
Professor Lyra Potter

Mother of 4 💜
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 11 1/2 Inch Flexible Vine Wand with Chimera Scale Fragment Core
The north tower was one of Lyra's most favorite places in the entire castle. She loved the stars and star-gazing, and astronomy had always been one of her favorite classes. The tower was a place she often snuck away to at night, usually with Felix. She liked to think of the tower as one of the places that belonged to them. It was where her romantic relationship with Felix had first begun during their fifth year. Things had been so different then. Because of the strong emotional attachment of this place to Felix, Lyra had no intentions of visiting the North Tower since her return to the school. She knew she wouldn't be able to go there and not think of Felix and everything to had done to make sure she broke his heart.

Lyra had tried to sleep. She had given it her best effort, but every single time she shut her eyes, Lyra saw only Felix's face. It haunted her dreams. She couldn't shake what Falon had told her yesterday when she had caught her in the courtyard. Being in the same room with her was difficult even now. The Gryffindor girl got out of bed, grabbed a blanket, and snuck out of her house. It was a short, quick journey to the north tower, and she didn't meet anyone on the way. She needed to unpack these emotions, so she could bury them. Lyra wrapped the blanket around herself to shield herself from the wind, and she sank down with her back on the wall. So what if he was going to propose? Lyra couldn't marry him. She wouldn't do that to him. She pulled her knees up to her chest and laid down her head.
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These days it was rare that James went to bed after a late night patrol because it was on those nights that Maddie slept in her own bed and he had grown accustomed to not sleeping alone. Once his patrol was over James made his way back to the common room and passed out on the sofa as he had done a number of times. James was a light sleeper, at least he'd become one in recent years, so when he heard someone coming downstairs he stirred in his sleep and opened his eyes. Though still groggy James recognised Lyra making her way out of the common room. In a moment of madness and ignoring the voice in his head that told him Maddie would kill him for being alone with his ex James followed Lyra out of the common room.

James followed Lyra to the North tower which seemed like a strange place to sneak off to in the middle of the night but perhaps it had some special meaning to her. She was clearly upset and part of him thought he should just turn around and pretend he hadn't seen her. Despite everything they had done to each other part of James still cared for her, despite the fact she had broken his friend's heart. "Lyra," James called making his way over to her. "Are you okay?"
Lyra looked up with a tear-stained face as a familiar voice spoke to her. She hadn't been expecting to be followed, and certainly not by her ex-boyfriend even though they were working on being friends. She wondered if he had talked to Felix, or Maddie for that matter. Lyra tried to smile at James, but there was no use pretending. He knew her well enough to see through it. They had dated for nearly a year and a half, and it hadn't all be bad. Just the last six months of the relationship because they were the wrong people for each other. "No, but I hopefully I will be one day." Lyra answered, truthfully. He was one of the few people in the school that she actually didn't mind being around. She motioned for him to come sit with her.

"My mom died." Lyra told James, looking at him through tears. She didn't consider the fact that he might have already known because of his position at Ollivander's or because it was in the newspaper. "She died on Christmas." Lyra said, knowing James would understand what that meant to her.

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