't have plots with you but let me be the first to say that hey, there's nothing wrong with that. At least you had the courage to own up, and that's a powerful thing. You had your reasons, and that's totally fine. :) Good on you, and nobody should let this discourage them from RPing with you.
It is quite all right, Mintzy.
Thank you for coming out with this, and if you ever want to chat, you know how to reach me. Though I'm better through the PM system. xD :wub:
First of all let me make it quite clear that I don't hate you, you had the courage to admit to it so that is admirable. Admitting to something like this is really hard so I send you hugs.

If you ever need to talk you know where to find me.
:wub: Melissa.
You already know my thoughts on this. We have spoken about this alot. I'm not going to repeat anything from our chats, but know I am and always will be here to talk too. And if you can't reach me on Skype, facebook me, coz I'm likely to get it, or you can pm one of my charries. But I'm here for you, because your my friend. I'd never change that :hug:
[sub]Hey there, I'm Nicolette. :D A few years ago, I had the fortune (or rather, misfortune) of knowing someone who did almost the same thing as you. Except the person never came clean; never apologized for lying and never acknowledged that they weren't always telling the truth. That said, I'm uber proud you got it off your chest and told the truth. Admitting to one's mistake is always the first step to learning from it, which is something I highly commend. All in all, kudos to you! We should plot as soon as I get some free time ^^v[/sub]
I don't hate you, and you know that. I'm sure no-one hates you for what you did, some might be hurt, or confused, but I think hate is a really strong word to use to describe feelings some might have.
That being said, I don't mind and I'm happy you decided to do this, I'm proud of you and there's no need to be worried or anything, no hate from me. :)


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