Amity Renner

Amity Renner

book editor | dog lover
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curly 9 1/2" Flexible Applewood Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
Full Name:
Amity Jane Renner

Date of Birth:
July 10th 2018

Current Age:

Basic Appearance:
Amity is a small slim girl, with lightly-tanned skin. She has a slim natural build do to sports that she did during school and continues to do outwith school. She has dark brown, almost black eyes, and dark brown hair, which usually sits anywhere below her elbows. She loves her hair, though doesn't spend a lot of her time actually looking after it. Amity prefers to just let it sit naturally, and only ever brushes it. Despite this she does really like dressing up for any occasion. She thinks it nice to really put in some effort every so often. Amity has always liked her rather small appearance, and the only feature about herself that she once hasn't liked were her eyes. She didn't like the fact they were such a dark colour. But, she has really grown to love them.

Amity is a fairly laid back girl, who takes her education very seriously. She is a little bit introverted but has grown a lot over the years of her school to become much more outgoing. She has always been very friendly, but it's only in recent years that she's managed to really be able to show this to more people and because of it has managed to gain a number of new friends. She has always been very studious, and will honestly work incredibly hard to get whatever she wants. When Amity decides that she wants something she will just do it. She'll work at it until she has it. She'll stop at nothing. Amity has always been very determined. She has never backed down from a challenge that she has set herself. If she decided that she wanted to become a professional quidditch player she would do it. Despite this determination however, Amity is a little lost on what to settle on with her life. She's always been between places and has never known which direction she wishes to go in. Amity has been working to try and decide what she wants to do, but it's been tricky, and it's the only thing she hasn't really decided.

Amity was adopted as a baby, but the Renner family. Her parents are Lilli Renner and Brandt Renner. They are both Australian born wizards that attended Hogwarts Scotland. They both have a mix of Australian, European and Canadian heritage. Lilli Renner is a mixed blood witch, and she attended Hogwarts Scotland, Gryffindor. Brandt also attended Hogwarts Scotland, and was a Ravenclaw. The pair now work in the ministry of magic. Amity is very close to both of them.
She has two siblings, both of whom were also adopted, an older sister Anah Renner who is currently working as a reporter for the daily prophet in the UK, and a younger brother, Archie Renner who just started at Hogwarts New Zealand, A Gryffindor.

Amity got a pet owl for when she started going to school in the UK. She loves it dearly and is honestly thankful for it, since she was easily able to keep in contact with her parents because of it.

Area of Residence:
Sydney, Australia

Blood Status:
Unknown, since she was adopted as a young baby.

Amity is of Chinese heritage

Special Abilities:
Can cast a full patronus, which takes the form of an otter

Interests or Hobbies:
Amity loves quidditch, reading and learning.

Additional Skills:
She is very good with divination, despite never having taken the class.

Amity is very determined, once she puts her mind to something she will stop at nothing until it is achieved. She works incredibly hard, and is a very friendly person. She is confident in her own abilities and is proud of what she's achieved. She sees no shame in being proud of one self. Amity is very loving, and is incredibly open about her emotions. She's always very good at charms, divination and quidditch.

Amity loves incredibly freely, and is often met with rejection or even just people not returning it as much as she does. She can be a little shy at time. If Amity doesn't want to do something, or put all her energy into something then she want. She's very afraid of letting people down, and so will always spend a large amount of time thinking carefully before she does anything. Amity is not always very good being careful with who she trusts.

Describe your character in three words:
Determined, bright, friendly

Favourite place to be:
At home, in Sydney Australia

While she did have some difficulty making friends when she first arrived at school. Amity is now much more friendly, and a lot less shy than she'd once been. She has a good number of friends from school. All of whom she intends to stay in contact with.

Hogwarts House:

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
She had just hoped to graduate with good grades, which Amity did achieve.

Best school subjects:
Muggle Studies, she'd grown up in a wizarding household, and truly loves all things muggle. She finds them fascinating. Endlessly interesting and the class was taught by one of her favourite professors.

Worst school subjects:
Ancient Runes, Amity had thought this would be a very interesting subject and despite how naturally good at it she appeared to be, Amity didn't like the class, nor the other people taking it. It was just a big mistake to her.

Extracurricular Activities:
Amity played on the Ravenclaw quidditch team as a keeper. She joined a number of other clubs in the latter years of her education, looking to make more friends and meet other people.


Current Job:
Having just left school, Amity does not yet have a job.

Plans for your future:
She has no concrete plans for the future, she just hopes for right now to be able to find out what happened to her biological family.

Your Patronus:
An Otter

Your Patronus memory:
Her 15th birthday with her family. It was a day spent just together, and Amity would say it was a day not that different from others, but it just felt more amazing. She doesn't remember being that happy about a day like that ever. She loves her family. Amity would give anything to live out that day once again.

Your Boggart:
Either being rejected by her adoptive parents, or by her siblings. She would just not be able to handle it because of how much she loves her family, how much she relies on them. It would be that, or any member of her family dead. She loves them all, rejection or death from any of them is her greatest fear.

Your Animagus:
It would be like her patronus, an otter.

Mirror of Erised:
She would see her adoptive family, and her biological family, all around her. Everyone would be smiling, and they'd all be incredibly happy and proud of Amity. She would be proud of them, and them of her. Everything would just be completely perfect. She is very happy with her life currently, and that would just add to it. It would be the perfect situation.

A page from your diary:
Dear Diary,

I have begun the search for my parents. My biological parents. I hesitate to call them my real parents, because really they aren't that at all. My family, the one that I have right now is real, those people that gave me up are not really family. I would just want to know what happened to them, so I've started researching about it. I've not had much luck so far, it almost seems like there are no records of them. All I have is the name of the woman who looked after me when I was first born. Nothing else. That being said, I'll continue my search. I haven't told mom or dad or any either of my siblings, but I think mom and dad have an idea. I know they will support me in my decision, but I'm just not ready to talk to them about it just yet.

With Love,


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