Open Among the Flowers

Connor Holland

🌼aussie🌼trying🌼sensitive🌼 vibez asst. man
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curly 10 1/2 Inch Whippy Alder Wand with Fairy Wing Core
6/2038 (25)
((Open after Patrisha))

Connor still didn't really feel at home in New Zealand, but the more time he spent here, the more he appreciated the parks. Everything felt just a little bit greener than Australia, and the thought amused him. He kept the thought to himself though, as Connor was pretty sure if he told Eric the grass was actually greener on this particular other side his brother wouldn't be especially happy about it. Best not to mention it. Connor wanted to make the most of his time in New Zealand, since he was going to be living here for school very soon, but something about that thought felt disloyal to Eric. He didn't want to hate the place he had to live, Connor wanted to have fun and make friends here, but every time he thought about how angry Eric was about their famous extended family, he felt guilty for ever even thinking he could like New Zealand.

It was easier to just enjoy himself here while Eric wasn't around. Connor missed his brother a lot, but with Eric away at Hogwarts he felt more free to just do the things he wanted. Which, right now, was looking at bugs. Connor had been trying to gather a bundle of flowers to ask uncle James what kinds they were, when a ladybird on the petal of a big yellow flower had caught his eye. There was something fascinating about watching such a small creature just going about its business, and so Connor had followed the ladybird across a few different flowers, and finally managed to coax it onto his hand. Now that was something special to show Mum and Uncle James! Thrilled with his discovery, Connor got up and began carefully hurrying across the park towards where they were sitting, excited to show off what he had found. Connor was so excited that he didn't notice the large stone up ahead until it was too late, and he went flying forward onto the grass. Involuntary tears immediately came to Connor's eyes at the pain in his skinned knees, followed by the realisation that he had scared the ladybird into flying away. Sniffling and hurrying to try and get his tears under control, Connor curled up slightly, struggling a bit to get back to sitting. How could such a good day go so bad so fast?
Haven decided it was time to get out of her gloomy state. Picking flowers and taking pictures for her mother to paint was just the perfect way. She had no siblings and only Ma to look after her now that Pop was gone. Moving from her old life to this one was a challenge. She left all her friends, including her best friend Lilith. Promising to keep in touch, now turned into only lookin at past memories on her now dying camera. "Great." Haven murmured to herself. Reaching into her bag, she grabbed the other fully charged battery and what was left of the small bag of treats she had. Ma always knew just what to pack for the outings. Haven was ecstatic to bring these pictures home. After being submerged into her photography and snacks for several moments, the sound of struggle grasped at Havens ears. Just ahead she seen a boy flying to the ground, with all of all things a bug on his hand. Haven didnt mean to laugh, but couldnt help her self. Instantly she ran over to help said boy, extending her hand with her fiery red hair following. "Are you alright?" Her tiny frame made her booming voice, with sweet southern draw, seem out of place. She quickly helped the boy to his feet.
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((Oops, ladybird is our name for the insect known as ladybug in other parts of the world. I didn't mean to imply he had a whole bird on his hand, sorry for the dialect confusion xD I have no idea why we call them birds, it's a silly name))

Connor was struggling to get his sniffles under control when he heard a voice, flinching slightly and hiding his face. He knew he shouldn't cry in front of people, it'd be much too easy for someone to pick on him without Eric here. He bit back the tears and nodded quickly, a little embarrassed when the girl helped him to stand up. He accepted the help, but quickly stepped away, brushing grass off his grazed knees. Connor was no stranger to falling over and getting grass burns, but he hadn't expected to get hurt today. And now his favourite jeans had a big rip in the knee as well, and Connor bit back a fresh wave of disappointment about that. "I'm okay..." He mumbled, not quite looking at the girl in the hopes that she wouldn't notice how close to crying he had been. "I just tripped over..."
Haven could tell this boy was extremely upset, but he managed to hide it well. She would have probably been in full blown tears by this point, mostly from embarrassment. "My Ma says I got to left feet, so I understand it happens. My names Haven Topaz Compton." Her sweet southern drawl rolling out of her lips. If you couldn't tell this red hairred girl was from the southern states of the U.S, Alabama to be exact,. you were deaf. She noticed his jean's were tore and his knee bleeding a bit. She kinda laughed to herself knowing without a doubt she had a first aid kit near by in her bag because she did the same thing last week. "Where you running from what landed on you?" Haven kneeled beside the boy searching through her big bag. She gathered a few things: alcohol pads, bandages, antibiotic ointment. "I have a few things that will help your knee". Haven could tell this boy was standoffish and a bit shy, but she held out the supplies anyways. She didnt bother to mention the lingering tear running down his cheek.
Connor sniffled again, struggling to push back his tears and control himself. He didn't know what Eric would say if he could see him, but Connor knew his big brother wouldn't be proud of him crying in public. He had to tough it out, be more manly like Eric. "I'm Connor Holland." He said quietly, embarrassed at how upset his voice still sounded. His already pink face flushed anew when the girl asked if he was running away and he shook his head quickly. Connor didn't want people thinking he was a coward, though the truth was hardly less embarrassing. "It was... I was just gonna show my mum something..." He mumbled, feeling childish talking about his mum like this. He was surprised when the girl offered to help, but didn't push her away, nodding nervously. "Thank you..." Connor mumbled, remembering his manners as he did his best to calm down.

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