Amelia Saltzman

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Hello Everyone!
This is Amelia.
She is a very reluctant little first year Gryffindor.
I'm currently working on her bio, but I'll tell you as much as I can (without writing an essay :r ) right here. I'm eager to do some initial RPing with her because I honestly find her really challenging to write as because she is quite different from myself in key ways, BUT I like a good creative challenge.

So, here we go.
Amelia is the eldest of two, with a brother who is five years younger than her. She was born in Meldorf, Germany and moved to Timaru, NZ with her family when she was five, is fluent in both languages with a very slight German accent when speaking English. Amelia's parents are successful entrepreneurs, and now own a European cafe and aromatherapy store on the beach. Amelia's parents have always pushed her very hard to be the very best, and have been known to be a little controlling and manipulative. As a result, Amelia is currently what you might call a bit of a 'little miss perfect', and that's just the way she likes it. She is a very skilled gymnast and ballerina and had to give up training to attend HNZ, which she currently seriously regrets.

Amelia is very confident for her young age, to the point of coming off as arrogant at times. She is quite self centred and often doesn't consider others' needs and feelings. Deep down all this stems from insecurity that she will never be good enough, never live up to her parents' or her own expectations. But I think that will develop more and come to the surface as she gets older.
But in spite of this, I like to think that when challenged, Amelia would choose to be kind, good and brave.

Currently, Amelia is considering leaving Hogwarts and pursuing her non-magical ambitions, but I think that she will eventually fall in love with magic, she might just need help overcoming her pride to realize it.

So what I'm looking for...

Friends: I'm not quite sure what kind of good friends Amelia will end up with, it's hard to say. It might be someone similar to her- someone ambitious that she can relate to, or maybe someone different who challenges her. So I'd love to RP with anyone at all and see what happens :)

Mutual dislike: The term 'enemies' doesn't really seem applicable, because I can't really see Amelia hating anyone or showing anyone enough of herself for them to hate her, but I could see her brushing someone up the wrong way on a first meeting or vice versa. Could make for kinda fun RPs?

Mentor type figure: Maybe just someone a little older to help her realize that she's not actually that mature and has quite a bit to learn about the world.

BOYSBOYSBOYS :wub: I'm not talking immediate love interest because I think eleven is too young for a real relationship or anything, but it could be fun to set up initial relationships of any sort- friend, mutual dislike, maybe even someone older. And in later years they might have something more. Amelia has always lived in the female dominated sports of ballet and gymnastics so she's not so experienced around boys and they confuse her a bit.

If anyone has any other ideas or characters then throw them at me, I'm open to anything :)
Thanks if you read this, I really appreciate it!
First of all I love the name :r
I have rhiannon who may be a good friend to Amelia.
She is a first ear hufflepuff but don't let that put you off the only reason she isn't in ravenclaw (that I think) is that as well as being smart and academically ambitious she is a hard worker.
She was born and grew up in Scotland until she was six when she moved to Tasmania Australia as her parents got offered jobs there in the hospital. She wants to be a doctor like them though she hasn't decided on a speciality (I am thinking she would like the idea of oncology). I would say she is confident usually but being muggle born the whole learning about magic has basically knocked her off her feet so she is currently a little unsure about things.
If you want to know anything else just ask.
Hey Amelia!

So, really enjoyed reading this. And while I don't have any first years to offer to you. I have a third year Gryffindor, named Tybalt Archer who would very much love to be friends with Amelia. Well, I say friends, it would be quite difficult to begin with since, Tybalt is a little different from Amelia. He's technically the oldest child in his family, he's a kind person, thinks more of others than himself. He's always happy to help out. He's pretty insecure.
If you were interested, we could just RP them together and see where it takes us. Nothing like letting the RP itself decide the relationship of the characters! We could even leave it open for others to join.
Let me know what you think, if you are, or if you are not interested in this, that's cool!

Well, maybe I can offer two charries at the most... xD

Well, I'm thinking of Ai Edogawa here as a mentor type of figure for Amelia...

Ai is a very nice girl... In the past, after her parents' death, Ai had been a very mean girl because her aunts had seen her as one, so she tried to act tough and mean, shutting herself out from everyone except her brother and quite a few people. But after her big fight with her brother, she started and tried to be friendly most of the time. Even in her age, she had experienced a lot of troubles both in the muggle world and in Hogwarts, so yeah, maybe she could help Amelia...

And my little Puff, Hanna Mitchelle Freecss, 2nd Year...

Well, I'm not quite sure why I'm offering her but here ya go... xD

Mitch is the only daughter of a family of assassins. But, she is the only one untrained for the profession, making her unhappy about it, and even more unhappy with the fact that she's a Puff instead of a Snake... Being the only daughter, Mitch was raised to be a proper lady, although she almost never shows this side of her. Most of the time, she displays a bratty and spoiled attitude, but there are quite a few times when she would show her curious and childish nature which resulted from seldom being allowed to come out of their residence.

Well, you can take your pick or you can take both.. xD Just ask me questions if you want to know more.. ^_^

I have Ben here, another first year Gryffindor. He's ambitious, but not to the point the perfection, adventurous, and tries to be friendly towards other. I can see him being a bit turned off by her arrogance and self-centeredness (okay, that's not a word), but he would still try to befriend her overtime. So maybe the challenged friendship? He's also a boy (and all boy at that) and hasn't had much experience with befriending girls, so there's that as well.

Let me know if you're interested!
Thank you guys so much! It all sounds awesome I honestly got so excited reading your replies :woot:

Rhiannon; The fact that she's in Hufflepuff makes me like her already, I think the world needs more Hufflepuffs :) It sounds like she and Amelia might currently be in the same sort of head space when it comes to magic. Amelia is secretly terrified that she won't be able to do it, so they might bond over that? I'd love to give an RP a go! We could even combine with Ben maybe and the three of them could to know each other? Or they could just intially meet on their own, up to you! :)

Stefan; I love this idea! And Tybalt.. He is a good looking guy :r I think Amelia would probably try harder to be friends with him because he's older, and because of that he would hopefully be able to influence her with his selfless and kinder ways. But I definitely agree, seeing how they actually get along is most natural :) would you like me to start something up?

Ai; Your characters sound so interesting! How about we try Amelia and Mitch? Considering they share the proper/slightly bratty traits it could be interesting to see where they end up :) would you like me to start something or are you happy to?

Ben; This sounds great! Nothing like some house bonding :) or maybe not initial bonding but we'll see. I'd love to RP. As I said to Rhiannon above, maybe the three first years could RP together? Or if you'd prefer one on one I'm happy with that too.
amelia, rhiannon and ben.
that sounds awesome. I think that they may bond pretty well especially if amelia is unsure about magic.
I don't mind if it is just the two of them or the three. let anna/ben decide.
I don't mind where the RP is. and i don't mind starting it but if you want to please go ahead.
Could you start something up please? xD
Lamia could be mutual dislike for Amelia. She is quite condescending and sarcastic as well, so they could definitely rub each other the wrong way. Lamia is judgemental, and has no filter; she speaks before she thinks, and even after she thinks, she'd probably say it anyway.
Okies, sounds good! If you could start it, that would be amazing! Thanks
A thread with the three firsties sounds good to me! No preference where it is at, just let me know the link when it is up, or I can start something if needed.
Ben/Anna- it would be awesome if you could start something for the three of us? Thanks!

Here is a topic for Tybalt and Amelia :D

Ai- I will start something for Mitch and Amelia tomorrow! :) Need to go to bed now

Laima- That sounds like it could be interesting :) I'd love to give it a try and see what happens. Could you give me a couple of days to start something though? I start a new job tomorrow and I'm a little bogged down right now

So I have a first year Slytherin Dexter Lesley. He doesn't have a bio or CD yet, but I'm getting there!

Dexxie is a little bit... talkative. He is perfectly capable of holding a conversation by himself and he is a big smiler. Dexter is also a little overbearing at times, but when making new friends he is very sweet because he loves having friends, being a personable person. Dex just loves people in general, and has a thick skin. Insults just don't affect him. Dexter, though sometimes overbearing, likes to play second fiddle. He likes to have a say in decisions that change him, but otherwise he's happy to just run with the advice of someone else. Dexter already has an interest in divination and is hard working. He is very tenacious and does not give up easily. He does not see his part-veela status as something that holds him back, but also does not try to announce it since he knows that some people are mean about it.

So yeah, that's Dex if you're interested! ^_^
Haha! No issues on that.. ^_^
Amelia Saltzman said:

Laima- That sounds like it could be interesting :) I'd love to give it a try and see what happens. Could you give me a couple of days to start something though? I start a new job tomorrow and I'm a little bogged down right now
Whenever you are keen! I'm a pretty slow replier anyway :)
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